I don't know what to do


Dec 26, 2015

I have had depression my entire life basically. i am 19 so I know that is not that long I guess, but for not feeling okay my entire life it seems like forever. I also have bpd which makes everything just worlds worse. I just want to end it and don't know where to go. I have 1 person in my life that I can actually talk to. Other than that, I don't believe anyone else cares. I don't think this 1 person should be my reason to live. I can't find any other reason and if there is only 1 then why stay? I feel like such a burden to everybody. I guess Im posting this to mostly get this off of my chest, though it's not going to help much. All I have done my entire life is "talk about my problems. Ive been to therapy since 2nd grade and also have been medicated since then. Im just ready for this to all be over with. Im miserable every single day. If I ever have a moment where I feel "happy" I know that it is fake. Happiness doesn't exist for me. Recovery doesn't exist for me. Everybody says "It will get better" but that doesn't apply to me. I was hospitalized after an overdose about a year ago and I thought that it really helped me. Turns out Im back to horrible. Nothing is okay and nothing will ever be okay.
I'm not sure what to say to help, but I'll give my input.

I can't say that I know exactly how you feel, because no one can know exactly how anyone feels. But I have a good idea of where you're coming from. I'll try to keep it short. I felt similar to how you're feeling when I was around 13 to 21ish. I felt depressed, trapped, hopeless, suicidal. The older I got though, the more I was afraid of death which is why I never made more than one suicide attempt when I was 15. Aside from that I used to be careless and hoped that I'd accidentally die, but I'm glad that never happened. A big part of what made me feel depressed and trapped was my mother. She was a very toxic and abusive person. Before I was 18 I saw no way out of the situation and so I was very self destructive. I used to say I didn't think I'd live to be 18, but here I am now, almost 27. The very moment that I turned 18, I moved out of my mother's house and never went back. I had found some very good people who let me stay with them until I could get my own place. Not being around my mother helped some. I have no doubts that if I'd had to continue to live with her, I'd probably be dead now. But moving away from her didn't fix my mental issues. I felt a little better but still struggle. I continued to be very self destructive until I was about 21 and then idk, I guess I started to fear death enough that I decided not to be so destructive to myself because I didn't want to die. I do still feel miserable at times. My anxiety ranges from debilitating to bearable, which makes life even harder. But I'm determined to get through it and experience things in life. I'm not sure when I decided that I wanted to experience everything in life. Maybe it happened gradually. Maybe it happened when I eventually found a few good friends who I can at least do stuff with. Also, moving to a larger city helped. Mentally, being in a larger city with more people and things in it makes me feel alot better than being somewhere small. Even if everyone is a stranger, at least there's a presence.

Idk man. I ramble. I guess what I'm saying is that I felt that way, and now I'm glad that I'm still around. My depression has never gone away and neither has my anxiety, but I guess I changed and wanted to fight and live to see and experience things, even if I'm terrified to. If you feel like you need to go to the hospital again, GO. The hospital has helped me before. I've considered going back several times but I can't due to having bills to pay and I can't afford to miss work, but if you can manage to go then go. If you qualify for Medicaid or free hospital care due to income that's even better because that's one less thing to worry about.

Also, what's your living situation like? If the people around you are causing you to feel miserable, maybe it's time to change that. Just like when I cut my toxic mother out of my life, I told myself for years that no matter what, I'd find a way to get out of her house the very moment I turned 18 even if I had to be homeless. And I did it.

Actually now that I think about it, the moment that I decided I wanted to keep fighting my mental illness to stay alive was when I became homeless when I was 19 or 20. I know it's ironic. But having to start over from nothing and use every single resource available just seemed to teach me to appreciate things more and idk, taught me how to fight to stay alive. I got out of it just fine. Never went back to being homeless again. But it's something that I'm glad I experienced, and it made me a stronger person.
Life is not sunshine and rainbows. On the contrary, life sucks ass for most. I also been through what you been through and at the end of the day I realized that you have no actual choice. You have to go through with this thing called life whether you like it or not. You have another choice, but that other choice is heavily stigmatized and goes against your biological instinct. That's why people suffer for so many years without question because they know that they have no goddam choice. Sorry I can't be much help, but you're not being specific about your problems. You're just telling us that your life sucks ass without going into any specifics. I will say that you should focus on your career whether it be work or school because it is the only way you will make a living for yourself
Are you also dealing with an addiction in addition to depression?
I've dealt with depression also, TMC. It's hell. Like Zombie, mentioned, everyone's experience of these states is completely unique to them, however, there is nothing 'wrong' with you.

Misery is an aspect of life but it can be lessened - it's a matter of nurturing and developing the means in yourself to do this. Therapy can help but like you alluded to, it isn't a solution, in itself.

I think the one thing that helped me, was understanding that anger that was turned inward. Something as natural as feelings of passion and anger can be so repressed in this very sterile society we are living in. It can be so difficult to adapt to a life where we feel we have to sterilise and repress the essence of who we really are. We dont and we should not.

I don't know your situation, apart from what you have posted (which I can identify with) but I would urge you to offer yourself some mercy and not be so judgemental of yourself, while you are trying to work this out. It is at these times when you feel at your worst; where you can really find your metal; despite how counter-intuitive that may seem. It sounds that you need to find some action in your life - to start doing something - rather than feel like a passive recipient.

Being in treatment (have been there myself) can make you feel like a constant victim - this is incredibly disempowering and itself can reduce our sense of power and autonomy. I urge you to give yourself a break - stop looking at a perceived big- picture and deal with the moment(s) you are dealing with to gain some fair perspective and to keep yourself empowered, which you deserve to do. Stop blaming yourself.

Please keep sharing here. Let us know what is happening for you.

You certainly aren't alone, my friend. <3
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My life is horrible because of my mental illness. I know that I don't have much of a choice. I do have things that I want to do but I don't think I will ever be able to achieve them. I truly believe myself to be an awful person and I already feel awful making this post because I know that nobody wants to here and my problems aren't important. I know life is not sunshine and rainbows. I haven't experienced anything near to that ever. I just want some sort of glimpse of hope or that I will ever feel happy/okay at all. I constantly feel awful and can't do normal things like taking care of myself. Im not asking for life to be sunshine and happiness.
also I don't know how to reply to people so if anybody reads this again you can probably assume who im talking to
My life is horrible because of my mental illness. I know that I don't have much of a choice. I do have things that I want to do but I don't think I will ever be able to achieve them. I truly believe myself to be an awful person and I already feel awful making this post because I know that nobody wants to here and my problems aren't important. I know life is not sunshine and rainbows. I haven't experienced anything near to that ever. I just want some sort of glimpse of hope or that I will ever feel happy/okay at all. I constantly feel awful and can't do normal things like taking care of myself. Im not asking for life to be sunshine and happiness.

If people didn't read/hear/were not interested in your post, they would not have replied.
So you are wrong in your judegement.

I think a lot of people on here can identify with you; based on 'the sunshine and rainbows' element of the post - that poster was empathising with your struggle; explaining that their standards were probably as high as yours but they had to attenuate them, in order to get honest with themselves and face life; as being complicated.

Being bi-polar and having mood swings is a diffucult enough experience in itself, along with having to fit-in to social standards and conventions.
This doesnt mean that you are essentially wrong/off. Noone on this thread is disputing that, from what I can discern but I must admit, when I read that post, initially, I assumed it was just condeming, too - so totally got that ;)

You said you have one friend, in particular...what's the story with that buddy?

Am sorry you're going through a hard time by the way, there is nothing worse than feeling stuck and with no hope , glad you are open to it though - because its always created; nothing good ever comes easy, eh?!<3

*btw you dont seem like an awful person by any measure ( you just seem unsure and frightened of yourself and life - and that doesnt make you a 'bad person'). That makes you human.

You can not say that you cant achieve anything without having tried, or ventured to.

I was at deaths door years ago, due to my illness and I have achieved a lot, and still am.
Academically, workwise and friendwise.

(however, That is my experience, not yours but it will be)
Im just saying your judgement and attitude oward yourself is not fair to yourself, by any measure.

I hope that you realise that and endeavour to change it because it pains me to read your post not affording yourself even a chance; given that you havent even had the oppertunity/opened yourself up to having them yet, or just even accepted yourself yet.

19 years is young, in terms of experience - you are you and that wont change. What will change, if you choose is your attitude, strength of character and how you feel. It gets easier when you get easier on yourself- that is a given, I promise.

Am not overestimating you by any measure but by the tone of your posts, it sounds like you greatlly underestimate yourself. This isnt fair to you, nor rational ( whatever way you want to posit your situation).
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Hey Asclepius, Tried to PM you but it says your inbox is too full to accept messages. I'm not sure how else to reach you so figured I'd try to do it in a thread, sorry