• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Question about different meths


Jan 2, 2010
Has anyone ever noticed that different batches of meth produce slightly different highs? Some more sexual, some more paranoid or aggressive, but definitely different. Why is that if it is the same base molecule working at the same receptor sites. I'm not talking about differences in preparations, crystal vs. powder etc.... It seems to be a fundamental but slight difference in the molecule itself judging by subjective effects.
I'm not well versed on meth, but I'd imagine it's any combination of different chemicals, different cuts, and different isomers.
A steak made by chief ramsey is going to feel like a totally different experience then the same type of steak cooked in a cvs parking lot by some random guy named dave smith
Even if its 99% methamphetamine it makes a huge difference how much of the dextro or levo isomer is in it. Ideally youd want 100% pure dextro methamphetamine.
My friend and I got a bag that made me want to work and move and talk fast.,the last batch I just sat in a chair quietly and looked at the security monitor, scared to go outside, but flying in euphoria.
A steak made by chief ramsey is going to feel like a totally different experience then the same type of steak cooked in a cvs parking lot by some random guy named dave smith

What d1nach is saying is, conditioned place preference is a real thing. Your own mental state has the most to do with it; as it controls the prerequisite neurochemical make-up of the brain prior to administration of the chemical, which *is* a chemical difference. Simply put.
True but steak is steak no matter what. But, some steak could give you food poisoning
It's the impurities! (you know some people enjoy these) but its from the chemist not knowing his trade.

seiko: placebo? really?
Yeah. People often forget that "set and setting" applies to all drugs, not just psychedelics. If you expect or are told a certain type of meth will be more prosexual or more focused or whatever... that's placebo at work because you are, after all, just consuming d-methamphetamine anyway.

Impurities and isomers are fool's excuses. Any meth that forms crystals has to be pure by definition. And I expect the meth market is flooded with pure shit - between the Mexicans and others, meth synthesis is not hard... it's done on an industrial scale. It's almost 100 years old if not more as a drug... we would have figured out if any synthesis impurities would be psychoactive by now (they're not).
Interesting.....what if the user was on certain medications, wouldn't that make a difference in the type of high?
Yeah, that might, but it's not the meth that is effecting the high then.
It's the impurities! (you know some people enjoy these) but its from the chemist not knowing his trade.

seiko: placebo? really?

The other thing to consider is that the brain is never in the same state twice. You'll never have the same amount of dopamine receptors and dopamine reuptake transporters here or there, or the same amount of vesicular dopamine available to be released in this nuclei, et cetera et cetera

So varied reactions to the same chemical should be expected for multiple reasons without needing to invoke spooky chemical differences in different meths
No one mentioned yet that meth may have one receptor, but it's a transporter used by all three celebrity brain systems? It's not all dopamine all the time, folks. Your norepinephrine and serotonin is all out of whack too

AND Set and setting.
LSD is always the same 5-HT2a or whatever receptor, different trip each time

Or a more "fuck-off" drunk than an "I love you, man" drunk, all at the same receptor.

You have a whole mind operating around those dopamine and GABA and opioid receptors we all overhype: dozens and dozens of other neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, plus multiple transporters, regulatory proteins, all the altered gene activation. And then sleep quality to clean all that up.
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i have definitely found that to be true. i've also noticed that some batches affect women differently than men. My girlfriend and i noticed that her husband and her sons would "LOVE" the new stuff we just got. They would be tooling around the house doing all the odd jobs happily working away, while all it did to her and i was make us feel bitchy and awake. Absolutely not the high we were looking for. This was maybe 10 years ago. At the time we were told that the cooks "ph-d" the product and the ph level affected guys differently than females. Could have been a load of hooey but at the time it sounded feasible. Even now i noticed some stuff is "HAPPY!!!" and some is serious, and some is paranoia inducing. i'm sure a person's individual state of mind is part of it but but i've found that the general "starting point" so to speak is the same. The individual's mood affects to what degree the batch emotion is. That sounds like a bunch of crap , i have trouble explaining myself so everyone can understand what i mean. Hopefully that makes sense...
Fun Trivia Fact:
The scientists behind "Strong enough for a man, pH balanced for a woman" got their start cooking meth, with the girl from "Like Water for Chocolate."

Expectations and drugs are the same thing a good chunk of the time. And if you know you'll have a bad time, you sure will.

For your own sake, just don't pay extra for the "pH'd just right for the ladies" meth. In fact, best stay away from the guys who sell that stuff.

And when you write "LOVE" on the water cooler, make sure you write backwards, so the water can read it, otherwise it won't get in. (I'm teasing I'm teasing)
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At the time we were told that the cooks "ph-d" the product and the ph level affected guys differently than females. Could have been a load of hooey

It was.

but at the time it sounded feasible.

...then again, lots of things sounds "feasible" when you're on meth ;)

Seriously though, meth is not some sort of shower gel that has been carefully formulated to promote a healthy vaginal microflora; crystal meth is methamphetamine hydrochloride, meaning that differences in pH would be the result of excess hydrochloric acid. As you might guess, free hydrogen chloride is generally not something persons of either sex would want on their mucuous membranes.
Crystal meth is methamphetamine hydrochloride, meaning that differences in pH would be the result of excess hydrochloric acid. As you might guess, free hydrogen chloride is generally not something persons of either sex would want on their mucuous membranes.

No, it's simply the acidic salt of the methamphetamine molecule. There isn't any leftover HCl stuck in the crystal. The cooks might not have ever even used HCl. There will be chloride ions though if they had used HCl. There shouldn't even be any contaminants in the crystal, since the crystal grows out of solution, leaving behind all that won't fit regularly in the crystal cell.

There is a single titratable group on the molecule, a nitrogen that can gain a proton and get a charge, or not and stay neutral. That proton is the acid in meth. And the pKa of that proton is over 10, which means it's not very "acidic" at all and will stay happily stuck on the nitrogen at neutral pH. You'd have to raise the pH to 12 to get it all as a freebase form, as an oil.

One thing you can be sure, is that if you dissolved a half-gram of meth in a shot glass of water, it wouldn't be as acidic as lots of stuff in your fridge.

(Can't get an exact number with Henderson Hasselbalch, two unknowns. I still don't get that. But like pH 4-5, based on Tris Base)
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I'd say from personal past experiences it is a mixture of A: Tolerance (Why new users get Euphoric fro .1 while a heavy user may barley feel it.
B: Quality of the product. Regardless of tolerance 99% is going to be twice as powerful as 50% (Of course it can be extremely hard to tell with Crystal since for example shake and bake or 1 pot, can then be crystallized though its almost NEVER as potent as say Birch or P2P cooks) So just cause you have a shiny shard, only says so much.
C and D: Brain chemistry person to person, and environment always play a huge part in any psychoactive. From Marijuana to Heroin.
(Being said though Crystal is almost ALWAYS more potent because the "cook" would need experience to finalize the MA into a crystalline form. Well at least a good bit more than it takes to read a page on the web and make shake and bake.
Also I don't see how the acidity level comes into play in most situations since you need specific basify correctly your product to make it "usable".
Regardless of tolerance 99% is going to be twice as powerful as 50% (Of course it can be extremely hard to tell with Crystal since for example shake and bake or 1 pot, can then be crystallized though its almost NEVER as potent as say Birch or P2P cooks) So just cause you have a shiny shard, only says so much.

Being said though Crystal is almost ALWAYS more potent because the "cook" would need experience to finalize the MA into a crystalline form. Well at least a good bit more than it takes to read a page on the web and make shake and bake.

Also I don't see how the acidity level comes into play in most situations since you need specific basify correctly your product to make it "usable".

Sodium chloride will make the same shape of crystal no matter what ocean you got it from, or if you re-crystallized it in your kitchen. You would need some serious equipment to identify trace halogen isotopes to tell different crystals apart.

Now there is all that colored salt out there, and types of course salt, but if you look closely, you'l see that they are NOT perfect little crystal cubes (iodide is almost the same size, properties as chloride)

Same with meth: a crystal will be a crystal. And, a racemic mix will form a different type of crystal than either isomer, no matter how you prep it. The bad meth cook would just never get a visible crystal--he'd get some powder, maybe some tiny shards.

What sort of pH adjustment that may or may not happen, depends on how it was made. A solid object has no final pH, which is only defined for solutions in water. The pH adjustment might have occured as a purification, or to promote one form of product over another.

"Usable" product and pH: you have either the acid salt as a pure solid, or the free base. The base form would have no charge, so it's solubility in water goes toward zero, and you wind up with a flammable liquid at room temp, bad for transport.
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