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The Dragon Ashes


Jan 12, 2017
I have lived
in the land of trouble,
and stood where
the earth shook.
I trembled with the tremors,
and quaked the disquiet
of the hills near the brook.
I turned to the sun,
to where the mountain stood,
smoke and fire escaped--
stalking the field as a flood.
The heat hit the water in a wave;
crackling and sizzling in the sky,
as dragon ashes sighing
at crying goodbye to the night.
I do wonder if "dragon ashes" is a metaphor or do you mean like a burnt up dragon literally?

Edit: I think you mean ashes from whatever a dragon breathed fire on.

FYI dragons are real in my books and don't breath fire as far as I know but probably can do things beyond our ability of understanding as ordinary human beings.
Ashes to ashes

<3 Thank you for being in my life.

My friend.