Mental Health Depression


Apr 17, 2017
I'm approaching 62, depressed and tired of trying different sari's. I have so much oxycodone left over from my back surgeries. I never took it for pain, but now that I'm tpainfree I tend to gravitate towards it as a mood elevator. I can't decide if taking 1 or 2 5/325 Percocet is a good thing or if I am just jumping into a bottomless pit. I can't afford to see a psychopharmacologist right now and my general practitioner who is a wonderful man just docent seem to be able to find the right combo. I take 20 mg of Prozac and.5 mg klonopin daily. I am still working successfully as a hairstylist but just can't stop worrying about the future
I'm approaching 62, depressed and tired of trying different sari's. I have so much oxycodone left over from my back surgeries. I never took it for pain, but now that I'm tpainfree I tend to gravitate towards it as a mood elevator. I can't decide if taking 1 or 2 5/325 Percocet is a good thing or if I am just jumping into a bottomless pit. I can't afford to see a psychopharmacologist right now and my general practitioner who is a wonderful man just docent seem to be able to find the right combo. I take 20 mg of Prozac and.5 mg klonopin daily. I am still working successfully as a hairstylist but just can't stop worrying about the future

Do not jump down the rabbit hole of using oxys for depression! Get rid of those and continue to work with your doctor. In the meantime, have you ever tried therapy of any kind (counseling, psychotherapy, etc). Depression and anxiety, even when it is chronic and not situation related is still made far worse by the way we think. Changing those thought patterns and habits can be incredibly powerful.
Don't do it!!

Opiates are a hell of a monkey to get off your back, get rid of them. Talk to your GP about how you feel like using them as a mood elevator, they should be able to point you in the right direction for some help. Find a support system and use it, opiates cost me more than I would care to admit. Don't become the next statistic in opiate addiction, save yourself by never starting.
Sir... You deserve a extension of your gauge of moderating. You are honestly too cute sir I wish you well and would say, if ur where u say..Id not go over 30 40mg max and 2-3 of kpin. You are worthy to not b scared of too much respect and knowledge. Plz b safe though sir.
Could you translate your post please? I'm having trouble understanding it
Thank you
I have been on antidepressant since I was 13 I was given them because when I was 13 my 10 year old sister died in a car accident and I remember when I was in middle school and beginning of high school even though I would always take my medicine I would always end up calling my mom to come get me and take me home because I wanted to be with my mom at night after the accident I would end up sleeping in the middle of my parents and I hated it when I was away from my mom cuz I was scared I was going to lose her too at first I didn’t want to take my medicine because I thought thought they were for people who were crazy but then after upping the dosage I felt better I started out at 5mg now I’m at 50mg and except occasionally when I get really upset I don’t feel like I want to hurt or kill myself so I don’t think antidepressants are bad st all I have been on one called desvenlafax or I call it prestiqe
I was born with speed and alcohol in my system and I have had hard times in school with learning