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Are prescription opiates really the lead cause of heroin addiction?


Feb 21, 2017
I haven't been able to find a good statistic for the percentage of people who started off with a prescription, got hooked on opiates, and went on to use heroin. If you use heroin tell me whether or not prescriptions or street drug use were how you got hooked. Or if you got links that show trustworthy statistics then comment those.
Drug prohibition is the lead cause. Doctors realized that hey, physical dependence on opioids isn't really medically dangerous in a supervised setting with regulated quality products, so maybe people in chronic pain shouldn't have to live in agony until they off themselves just to avoid it. Then a small percentage of people started using them for pleasure and selling them to other people, so the DEA and police decided their medical expertise should supersede doctors and medical boards, because prohibition has always worked so well in the past. So then a whole bunch of people couldn't get enough, or couldn't get any, relief from their doctors, because the doctors were scared of being arrested like so many of their colleagues, just for not practicing medicine according to the local drug cops rules. So, whether it was for pain relief or for pleasure, lots of people realized heroin ain't all that different, so in a move that shocked no one except drug warriors, lots of people went from getting their opiates in a medical setting from doctors and pharmacies, where treatment and safe products were readily available, to street heroin, which had no purity control or dosage information, supplied by criminals and used to fund violent gangs and cartels, and not covered by their insurance making other crimes to pay for things attractive. That this increased the net harm to everyone from the user to society is completely incomprehensible to people, who think addiction=bad, therefore prohibition=only option, an epic non-sequitur embraced even by most people who've realized that it doesn't work with marijuana, but since heroin is REALLY bad, now it magically will work if only we increase sentences and make pain patients suffer so much they kill themselves.
I've never used heroin or dope; but lot of people became addicted to opiates because of taking pharmaceutical ones, and then when their tolerance to the drugs, and the price for the pharmaceutical opiates both go up, they move onto heroin because it's cheaper and it will get them basically the same high.
I'm not looking for opinions on why you think heroin use is as common as it is. I know the many different reasons how someone could start. I'm looking for statistics from people who've done the drugs first hand. I want to see how many people on here got started that way and how many people got started other ways.
I'm not looking for opinions on why you think heroin use is as common as it is. I know the many different reasons how someone could start. I'm looking for statistics from people who've done the drugs first hand. I want to see how many people on here got started that way and how many people got started other ways.

OK thanks for clarifying. Have you searched the internet for studies about heroin addicts starting out with prescription opiates? Not all people who use heroin here on this site post on the boards that often or reply to every thread about dope or pills, etc. You may want to post your thread in other drugs or basic drug discussion.
I started off with a prescription opiate addiction. Oxyxodone IR's and Morphine Sulfate. Those were my prescriptions. I tested positive for weed once, and was cut off my meds. I switched to heroin.
I was prescribed vicodin for wisdom teeth extraction @ 18. I didn't get anything (good feeling) from them.

Erowid piqued my interest about oxycodone @ 19. It became a favorite recreational avenue for me, until one day my connect said "I can't get that tonight, how about dope?"

This was at age 21, and after that I viewed opiates under a blanket category. Experience with prescription opiates did lead to my interest in all opiates, however being prescribed opiates was NOT what made me curious. I got a morphine IV at age 14 for a broken wrist and I didn't pursue recreational drug use at all until my junior year of high school, alcohol/weed @ 16/17.
I started on and became physically dependent on prescription opioids before anything else, after getting past that physical addiction I fucked around with a lot of other both prescription and illicit substances before messing with heroin but that is eventually where it all led me. I still think had I started with anything but opioids I wouldn't have struggled so much with dependency or ended up using H but that's more my perspective on it than any kind of objective fact.
Thank you all for posting the background information. I'm running this thread to try to show my friends how common it is for people to get hooked on prescription opiates and progress to heroin. Trying to spread awareness to a selection of my more ignorant friends.
I've always had an affinity for RX meds because in my mind they made you a better version of yourself. Ironically it wasn't MY prescription that got me hooked, I had dumb friends who often broke limbs and donated me their meds (codeine, hydro).

Eventually I met the deep internet and a guy with every pain pill under the sun IRL so I went crazy. Bought subs from this crazy dude and he offered me a hit of tar. I accepted and went on my merry way.

Would I have gotten some of he had more? Fuck yeah. He didn't so I dodged a bullet, in retrospect. I still do pharma opioids but I don't think I want to touch the sun with H. I got an extremely malicious thought process from it, something like "hey go find H go find H do it do it you're not high enough".
I'll tell my story, I used to steal my mothers methadone after I found the recreational aspect of it during a suicide attempt. I began using those and never really got a tolerance and had to move onto to heroin, I just had the mindset of "fuck it why not" and started doing it.
I'd say prohibition and lack of rx pain meds for people who need them.

I had a Dr refuse to up my pain dose because of my age ajd race and he had no problem telling me that.

Well I had no problem supplementing my dose with ket, mxe, potentiators, cocaine, and heroin between drug screens because I had alot to lose.

I was in university and engaged to a woman who I knew would leave me if I didn't get my degree fast so yeah eventually I got sick of her shit and other women saw me working hard and were happy to let me be happy with them, but the pressures of life combined with injury.

Whether it was because I wanted to keep skating competitively in my early 20s (I just was shop sponsored ao far cry from pro but I dug free decks, swag, video parts, the pussy, respect, and prize money and gear) to doing good enough in school or work to get laid and more importantly pay the bills I felt justified in using hard drugs in my life.

I never got strung out until pain clinics got weird and by that I mean the first thing was "miracle drugs" like opana and nee formulations of oxycontin to make it "safe" and being forced to switch to it at a low dose for a week before I could go back to just oxycodone. That and health insurance supporting this crap.

Then we got laws that just made shit worse and you getolatic coated crap so heroins appeal went up for me

Eventually I overdosed a when fent got in heroin.

I'd say the war on drugs is what causes problems. The American dream doesn't help.
Personally, I had tried various painkillers first but was never into them heavily until after becoming addicted to heroin.
Granted, I started using heroin at a very young age. I had no means to support an expensive pill habit.
But when I was offered H, "it's like doing a whole OC80, for only $10"....I was hook line and singer.
The selling point was, "like an OC". If I hadn't already tried and loved oxycodone, I probably would've passed on the H and saved myself from 9 years of hell

But as a sidebar I'd say a good 90% of junkies I've known over the years, statues addicted to pills.
After several years on high dose oxy which my PM dr would never raise, a week or two in wd each month, If I had a contact I definitely would've gone the H road.

Ha, instead I switched to subs,- & then was offered every drug under the sun out the front of my Drs office!

I was introduced to poppies and pills in the same time frame so not sure what came first.

I never got strung out on either until I got bad injuries. For me like I said before it was the pressures of modern life that got a needle in my arm and I think oxy didn't impress me at all but heroin did.

I had already tried heroin at a very young age and felt there was too much vomitus and feces involved to be interested but opium which was the first opiate I really enjoyed I started first.

Then I sniffed oxy recreationally and after skateboard slams and eventually did either to get pumped up for skate stuff like a few video shots I did for my shop as well as the occasional competition.

I did the skateboarding a bit more dangerous for free stuff, props, and pussy long story short but none of those are where I got hurt but I did get hurt skateboarding.

When I felt pressure in school because I had difficulty writing and typing for years opiates powered me through. I didn't want to lose the work, time and moneyI invested each semester or my girlfriend.

So I wanted to succeed and even though I needed surgery and still do I was unable to get it. I rehabilitated my injuries myself but I didn't want to put my life on hold.

When it comes down to it I was in massive pain and still rather ambitious and not much has changed as I still want to finish university as I am so close to a dual major.

Using opiates didn't get me through school much further but I was in massive pain so I don't know if more would jave worked.

I do think the tight controls on opiates felt like a burden and at times absolutely drove me to use illicit drugs because once you start with chronic pain management you are physically addicted and I had no desire to miss class because my doctor took a payoff from a pharm rep to switch me to different medicines so I did what it took to not owe money for a pell grant by leaving a semester unfinished.

It's not fair to expect people to put their life on hold and the restrictions, corruption, prohibition and war on drugs caused those inconviences.

No one wants to get dopesick by their doctors hands and lose their job or a semester at school and that is what would have happened if I hadn't used heroin.

Heroin I found easier to stop using then some pain pills. Oxymorphone I found very addictive and not very helpful but every pain clinic was pushing it so many people myseld included traded it for cocaine and heroin which was less addictive and ironically also more functional.

Regardless I started using opium in my early college years just because it made me feel better and I lived in a slum and had little money. It got me through the day.

So I dunno where it started because I was already into opium and oxycodone in high school once again trying to get into college so it was always the pressure to succeed in life and the inevitable dependence that comes along with using those drugs.
no, but when they stop giving you oxys then yes.

Opium is only real good opioid, all the opioid problems started after pure morphine and heroin, we need back opium dens.

Also we need legalize kratom, if we had kratom I would be so satisfied, I thiok I wouldnt even take opium anyway.
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Hi, I'm new here so please forgive any dumb mistakes. I have been prescription oxycodone IR and oxycodone ER for chronic pain for the last 7 years. During times when I switched dr. (3x) they all reduced the amt.s I was getting. I was pretty innocent in those days regarding what was reasonable to get for the type of chronic pain I was having. The last time I was switched from 60 MG. Oxy ER 3x a day, plus 30 MG IR. 6 x a day . I went to 20mg x day , and 15 MG 3x a day. I started having immediate w.d. and of course took more (also wasn't helping much with the pain either) which caused me to run out 13 days earlier. Let me tell you, those w.d. we're so much worse than the pain I was taking them for. I literally wanted to die. If someone had some heroin and told me I could smoke it (rather than inject it) All my "good morals " and judgements on that would of gone out the window. I ended up going to the e.r ...I wouldn't tell them what I had been perscribed , and I ran out early, first off it would of violated my pain contract . It was determined I was having anxiety , and I was given a shot of Valium type drug, I went home and slept 8 hours. I somehow made it mostly crying in bed in a ball...until my next appt. I told them I was having a 3 day migraine to explain my appearance. But during those awful withdrawals I would of done anything to make them stop. I never really did any drugs except pot and a few cross tops in high school. Never took pain pills until aged 43 . Do I think pain pills can lead to heroin , yes , in a round about way....if your legal supply is cut off, then w.d may lead you down that road. I recently found kratom and never have a thought about taking anything else for w.d. if your taking pain pills for the high, and get hooked....then heroin would be a logical step I guess. But if you are in actual chronic pain and you are physically dependent, you might use it to w.d , but if offered an alternative that didn't provide the high, but alleviated w.d. hopefully that would be your choice. Sorry so long winded, but that has been my experience. In a nutshell....IT DEPENDS , no definitive answer.
Kratom is legal in most states here. If your one of the few it's not... make friends in new states. :)
Yes Definitely.

Myself and at least ten other people l know personally. I used pills until they became unavailable then made the switch. If you would have asked me ten years ago if l would ever try heroin l would have laughed in your face. At least this is how it went down in California. Heroin wasn't a thing until everyone was hooked on pills.
My love for opiates began when I was first prescribed tramadol. It took years (during which I kept using either tramadol or codeine, or both). But eventually I ended up addicted to oxycontin & later heroin.
My first x addicted to oxycontin I was able to 'quit', or at least substitute it with codeine & tramadol. But when codeine became prescription only, it didn't take long for me to go back to oxy and eventually start using heroin as well.