• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Soma and lyrica crosstolerant? (Move to OD)


May 23, 2013
Scored a lyrica script have a soma resovior...are they cross tolerant ...how dangerous to mix?

Fuck heading in OD....can't select any on the mobile BL so can't post
Soma is a GABAa agonist of sorts, Lyrica mostly works by acting on calcium channels but can also shift your GABA:glutamate balance by acting on glutamate decarboxylase iirc, that is: in the favor of GABA.

There should not really be cross-tolerance since their direct effects are not related, but it is generally recommended against combining Soma with basically any depressant. For a depressant though pregabalin is not one of the more dangerous ones in such a combination, still.. particularly expect to get your motor skills extremely fucked up as well as other sedating/dizzying effects so I guess lie down for it. Also make sure that if you get sick you do it safely [no aspiration etc]. Respiratory depression may become a problem.

Personally I would never take the very high dosages of pregabalin with Soma that people sometimes take of pregabalin alone recreationally, a combo like this would have to be titrated and you may need a sitter but probably better if you don't do it..

I haven't had soma myself yet though I have an unheard of analogue of meprobamate and mebutamate, but am pretty wary of trying it.. in any case soma seems more reasonable with other combinations like hash.
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Oh I wasn't going to combine. I had just been taking soma for a few weeks and then I scored a lyrica script and wanted to do a recreational dose but when I was taking lyrica everyday it took 1.2 g to get high.

Ended up snorting 500 mg (not as bad as it sounds, most neutral substance ive snorted, like powdered air)....not much happened that night. When I woke up I was in extreme euphoria. Like phenibut after glow but better. Throughout the morning at work I kept getting higher which sucked. Even to the point of a strobing visual effect.I was fucked up the entire day. 18hrs
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