• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

black cummin for opiate withdrawl


Apr 13, 2005
dear lord there are so many results for this one helping in opiate withdrawal, how come nobody ever talks about it??

check the google searches; https://www.google.com/#q=nigella+sativa+opioid quite a dozen articles, if you take the time to review. this is shocking since this is easily obtainable and cheap comparison to methadone OR suboxone, what gives nobody discussed it before??
Its been discussed thoroughly. its an OK potentiator, it "might" slow down tolerance/dependance in opiate naive individuals, doesn't do shit for WD on its own.
not sure, ive never used methadone, i did suboxone. suboxone was a good antidepressant on its own. anyway, there are a lot of articles sayng black cummin can help withdrawal problems, but sorry if i missed past posts on this, bluelight has been active for such a long time, the search engine seems to not get to the bottom of it all at times

coolwhip so its antiinflamatory pain reliving properties arent fully based on opiate activity but other mechanism i suppose. what do you think of its possibility to work as antidepressant affecting opioid receptors in a way?
N. sativa and its quinoid active constituents are not strong mu-agonists.
Thanks for the article. I take half a teaspoon a night for wellbeing but will be getting the oil.

Edit ..just researched it and it inhibits CYP2D6 cytochrome / enzyme so can interfere with metabolism of other drugs including codeine , various ADs and of most importance to mean Iboga...

need to see precisely the extent of interference ....wish I had a PhD in biochemistry ...
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