• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Nic nak

Nic nak

Apr 21, 2017
I've been a ice addict got clean started back then I have now been a iv user, that being said not daily but I am a fan. Unfortunately, thanks for having me in your group. Thanks
Hello and welcome mate.

I used to iv ice all the time but had to stop and did so for 8 years. Then shit hit the fan in life and I reached for my old emotional crutch.

So Im working on getting off it again. I didnt pick up the iv daily this time around. Just smoked it. iv twice in a year.

So its small realistic goals first and extending it.

Ice is fun no doubt but not daily.

Come chat in social for aome weird crap or for helpful info Other drugs or Drug Culture. Sober living csn help support you if you are needing help quitting.