Mental Health Advice on taking Mirtazpine please


Feb 27, 2017
To give a little bit of background, I'm 19 and was diagnosed with Depression at 14. I was first put on Fluoxetine but moved to Citalopram when it began to cause anxiety I'd not previously suffered from. I reached the period, that many seem to experience, on Citalopram where the benefits disappeared and the negative side effects (lack of emotion and sexual disfunction) got too much. I came off it and bar a few bad patches, as 'normal' people have, I thought I could stay med free.

Since coming off Citalopram I've found ED to be a real issue. I don't know whether it's due to my mood getting worse or since coming of off Citalopram but the result is there and it's in turn made my mood worse.

I've now been prescribed Mirtazipine due to my apathy worrying my doctor. Could Mirtazipine maybe help the ED? Reading around online seems to suggest it could.

This then leads me to the second issue. Taking E with Mirtazipine is not reccommended but is supposedly the safest of the anti-depressants?
Could you offer some guidance on this too? If this was out of the equation I would be far more likely to try the Mirtazipine but I know that I will be taking E in the next few weeks.
Hi there. I can only give info based on my experience. I have been on both citalopram and mirtazapine in the past for depression. I stopped taking medication a month or so ago because I really didn't feel they were helping, and currently feel at least the same and most of the time better without them. But if you feel they are helping you then please keep taking them.

Mirtazapine might help with the ED, to be honest with me it caused minor sexual dysfunction but nothing like the kind the citalopram and other SSRIs seem to cause. That's only my experience and mirtazapine is highly likely to have very different effects for different people. Depression itself can cause sexual dysfunction and ED, that is always something to bear in mind. If you feel you need the chemical support at the moment I think that giving mirtazapine a go would be worthwhile, just give it a bit of time as it is likely it will take around a month to really feel the benefits of mirtazapine other than the initial sedative effects. By that time you should know for yourself how it is effecting you. Exercise and healthy living can vastly improve ED in my experience so might be worth trying too?

I don't really know about taking MDMA with mirtazapine, I know that I did without any negative results but medical advice stills suggests that there is a possibility of the the combination causing serotonin syndrome, although as you said much less likely than with many other antidepressants. Mirtazapine definitely effects your serotonin levels, so to be 100% safe this combo is probably best avoided.