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My third trip - which might have been too low a dose


Aug 10, 2017
Hi everyone

My first post here on bluelight :\

So I had my third ever mushroom trip yesterday which was partly to get a good experience with mushrooms again after a bad trip and partly for therapeutic use. Since my second trip ended in a bad trip I wanted this to be a low dose, and ended up taking less than 1 gram, although it was ecuadorian cubensis - the strongest of ecuadorian. Previously I have done higher doses. Overall it was a good experience and it restored my positive image of psychedelics - not that it was ever really otherwise, but it's something else to experience a good trip again.

The second intention with the trip didn't work out so well. I had set myself up to go through pretty much whatever presented itself and not avoid certain thoughts/bad memories as I did on my first trip. The slightly disappointing and interesting thing is that I didn't really find solutions or new angles to the 'problems' I worked on. Some of the things that came up I have been thinking through many many times, to the point that it's just rumination without any new thinking. Lying with closed eyes and a playlist made for psychedelics studies I had some slight visuals, but my thoughts wasn't very different from normal - and it seems to me my thoughts may have to be further from the usual to break these long standing thoughts.

Since it was a good experience but with a limited change of thoughts it seems natural to me, to up the dose for my next trip. Here I'd like to hear what experiences people here on bluelight have with different doses and especially if people have worked through things on low doses? It could seem to me that there's a tradeoff so that when dose is increased, risk of losing control/badtrip/not really learning anything is increased with it, but the likelihood of finding new solutions/angles is increased too - up to a certain point. This reminds me of an article a few years ago about researchers finding the perfect dose - which might in itself be one good answer to my question. However I prefer to hear from people here and share our experiences.
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It's quite often that more experienced psychonauts mention that badtrips can have just as much potential for learning. I agree to some point, but I also think that it can be too much - all the way up to a point where essentially you just learn that some x dose is too high for you. My own badtrip wasn't that extreme though, as I could take away a few things from it besides experience with dose.

Realizations are not correlated with doses, however larger doses do cause more unusual thought patterns which can aid in the process.
This part seems a bold statement to me, as I would think that there's some relationship. Though you might of course just mean to say that it's not perfectly correlated.

Safe travels & positive vibes!
Thanks and same to you
You'll find it, when you stop looking.

Also. by the way, there is no perfect dose with psychedelics. Everybody reacts differently. Actually, you too might have a different trip with the same dose, on another day.
Also. by the way, there is no perfect dose with psychedelics. Everybody reacts differently. Actually, you too might have a different trip with the same dose, on another day.
You are correct that people vary in the tolerance with mushrooms and I agree that there isn't a single perfect dose across people/intentions. Though this is exactly why I'd like to hear from people and what has worked and not worked from them.
Anyone else with inputs as to low dose experiences or specific things that worked for them in changing their recurring thoughts?