Looking for legal ephedrine alternative


Feb 23, 2017
Years ago I used to take ECA stacks for weight loss and loved them. I don't need them for weight loss now, but I feel they may be great for helping me with some extreme fatigue I have due to my anemia, and helping me study. Anyone know of anything similar OTC I can take?
I'm not really sure of any "legal" alternatives, maybe yohimbine/caffeine. I don't really care for it though.
Pretty much any of the commercial pre-workout stimulant powders will do the trick (or you could make your own buying the ingredients separately and cheaply from bulk providers). You may also find some of the nootropics (~racetams etc) helpful, or the various modafinil derivatives/precursors.

It's not exactly healthy to rely on stimulants for basic functioning though, you'd be much better served resolving your anaemia if you can.
I just saw where you say you're anemic. Why not go for vitamin B injections instead?
You can legally get ephedrine at any Walgreens or CVS, just stack it with the caffeine on your own.
^Also this. In the form of Primatene or other asthma products.
Dicaffeine malate. Long lasting form of caffeine you can take and get no bad GI effects or jitters. Cheap as balls too even with shipping cost.
You can legally get ephedrine at any Walgreens or CVS, just stack it with the caffeine on your own.
Yep I use bronkaid. Ephedrine is only illegal as a weight loss suppliment, still legal for asthma
If you have extreme fatigue from anaemia - I highly recommend you get that fixed first rather than adding a stimulant which will supress your appetite

Obviously I cannot post the methods applicable on this forum as it would be highly irresponsible - but you can get most drugs prescribed if you logically engineer the process the doctor follows behind each one.

Stay within the law but think of your health - it is better to take the original drug (you know what it does) than experiment with crap that happens to be available to buy in a shop