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weird question but I need help


May 19, 2015
Over the past year or so, I've experienced some very disturbing symptoms. I have talked to several doctors and as soon as they hear "alcoholic/addict" they go completely deaf. Now hear me out: I am indeed an alcoholic/addict BUT I am OFF heroin and meth, I smoke a little weed, and until recently was drinking only 2 or 3 beers a night. Pure willpower. Despite living a relatively healthy lifestyle, I am experiencing the following (in order of severity):

suicidal depression
extreme fatigue
anxiety attacks
joint pain

Should I just lie to the next doc I see? Tell them "naw, I never did that stuff and don't associate with them that do."

BIG issue here is that I am poor and don't have insurance. At my wit's end. Ready to just die and be done with it.

BTW, I have done the 12 Step thing and it was moderately helpful, but not much. Also, the shrinks I've seen are just as bad as the other docs.

Please help.

I just posted a really long reply and lost the fucking thing. So im going to just say the important things as im detoxing and barely have the strength to even do this. If u have questions this is going to my email, so just ask and ill get back to u.
1. Dont ever tell a doc ur a drug addict. Unless u want him to know, althoigh i cant imagine why....
2. Do ur research about ur problem before u see the doc.
3.ur at the right place, we understand and can help u more than a doctor, except we cant write scripts.
4. Whatever ur addicted to do ur research for example if ur addicted to opiates tell the doc u need suboxine.
Thats another thing, u tell the doc what u need, u dont ask, because u did ur research and u know what u need. Also tell the doc uve taken it before and it worked for u.
5. Dont bother with 12 step meetings. All they do is remind u how badly ur craving, same with methadone clinics, ive met some of my best connections at methadone clinics.
7.do ur research. Ive found that a healthy dose of prozac snapped me out of my crying jags. By healthy i mean 40 mlg's.
Neurontin is also good too, and doctors dont mind writing scripts as its not a narcotic. But it helps in all different ways. It even helps with sleep..
If u have any more questions my email is [email protected].
Im older and have been through a lot
Hope this helps
how LONG have you been off opiates? Expect to feel like dying for at least a month or two, combined with adrenal fatigue from meth withdrawal, if that abuse lasted a good long while I would expect (for myself) to feel better after a solid six months of nothing but food/water/exercise. you can't rush these things. Think about how LONG it takes a habit to develop, wouldn't you expect to spend a significant time going the other way? It just seems way longer because you actually feel it.
Hi Jasper, I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing all that. I think that a lot of people--addicts and non addicts alike-- go through mental crises that can also end up causing extreme fatigue and a general malaise that can even include aching joints. When I am depressed I feel all my aches and pains more than ever; conversely when I am feeling relatively happy I don't notice them nearly as much.

It sounds like you are experiencing grief or a deep sadness. If you are drinking a lot this will make things worse. 12 step leaves a lot of people out of recovery so maybe you need to find other ways to address both addiction and whatever is feeding it from the inside. Maybe you have really old pain you have never been able to process or move on from. Do you think you know some of the sources of your unhappiness?
Dude! If you don't have a job, or make less than like 12 bucks an HR, you get totally free Medicaid insurance! And it is the shit! It covers everything, and $1 prescriptions! But if you make anywhere near 30,000 a year or over, you get fucked! Once you make in the ballpark of over $15 per hr, you are put into a totally different system, where you have to buy private insurance, and most of the plans have $6,000 deductibles! And they cost $200 a month, for a plan you will never use till you pay 6 grand out of pocket.

So basically you get fucked if you have a job; what you need to do is just do side work/ start your own side business. That way you can get the good insurance, and even food stamps, if you want to. I know you will feel like a deadbeat, but fuck it! It's what we gotta do in the current fucked system!
7.do ur research. Ive found that a healthy dose of prozac snapped me out of my crying jags. By healthy i mean 40 mlg's.
Neurontin is also good too, and doctors dont mind writing scripts as its not a narcotic. But it helps in all different ways. It even helps with sleep..
If u have any more questions my email is [email protected].
Im older and have been through a lot
Hope this helps

Yes! I have learned this lesson the hard way, the part about never telling a DR, or any authority figure, that you are an addict. One exception to that rule would be if you were having serious medical issues directly related to your ROA of your drug of choice. Like for instance, I recently started plugging my drugs, to avoid hurting my nose more. And I am starting to have some issues with my intestines, like I think I have worms, and maybe some bleeding inside there. If it gets worse, I will have to go to the doctor. I am going to have to tell him that I have been shoving oral syringes up my ass for the past month, otherwise, I am not gonna get the problem addressed properly.

But all other times, just hide the fact, you will get put into a system that it is hard to get out of.
How long have you been off them?

Yep, those are withdrawal symptoms. You're going to need to go at LEAST a year without any drugs or alcohol in your system. Your body needs to repair itself. As for your mental health, find a counselor/therapist you can talk to.

Just keep in mind these symptoms will go away with time. Drugs deeply steer you away from a happy, healthy, normal lifestyle.

Find a job, volunteer, or apply for a community college and let that be your therapy. Stay Strong
I agree with Escape Fantasy, those r definitely withdrawals cause ur healthy &/or if the doctors checked any/all other possibilities (did they) & found nothing then what's left & anytime ur body goes thru ANY type of change from something is done for a while, let alone, A LONG WHILE then to change it up, will change u up, congratulations on slowing down & all though ur still drinking, it's not what ur body is used to so is doing something different. If u were (don't want u to b/c u have come so far) but if u can't/don't take anyone word, if u were to go back to drinking like before for about 3/4 days then u would see that u would feel completely normal again & symptoms would start again once u cut back down.. Also, doctors r trained/knowledgeable in addictions ECT but not in withdrawals & not to sound better than anyone but I have worked in withdrawal clinics/centers & it's definitely what is a part of withdrawals/ change in ur daily routine cause drinking is an addiction too &/or causes withdrawals including but not limited to shakes/seizures/convulsions ECT when stopping/coldTurkey/w/o medicine but ur still drinking (just not as much) so it's not cold turkey for u So ur not experiencing everything/those type plus beer isn't as bad @ withdrawals as liquor & u drink beer but good luck & feel free to ask me anything..
You know? I would have really disagreed with this 5 years ago however after being in counseling for year after year after year and doctors who I feel like I pretty much just guessing like we are, there is absolutely a stigma associated and you say those buzzwords and all the sudden they think they know your entire personality, what kind of medication you should be on , Exactly how your brain works and so forth