Posts getting deleted (mobile)


Jul 8, 2017

I almost always post through my phone. Today I replied to a thread in the Drugs discussion forums and when I went to edit my post, it said "invalid post specified". I had copied the text so I reposted it and now it's there, but it's still bothering me, it's not the first time it happens.
I have been having this same problem! I checked the "remember me" box on the login page and it seems to have reduced the occurrence rate by about half, but still happens occasionally. So maybe try that.
Yea,you can't edit posts in Mobile view. You need to go to your browsers settings and switch to Desktop Site.

Then edit will work properly.
There is also a different mobile skin you can try too, which is thought to have less problems (not for me though). Go to the bottom left of your screen and there is a drop down menu for style chooser (this box is only present in full site mode) and try the metro mobile link.

I tend to simply post in the 'normal' mobile mode, I like the 'check threads you've posted in' but when I perform moderator tasks or edit, I switch to full site. Its annoying, particularly if I need to edit another users posts, I really don't want to be randomly deleting shit.
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