• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

psych meds and withdrawal


Mar 17, 2017
Hi everyone. Found this forum while looking for some info about tapering off lamictal. I'm 44 and been on various psych meds for 20 years. Also done my share of other drugs too, though I stopped those years ago. I have been taking lamictal for about 5 years for bipolar and started tapering off last week. It's been a rough week. Went from 200 mg down to 150 mg. Didn't think the WD would be this bad.
Hi there and welcome to the site,

If you feel that 50mg is too big a step then try 25mg as your more likely to continue your taper that way. We do have a 'sober living' section where you can chat with other people going through or been through withdrawal.

This may help

Good luck