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Why do I get Anxiety When I smoke Pot?


Jul 27, 2017
Lately when I have been smoking some weed I will get low to moderate anxiety. I would never get anxiety from smoking weed before. Can somebody help me?
That's just part of weed. Take care of the issues you're having anxiety from and then smoke?
because it affects norepinephrine aka adrenaline.

how do you feel when full of adrenalin?

imagine it to a lesser degree that can be amplified or silenced by your own state of mind.

that's literally the weed high. you give the drug more power than your mind and it'll EAT you.

you give your mind more power than the drug and you will OWN it.

at the end of it all it's up to you to ingest and enjoy this plant.

also, it primarily hits the cannabinoid receptors, dopamine and norepinephrine (correct me if i'm wrong)

so gaining tolerance to the pleasant effects will allow the edgy ^NE^ effects to become more pronounced.

just like amphetamine tolerance over time. you become used to the pleasant effects so it gives the negative effects more room to ruin it for you.

with time you'd likely just become used to the anxiety and soon forget about it.

i personally am only affected by weed anxiety within the first hour or even 30mins of smoking. after the first hour i'm as cool as a cucumber
i have the same issue, havent smoked in years because of it. people has tried to tell me "oh its just shitty weed" or blah blah blah....didnt matter. one toke of even low grade weed and id be flipping out feeling like im dying. even smelling it while it is being burnt does the same thing. (although i do love the smell of it when its just in say a bag not being burnt). anywho....ive heard it was somethin to do with an chemical imbalance inside the brain. i could be wrong but thats just what ive heard. and as well, when i first started smoking it, it didnt do this to me and i loved it. but then just out of no where it began to do that. i smoked it for another entire year thinking itd just pass or somethin but it never did. so i havent smoked it but twice, maybe 3 times at the most in say the past 15 years give or take. and it did the same thing to me. felt like i was dying, heart beat 100 miles an hour and felt like i was dying. regardless of what does this to me, i dont care. i chose not to smoke it anymore! wasnt worth feeling like i was dying and coudnt breath with my heart beating extremely fast feeling like i was going to pass out. if it keeps happening to you like it did me, you'll eventually quit....