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Photo Quiz: Look Familiar???


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I came across this bath towel back in 2003 when I was furnishing my new place. Do the "angels" remind you of anyone?
(Please let me know if you can't view the pic. I'm still new at this!)

I can see the photo. The two angels actually look different but neither brings anyone to mind--unless you mean the orange coloring and then it is He-Who-Must-Not-Be -Named that rhymes with rump.;)
I can see the photo. The two angels actually look different but neither brings anyone to mind--unless you mean the orange coloring and then it is He-Who-Must-Not-Be -Named that rhymes with rump.;)

LMAO! (Well you're right about the color) :D

It could just be my imagination, but I think that anyone who sees what I'm seeing will never be able to look at it any other way. I'll start dropping little hints, but I want people to have fun with it for a while before I give too much away.

Of course, there's really no right or wrong answer since it's merely my interpretation, but the designers must have done it on purpose. It just seems too glaringly obvious to me.

Hint #1: It resembles two very famous people from a specific era, and especially one particular photograph of them.

Okay, 'nuff said ;)

Have Fun!!!
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Oh great, I'm probably utterly delusional the only one who sees this! :p Ha ha

Ok, here's a more detailed clue...

They remind me of two very famous performers, and they're both sporting a very specific look from a famous photo session.

Go Nutz! 8o
John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

YES!!! :D (sorry for shouting)
Don't they???

Now for extra credit... which famous pic(s) of them does it look like? (Hint: It's from a Beatles album)

I hope this thread can stay up for a while because I'm curious if other people will see it, especially after seeing the "answer" (aka my perception)!

Have Fun!!!
It is pretty subtle, I doubt I would have been able to figure it out had someone else not mentioned it.
༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ plus my beatles knowledge is pretty poor
Wow--White Rose, I'm impressed. :D Now I can see the Lennon glasses but never would have guessed. As far as I'm concerned The Beatles practically raised me--came into my life when I was all of 10 years old (via Please Please Me) and I bought every single one of their albums after that and most of the band-member's music after the breakup. Still listen to them--especially the White Album, Abbey Road and Sgt Pepper.
I don't know how I did it either, I just saw them standing there, LOL.

Yeah the Beatles were big in my life, too. I probably bought 2 or 3 copies of their stuff though all of life's rough and tumble times. I know 99% of their catalog on guitar, too. I bought a guitar to punish my mom, ya know...

But I digress. This is very nice thread. Thanks for starting it Dreamflyer!
Hey everyone! :D

I was very lucky to have the musical education that I did. I grew up in the early 1970's (yep, I'm that old!) and my parents were both very much into the music of the 1960's and 70's.

From my dad I got The Beatles, The Stones, The Doors, The Who, Led Zeppelin, etc.

From my mom I got Simon & Garfunkel, Peter Paul & Mary, Sonny & Cher, The Carpenters, etc.

(in my best "Chandler Bing" impression...) Could I be any luckier?

Now I write my own music, sing and play keyboards/guitar/bass/drums. I won't put myself in the same category as the artists I've listed above, but all of those influences have come to be incorporated into my own sound.

I will post the Beatles pic that the towel reminds me of most, once I figure out how...

Take Care!
This is the actual photo that I was thinking of, from the Sgt. Pepper album:


Even their moustaches look the same to me.

See, I'm not crazy! (well I probably am anyway, but...) ;)
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Have you seen Sgt. Pepper?

Where can I get my greedy little hands on one of those towels?!?!

Are you bluish?
Have you seen Sgt. Pepper?
Where can I get my greedy little hands on one of those towels?!?!

You mean the 1979 movie where the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton played the band? I've seen "Yellow Submarine", "Magical Mystery Tour", "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" too, plus the documentary on the making of Let it Be.

Oh, I wish I had a whole set of those :(
My ex-fiancée bought it for our new place back in 2003. She picked it up in like a discount bin or something and didn't get the Beatle thing even after I showed her the album!
Years ago I searched endlessly online and couldn't even find an image of one.
Triiippyyyy 8o

As a matter of fact, it just occurred to me that I don't think I even have it anymore. I moved twice in one year and a few things got lost in the shuffle. (plus I was going through fiancée-cheating-on-me hell and not thinking very clearly anyway)

I've had that pic for 14 years now and I could never think of a forum where people would appreciate it until Bluelight.

Peace, Love and Faith,
Dreamflyer :D
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It's sad that Magical Mystery Tour received so much bad press when it was released, I always enjoyed it.

Here's an additional quiz for ya then:

What American band formed in 1997 derived it's name from a scene in Magical Mystery Tour?
I don't know but I googled your exact question and found out some awesome shit about the Beatles. :)