Mental Health Harm from drugs and anti-depressants


Jun 29, 2017
I had always considered myself close with my family. We would always spend time together and if we had a problem, family was always the go to solution.
I began to see problems and minor responsibilities begin to pile up in my life. Being a procrastinator I let them slide until they started piling up causing me tons of stress. I then started turning to opiates which alleviated the stress for a while and gave me almost no care at my mounting, uncared for responsibilities. This in turn only caused more problems by giving me an opiate addiction which comes with problems all of its own.
I realized I could not go on like this. I checked myself into a rehab and was determined to kick the nasty habit. Overall it succeeded. I thought I was in the clear. However I still felt inadequate. I was depressed and didn’t even enjoy the things I usually love to do.
I saw a doctor who prescribed me Zoloft and other anti-depressants. It took me awhile but I started noticing the same trend. I was avoiding and not confronting my problems.
I am now in the condition of liability due to my drug use with my family. I began to isolate, lack responsibility, and the anti-depressants caused me to be unreliable and not always follow through with what I said I would do.
I realized the only way out is the way through. I stopped taking the easy way out and immediately quit all the drugs/anti-depressants I was taking. I began to confront my problems head on and as soon as this occurred, all feelings of stress and inadequacy began to diminish.
I urge you confront your problems head on. Although drugs may seem like the solution at times, you are only masking real problems which will inevitably come back on day even worse than before.