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How to "develop" my 3rd eye


May 14, 2017
So I close my 3rd eye sometimes. When I get really sick of seeing crap and hearing things in public when I'm trying to act normal. I just do this visualization I saw on you tube where you see a lotus flower where your 3rd eye is and you breath in and close it up while using your intentions at the same time to close your 3rd eye. Something like that..... I also do this thing this guy told me to do , to shut myself down psychically, where I bring my hands together and swipe up and down using my intention s to disconnect myself from the spirit world or whatever you want to call it. .that helps to quiet things .
So anyway , my 3rd eye always finds it's way back open , because I always end up seeing the same crap , so I figure that means it opened right?
Anyway , like in a video game , you build on your strengths right? So I figure fine I'll see where this takes me. I can protect myself now. Plus my dog passed away and I know he's with me alot and it bothers the living piss out of me that I can't see him. I figure doing this will help?
So I read you have to change your diet to an alkaline diet and that helps to decalcify and develop your 3rd eye right? No sugur , flour , basically don't eat crap.
Has anyone had any experience with this ? What should I expect ? Should I even do it? I have been attacked by some bad things and still get messed with a little but nothing I can't handle. And to connect with my dog I will do ANYTHING. Is there anything else I can do to "develop" my 3rd eye .?
Thank you !
Avoid Fluoride, especially in water. There was debate on Bluelight as to whether Fluoride in toothpaste is an issue or not. I removed it personally. I eat an alkaline diet and my saliva and urine pH is consistently neutral to alkaline when I abide my diet. This is the best form of tooth decay prevention. That said Fluoride in toothpaste is less significant than Fluoride in water and some are adamant that it isn't an issue for pineal gland decalcification.

I've heard the mineral Atacamite can help open the third eye rather forcefully from how it's described. People trying to open their third eye initially might benefit from meditating with it. Never tried it personally. Holding some Kyanite to your third eye will help increase the power of visions. Indigo kyanite is said to be best suited for this. It's rare. Careful though with the third eye activation. Since you got spirit interference to start with you should ask yourself if you really are ready to open that door. Learn to ground yourself and center yourself in your heart. It should be part of an overall committed heart based spiritual practice, otherwise better to keep that door closed till you are ready IMO.
Thank you levels . Atacamite sounds interesting and great from what I've read
I feel that I've turned a corner in my life. I am definitely changing . The things that I want . I just feel different . Hard to explain.
You say be careful , yes I know , at least I think I do. I've already been through a lot spirtually , as far as being attacked by things and some pretty crazy things happened . I got through it. I learned alot. I think I can handle it.. and I'm real curious. it's been recommended by healers of sorts to leave my 3rd eye alone, and it's also been recommended to play with it.
So idk... You said it should be part of an overall heart based spiritual practice.
I think I agree.
I know of an interesting exercise that supposedly was designed for training a third eye abilities. Its called a Cyclops exercise and will require a quiet place with no distraction and a mirror.

It is recommended to sit cross-legged but comfortable, with your back straight. Sit in front of the mirror, about an arms length. Close your eyes, relax your body and mind and start mediating on your breath. Then look at the mirror at your eyes and cross/blur your vision so you would see yourself made from two halves in the mirror and with a single eye at the center of your forehead made from halves of your left and right eyes. Continue to concentrate on that single eye, constantly keeping it in focus. Its hard at first and will make you feel burning sensations in your forehead but with practice you will start enjoying it. The eye that you will observe will appear different from your own eyes as you know it and it will have some unusual depth to it, look deep inside it and you will be able to see your hidden depths in time.

It is said that daily Cyclops exercise will drastically increase mindfulness and "boost" 3rd eye "abilities". It does so for me. ;)
Sounds interesting. LOL and actually I would be scared to do anything with mirrors.!! I had a couple of bad experience s. Idk your beliefs on things like demons , but a while ago I had a problem with them. One time , I THOUGHT I was receiving help from a good spirit or a spirit guide (this was during the time when the attacks or"harrassment" was occuring) I was told to look in the mirror. I thought that maybe I was supposed to see what my selfishness really looked like. Like i thought whatever told me to look in the mirror , wanted me to look at how bad of a person I was , so I would know and I could change.
My face changed and got really scary. I had to look away a few times but I forced myself to really get a good look. It was horrible... I looked right in my eyes and whatever was looking back at me was hideous . Not human. I was trying to make sense of it . I thought maybe it could of been a manifestation of my worse traits .. or something that I was connecting to in another dimension every time I acted selfishly or stubborn or something .
A good while later. When things got better for me , I Googled my experience and saw something about mirrors being portals. And demons showing themselves to you and all that.. like something people practice in witch craft. you tube has some videos.
So people can say that the mirror thing is just an illusion and it's just your eyes doing whatever... But I'm not convinced... That was too creepy .
Anyways , if you say it works good I don't doubt you. But man i just don't think I will go staring into mirrors ever again..
It's pretty common for people to get freaked out by mirrors. Lots of trippers refuse to do it (personally when my face looks like it's decomposed and then reverted to radiant health and back and forth again, I find it fascinating and want to stare). The mind is a powerful thing, your belief becomes your reality. I think that's why mirrors are used by some as "portals" or scrying devices... it's not because it's reflective, it's because ritual and symbolism are powerful ways to assert a strong belief about something.
Ya but it just creeps me out the way that I was brought to look at it. And then later I saw a you tube video with this chick saying she "purposely"used it and saw a demon , I don't think she planned on seeing a demon, or maybe she did . the fact that they are related though... portals and all that. i made that other thread asking about it. I wonder if anyone on here knows anything about that stuff and how it works.
I totally agree with you though , the mind is a powerful thing , our beliefs become reality , of course. When I was being harrassed by those things (I know not everyone believes that stuff) but they would use that to their advantage. Like try and influence me and just mess with me and lie to me,truth mixed with lies . Whatever direction I took this information , became reality for me. Other things began to manifest.
Alot of guys who stay up for periods at a time , or abuse meth especially I think, they end up strapped into a gurney
and hauled away . Yelling about shadow people , and your basic bat shit crazy delusions. I think they ARE being attacked . Drugs open a door . A bad one Your mind become s weak , holes in your aura ,open channel , whatever.
I feel bad for those guys.
I think we do create our own reality but it's not without influence. I believe there are forces in the world that know this and use it to help them with whatever agenda they have. Good to keep those doors closed. Some things are hard to get rid of.
You can say that believing this makes it my reality . IMO that is true yes , but let's say I had cancer , I didn't go to the hospital , I'm on an island with no such place. If I went and other people said I had cancer maybe their reality would effect mine. So none of that. I believed I was healthy and that was my reality. It was real for me. But then I died of cancer.. cus I had cancer. Or any other illness. Lol . I guess it's just how you perceive things... But we can also CREATE things. So it's all our own experience. Other beings are having their
own experience ... Right??? This is really TRICKY business LOL !! I guess I'm just trying to say that some things are really happening regardless of how we perceive it..
Well as to the cancer example, there are of course things which affect us externally from ourselves, I didn't mean that you can think yourself out of cancer or getting hit by a truck. I meant, if you stare into a mirror and see something weird, and you fully believe it's demonic, then your reality is that you were attacked by a demon. If this belief is disturbing enough to you, you could start to manifest all sorts of mental issues, simply because of the fear and anxiety and interpreting every little thing as falling within this demon attack idea. Such a daily reality is traumatic and stressful, and stress and trauma profoundly affect the way we feel, think and behave, and even our physical health, regardless of what they're caused by. Conversely, you could stare into a mirror, see something freaky, get creeped out, and then think to yourself, wow, the mind is crazy, that was kinda cool that I could see that by staring. Wow, if I stare at this wall for a while, it starts turning purple and looking totally different. Hey, maybe hallucinations when staring at something is a normal part of sight. And then you'd move on with your day without a thought of demon attacks or that anything out of the ordinary happened, and it wouldn't affect you. The same event occurred, but the outcome is radically different.
I didn't think what I saw in the mirror was demonic at the time. I found out later that "mirror gazing" was actually used in witch craft . . I don't doubt it because I didn't think to stare into it myself. Something wanted me to.
I understand and agree with what you are saying about perception of reality . But at the same time, whether or not I perceive something as an interesting thing that happened or evil chipmunks coming to take over my mind, it doesn't change the fact that it was actually something else. Sure its not something that can be proved scientifically (yet) .I know I sound like the crazy one because I'm talking about the existence of entities and portals. But I believe these things can effect us externally as well.
So I think that the mirror thing can actually be used as a tool to access the demonic realms. not just because someone perceives it like that. To me the existence of these things are facts. Like cancer.. How they manifest is effected by our perception of things which they influence. But they can still interfere with you whether you believe in them or not.
Does that make sense? Lol maybe just from my bat shit point of view I guess.
My third eye will not shut down at all ever since lots of amp/weed/whatever.

It doesn't do anything besides, 1. Keep me awake/overthinking at night,

2. Counter Other peoples attempts at witchraft autopilot, to prevent their facial expressions from gaining control over my own/

All magic is Autopilot when its divine. Trying to use witchraft is funny and from the dark. Youl always lose to a Light bearer.
Mindfullness, 12 steps, follow your heart, good values. You always know what's right
This thread has come up before so I won't be repetitious.

Some experiential observations:
- working with the third eye is pointless if you don't have, at minimum, a well-established root and an open heart center; the root keeps you in material reality and the heart helps you discern what is true and what isn't; without these, you will be totally lost
- if the third eye is open, then simply living with it open will "develop it", just like any other faculty; but the development won't have integrative value to your life if you don't have the other centers balanced to receive the information
- if your third eye is not open and you're actually asking how to open it, it opens and closes naturally in accordance with your energetic state and life situations; there are few things that force it open in an unstable way, drugs are one of them
- the third eye opens naturally as a positive consequence of inner plane work and should not be seen as a goal, just like psychic manifestations are not a goal but rather a symptom of awakening consciousness
- the mirror thing sounds fucked up and I would not do it given that mirrors can behave as portals under some circumstances
Avoid Fluoride, especially in water. There was debate on Bluelight as to whether Fluoride in toothpaste is an issue or not. I removed it personally. I eat an alkaline diet and my saliva and urine pH is consistently neutral to alkaline when I abide my diet. This is the best form of tooth decay prevention. That said Fluoride in toothpaste is less significant than Fluoride in water and some are adamant that it isn't an issue for pineal gland decalcification.

I've heard the mineral Atacamite can help open the third eye rather forcefully from how it's described. People trying to open their third eye initially might benefit from meditating with it. Never tried it personally. Holding some Kyanite to your third eye will help increase the power of visions. Indigo kyanite is said to be best suited for this. It's rare. Careful though with the third eye activation. Since you got spirit interference to start with you should ask yourself if you really are ready to open that door. Learn to ground yourself and center yourself in your heart. It should be part of an overall committed heart based spiritual practice, otherwise better to keep that door closed till you are ready IMO.

I've heard this too about flouride from a friend. She said in baby's water "nursery water" you can purchase from the store. That it contains a high amount of flouride that could sometimes prevent children from imagining. Like their imagination basically. Also this is cool about the kyanite I never knew this. Thank you
There are some frequencies too that help to activate it. You can check it out on you tube. I've closed my 3rd eye before using visualization and intent .I had to , I was overwhelmed by "things". It opens back up on its own though . Anyway , there's lots of stones that work with the 3rd eye. Intention is a big key I think.
Foreigner said that it will develop on it's own just by being open ... That's cool.
This thread has come up before so I won't be repetitious.

Some experiential observations:
- working with the third eye is pointless if you don't have, at minimum, a well-established root and an open heart center; the root keeps you in material reality and the heart helps you discern what is true and what isn't; without these, you will be totally lost
- if the third eye is open, then simply living with it open will "develop it", just like any other faculty; but the development won't have integrative value to your life if you don't have the other centers balanced to receive the information
- if your third eye is not open and you're actually asking how to open it, it opens and closes naturally in accordance with your energetic state and life situations; there are few things that force it open in an unstable way, drugs are one of them
- the third eye opens naturally as a positive consequence of inner plane work and should not be seen as a goal, just like psychic manifestations are not a goal but rather a symptom of awakening consciousness
- the mirror thing sounds fucked up and I would not do it given that mirrors can behave as portals under some circumstances

This is the best reply in the thread, hands down. levels a close second.

There's absolutely no reason nor way to reliably open and keep open your third eye without first doing so for the chakras below. It's futile and a waste of time and energy.
^ Yes i really like foreigners post . Especially the part where it was said that opening it should not be seen as a goal.
Good to know it will develop naturally anyway , I guess as i align with my life's path or purpose or whatever..
I've had healings done and chakra work done for me . The last time I had a session , she said my solar plexus was out of whack. She said she saw like a sheet of what she described as ice , and it melted away as she did the healing.
I believe my root and heart chakras are fine enough.
The reason I asked about developing my 3rd eye .... was because , I had an idea ..... that maybe I could connect with my dog , who past away. I wanted to be able to open a channel to him whenever I wanted and to be able to see him when he is near me.
I've seen him twice , meditating. In my mind though with my eyes closed. He was very shiney . ?
It was just an idea that I had.... Really though , I don't think it works that way.
I already have a connection with him. He lights up my head sometimes when he visits. Bright white light . I'm pretty sure I'm viewing this light with my 3rd eye...
I'm just upset that I can't see him. I can see other things and hear spirits talking so y is it so different with my dog. I guess maybe the place he exists is different . These things are here in different ways I guess..
I think I need to talk to a shaman or someone to better understand this.
I am capable of connecting with my dog already. I still just miss him so freaking much..
I'm trying to get used to way he is in my life now but it's really hard
Yea it sounds like you're trying to hold onto something you need to let go of, to whatever degree.

Talking to an experienced shaman is definitely a good idea.
I excepted his death. If that's what you mean. It's just I believe that only his body died. His spirit is very much alive.
This is a touchy subject . Alot of people believe different things.
I'm just upset that I can't see him. I see other things.... but anyway he comes and goes . When he wants me to feel him I do. Y would he not want me to feel him all time . ? Really it's a matter of looking inward I guess. I will find him there..
But again some people will call that crazy. And claim Dead is dead. Imo that is ridiculously ignorant.
I thought my 3rd eye being developed more might help in my communication with him . But really I think it's a question of am I"open" to him. Do I listen and pay attention to the subtle details of things.. hard when u drink alot..
I'm hearing a belief that anyone passed on should always be available. Thus, I'd like to point out that passing on from this plane does not mean entering into a space in which you'll always reside, just the same, always available to this reality. Life goes on, the evolution and incarnation of souls progresses. Souls will not remain available forever, nor will they be available at all times until they move on to unavailability either. Imagine if you moved to Mars and your old best friend was constantly trying to call you. You're trying to start a new life for christ's sake! As above, so below.

Hence, why I say you're holding onto something that needs to be let go of. You're never going to achieve being in contact with any single entity constantly, they are doing their own thing wherever they are.

If you're constantly in contact with spirit, then why would not being constantly in contact with your dog's spirit be a result of something you're doing wrong or a lack of capability? It's not you, it's him. Of course he's out there, but that doesn't mean he's yours still nor responsible for showing up to fulfill your needs. Each soul's evolution would be greatly hindered if it was required to stay unincarnated and available for as long as they were desired in this realm.