Mental Health Olanzapine 10mg


Dec 15, 2016
Used to be on quetiapine until it stopped working on doses around 100-150mg
got moved to olanzapine 5mg had a terrible time till started taking 10mg and feel alot better but it is very sedating at this dose and sometimes into the next day.
Ive been on it a few months now but only been on 10mg around 2weeks and have been feeling slight benefits does this improve?
Im still getting paranoia but my horrible anxiety of leaving the house has been reduced around 30percent.
Definitely in terms of thinking and depression/anhedonia/sociability things have lots of time to improve, as in months (it can be hard to wait that long, I know). In terms of psychotic symptoms I'm not sure, I'd give it as long as your doctor feels its necessary for that but usually those go away in weeks or a month or two for full benefit. 30% is awesome, and you still have wiggle room with the dosage. I'm pretty sure that the sedation will go down as time passes. Good Luck!