Question about detox/rehab facilities


Nov 16, 2016
Not sure where this post belongs and I'm kinda new here, so I thought it best to leave it up to the mods where to place this post.

I am considering checking myself into a rehab detox facility and also considering detoxing at home alone. My biggest concerns with a detox facility is that they will give me meds that I don't want, like anti-depressants and/or start me off on too high a dosage of subs. I'm also concerned that if I go the legal route with the subs that I will have no choice between suboxone and subutex. This is a serious concern for me as I am struggling with bad depression and know that naloxone in suboxone makes that worse. Another question I have is how to keep the detox a secret from my primary care provider. I am prescribed clonazepam and xanax for very severe panic disorders and am seriously concerned that if my primary doctor (who prescribes the benzos) finds out about my addiction through me going to detox that she will refuse to write these prescriptions anymore even though I've never abused that medicine and would be extremely unable to function without it. It would seem to me that any rehab or detox would want to know what meds you're on and proof of that via prescription bottles or something like that. I'm concerned that the rehab would contact my primary doctor or that with all healthcare info being shared between so many sources these days (the government, insurance companies, doctors, etc) that it would go into my medical file or that she would at least be able to see that I would have gotten a prescription for subutex.

Does anyone have experience with declining certain meds at a rehab/detox facillity? I fully understand that in many cases addicts think they know what's best for themselves in terms of meds, but I have legitimate medical reasons for not being able to take anti-depressants of all categories. I'm prone to serotonin syndrome which is rare and easily brought on by most medicines that can affect serotonin levels when they are combined. Unfortunately the records of this are back in Wisconsin and they won't release them to me without me going to get the records in person since I'm not having them sent to a facility or doctors office. There's a lot of unknowns for me with the detox facility option, so if someone could shed some light on these few things I would greatly appreciate it!
"they will give me meds that I don't want, like anti-depressants and/or start me off on too high a dosage of subs"
-You're not forced to take anything in detox, they are there to monitor your vitals mainly.

"I'm also concerned that if I go the legal route with the subs that I will have no choice between suboxone and subutex."
-Uneducated in the area, I know if you're well to do ($/insurance) its much easier to pick and choose which you want. This would be something to be honest with your doctor about

"finds out about my addiction through me going to detox that she will refuse to write these prescriptions anymore even though I've never abused that medicine and would be extremely unable to function without it. It would seem to me that any rehab or detox would want to know what meds you're on and proof of that via prescription bottles or something like that. I'm concerned that the rehab would contact my primary doctor or that with all healthcare info being shared between so many sources these days"
-I had a similar concern with my employment, being in the medical field. It may fall in the same category but they weren't to discuss any information they received with authorities, I am sure you can ask that question when you're signing the paperwork or even doing your mental evaluation on the phone. One thing I wish I did when I went to all the treatment centers was ask more questions instead of just thinking they were all the same.

"Does anyone have experience with declining certain meds at a rehab/detox facillity?"
- I have had experience declining medicine at rehab, but in detox I wanted everything I could get, I don't think they would force you to take any medicine as long as your vitals were fine.

Something i'd like to mention to you, in case you haven't had any knowledge of it yet, is Kratom; it's got potential for abuse and attaches to some opiate receptors, I always found it much better solution than Suboxone though, as well as being much more affordable, maybe read around, I know it helped me big time when I couldn't get on prescription suboxone or methadone.

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Thanks so much for all the answers you provided, it helps a lot! I'm incredibly relieved to know I wouldn't be forced to take anti-depressants. I am somewhat familiar with kratom and actually very recently had one of my clients give me a bag of some pretty good stuff (from what he says and from what I've researched on it). My concern with trying to do kratom vs. a 2-3 week sub taper is that my tolerance is pretty high at this point. I'm on slightly less than a gram/day of fent. From things I've read here and other places online it doesn't seem like it would be strong enough to help much in the beginning. I have the resources to pay for pretty much whatever I need to in order to make this as comfortable as possible for myself. I was considering using kratom once I tapered off the subs after 2-3 weeks in case I'm still having any really uncomfortable symptoms. I met a guy a few years ago who had gotten severely addicted to kratom and it blew my mind how bad off he was on it (or in wd's). The way it was explained to me is that its almost worse than heroin/fent/oxy addiction because the kratom pings on more receptors. If I'm wrong about any of my assumptions about kratom please correct me and if you have any sort of taper schedule you could suggest I would really appreciate it. I'm exploring all my options here and knowledge is definitely power! lol
The only drugs I was "forced" to take in rehab (as in I could be kicked out for refusing) were the withdrawal meds, in my case phenobarbital for alcohol which I tried to decline because even though I was an alcoholic, I wasn't chemically dependent on alcohol and had already had several clean days when I checked in. I'm admittedly an alcoholic of the binge drinking variety.
I was eventually able to see the psychiatrist and be taken off the meds.