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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Oxycodone/40mg)+(Nicotine/One Cigarette) Experienced: Nauseas as SHIT.. Else, great.


Jan 31, 2017
Note: Ask questions about this experience and other things you may find relevant. I won't reply to things such as "you should stop using drugs" or anything like that. You're here for the trip report just like I am here to share my experience in hope of helping someone out somehow
Info about me - at the time of this experience
Weight: 75kg/165lbs
Height: 188cm/6,16ft
Age: 15 years old
Experience with drugs: I'd say that I'm fairly experienced with drugs. (Mostly downers)

Downers: Oxycodone, Tramadol, Morphine, Codeine, Tizanidine, Zolpidem, Clonozapam, Alcohol.

Uppers: Cocaine, Nicotine.

Hallucinogens: LSD, Salvia divinorum, Morning glory seeds.

I've been a daily consumer of marijuana for about 6 months with as few exceptions as possible.
Mindset on the day of ingestion: I've been feeling kind of on edge the whole day for some reason. I also have a terrible back pain which I hope to mask after ingestion. These two things I believe will make the experience even better since I'll feel more relieved than usual.
Info about the substance intake -
Dosage Oxycodone: 2x20mg - 40mg total.
Ingestion method: 20mg orally and 20mg snorted.
Dosage Nicotine: One hand rolled-cigarette with a fuck ton of nicotine in. The tobacco used comes from a tobacco test which allows it to have a lot (really, a LOT) more nicotine in it).
Ingestion method: Smoked.
Tolerance to the drugs involved:
Oxycodone: After a 6-month break with opioids I've only had around 7 days yet to build up my tolerance. Taking an average amount of 30mg Oxycodone a day. So at the time of this experience, I need around 50 mg to get a nice nod going.
Nicotine: I rarely use nicotine so I guess I have no real tolerance in any way.

Intro -
Today, I planned on taking my last 40mg of Oxycodone. Since I have no more I really wanted this experience to be special. I did a bunch of research on potentiating and came to the conclusion that ingesting a bunch of fat before the experience would be worth it in the end even though it seems gross. As for the Oxys, I figured that Orally ingesting 20mg and then insufflating 20mg about an hour later would be the most effective way of consumption.

T+0.00: I just took a spoonful of butter which was really gross but I've heard that eating something really fatty before doing opiate/opioids will noticeably increase the effects of the substance. Right after that I drank a bunch of pretty fatty milk and then went on to orally ingest the first substance of the day, a little tablet with 20mg of oxycodone in it. No Acetaminophen/Paracetamol or Ibuprofen was in it. I have not eaten anything for around 5 hours so I think my stomach is somewhat empty.

T+0.15: When I take Oxys orally it usually takes around 25-40 minutes to kick in depending on my stomach content etc. so to no surprise I'm not feeling it yet.

T+0.30: Most commonly I'd be feeling the onset now but for some reason, I'm still completely sober. The next update will be when I'm feeling it or snorting more.
T+1.10: I'm only feeling the Oxy VERY VERY slight right now so I just insufflated the remaining 20mg. I did it in one line and I can already taste the drips haha, disgusting....

T+1.13: Usually when I snort oxycodone it's felt after about 10-20 minutes but for some odd reason I'm already incredibly high. My only logical explanation for this is that the 20mg I took orally got instantly potentiated by insufflating more. I'm feeling great right now!

T+1.25: Still really high! it's not increasing by much though. The effects I'm feeling right now includes body warmth, happiness, euphoria, pain relief, and a fuzzy/tingly feeling whenever I use any kind of muscles. In other words - PERFECT.
Next update will be when I chose to drink the beer.

T+1.45: I just drank a beer. Since I have no real tolerance to beer I guess that I will feel the effects pretty strongly combined with Oxys.

T+2.00: I'm not feeling anymore high or drunk or anything than before so I think I'm going to smoke a cigarette now.

T+2.05: I just took around 5 hits of the cigarette and I could barely walk back to my chair. That completely messed me up (Keep in mind this is about the same amount of nicotine as at least 2 average cigarettes... Maybe even 3). Right after I wrote this I was hit with a crazy amount of nausea and had to lay down if I didn't want to puke... Which I didn't really want to in all honesty.

T+2.45: I've been laying down trying to get rid of nausea for the last 40 minutes... It's not completely gone but I'm definitely getting better. I find it really hard to tell how this whole thing impacted the Oxy high.

T+3.30: I think that shitty experience with the cigarette ruined my high and now I'm kinda pissed since this high was supposed to be special, as it was my last Oxys... Well, now I guess I won't crave Oxys as much anymore since my last experience was kinda shit... or at least not as good as usual.

Trip details: I was really enjoying the whole experience right until I chose to smoke the cigarette.

Day after: I felt no different than usual the day after.

Side effects: Well, except for the nicotine (which almost always makes me sick unless I'm on opiates I guess I took too many hits)
Conclusion - Overall the experience was great and I mostly enjoyed. If I hadn't smoked the cigarette i believe i would've had a nice buzz going for something like an hour after...
Worth it? I don't regret doing this for only about 40 minutes were shitty and close to 2 hours were amazing.

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