Mental Health Dissociative Identity Disorder?


Apr 13, 2017
I feel this may be a long shot but I'm curious if anyone else here is diagnosed with DID or with either form of OSDD-1?

I finally was diagnosed with DID about a year ago after many years of seeking answers. It complicates my addiction issues and my mental health treatment in ways most people I talk to can't really understand.

Things like having passive influence from an alter that believes themself to be an addict (and did even before the body had been exposed to drugs) or having communication breakdowns between alters due to biochemistry changes when using drugs or even not being able to be properly medicated for other mental health issues without having those communication breakdowns. This all makes recovery from substance dependence and the other mental health issues that contribute to it so much more difficult but are things I have trouble explaining even to the few people that know I have it.

I know DID is unlikely to be diagnosed in someone actively using drugs (I was able to be diagnosed because my symptomatic history predated my substance use) but if there's even a chance someone else here deals with this I'd be pretty grateful to open up a discussion about it.