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Am I Possessed Now?


Oct 3, 2014
I tried mirror gazing around an hour or so ago, and I am not under the influence of any drugs nor was I at the time. In fact, I merely have had 2 beers today and am currently sober. During my mirror gazing session, my face appeared to blur and my eyes turned..... BLACK! When I was out of the self induced mirror gazing trance, they appeared normal. I also kind of started tensing up and muttering random stuff to myself for some reason I cannot comprehend. Despite this effect of the mirror gazing, it was like I was drawn into it..... like I was literally unable to stop staring into the mirror! I feel relatively fine and actually feel better than prior to having done the mirror gazing, but am I possessed now?!?!?! I don't feel possessed or evil in any way nor is anyone noticing anything unusual about me. Was I just imagining the black eyes thing perhaps? Could it have had to do with the lighting? Plus, my reflection took on all kinds of strange forms I've never seen. I have done mirror gazing a few times before, and it's bizarre and mind boggling each and every time, but this has to be the strangest. It appeared to have released pressure in my third eye, which has been a welcome relief though.
I used to practice mirror gazing for a period of time, haven't done it in a while. The black face is totally normal with mirror gazing. Thats usually when the mirror gazing starts "working" and it's when people start getting uncomfortable, start refocusing their eyes or start getting a bit spooked. its what is supposed to happen. just breath into it and if you feel like stopping gently break away. I don't like ending a mirror gazing session in fear though I have, particularly at the beginning when I first started experimenting with it. It can produce a bit of a derealization type sensation that is uncomfortable.

At some point you might blast off and enter a higher vibration in the third eye. I guess you would call it opening the third eye though I'm not an expert in these things. It happens rarely to me, but when it does it is completely out of this world. Like drinking through a firehouse. It shows you stuff that is incomprehensible to your thinking mind. It makes no rational sense except for being a magnificent but overly intense show. Try doing the gazing with another person instead of a mirror. It's a much gentler experience And is rather uplifting and heartening.
I can stare at something for a long period of time and have all kinds of crazy visual stuff happen, and enter a trance-like state if I try. I've had myself disappear from view in the mirror until I shifted my eyes. I've produced an intense buzzing throughout my whole body. You're definitely not possessed. Why would you think that? If you start thinking you're possessed and worrying about it you might start attributing little things to it and build an illusion that you could choose to believe. The mind is a powerful thing.
No.....you can google 'mirror gazing facial distortion,' and you'll see that this is not an unusual phenomenon.
Yeah, it's definitely fine and I didn't get possessed or anything. It definitely was just an optical illusion caused by the fact that I have darkish colored eyes and I let my vision go blurry, thus making them look black. The only reason why I was worried about it initially was that I had heard rumors from people that mirror gazing is dangerous, because it can be a way for demons to attack you...... though those people are probably just paranoid. People say the same stuff about ouiji boards, which I used to be scared of too, but I've never seen credible evidence of anyone actually getting possessed from a ouiji board.
Interestingly there seem to be spiritual boogie man stories about possession in a few religions. I found myself having moments of concern, when I consider where I got the idea from, it was a childhood memory I had carried for all these years. Letting this fear go was much harder than I expected. Eventually, I was able to just see this as the block to progress it was and dismissed it. But in the real world I'm the guy who removes the safety crap from my table saw the day I buy it.

If you work in any kind of machine powered job there are safety concerns. Munchkins who don't know how to use tools build safety gear that causes more issues, I've taken this attitude with my spiritual progress as well. Since all the religions of the world wish to control us with fear but only a few came up with demons, you can think this through to an answer.

The act of sitting in front of a mirror (or person, or I believe anything you want to stare at), and holding that position and gaze for 30 minutes will bring you into a very focused but altered mental state. Since you don't normally behave in this fashion it will produce a new experience and overtime you will guide yourself through it. By altering your state you will be allowing experiences and ideas that you haven't had before and opening yourself up to the world more. Personally I think the demons the old religions spoke of were things like free thinking, or understanding, religions put boogie man guards on any practice that may reduce the authority of their religion.

Finding these old memories that we have used to build fear is a good practice in itself. Moving my childhood memory out of authority in my mind frees me to continue in the experience, now with one less imaginary fear.
True possession is so rare that anytime someone claims they are possessed, you should assume something else is going on. It only happens under very special circumstances which I will not discuss here for HR reasons.

I don't know the science behind mirrors and why they behave as portals, but they can. Most standard mirrors in people's homes are not very strong portal conductors. At the same time, I've noticed that a lot of serious magicians put protections over their mirrors as part of regular cleansing processes, and they cover or reverse them for rituals. So the mirror thing is important. I've used scrying mirrors for divination but they are specially prepared.

I've stared into mirrors while on LSD and seen some pretty incredible things, like past lives and what not.... but I found it had a lingering distortion effect on my perception of my own face that I did not enjoy. Mirrors suck me in easily when I'm high... I can easily forget that the outside world exists because the world within the mirror becomes so real. It's the perfect tool for projecting, and if the third eye gets involved then the projection has way more non-linear qualities (like clairvoyance). I wouldn't dwell on it.
I've experienced literal possesion or demonic activity these last weeks. It's pretty grim and I'm trying different ways to go about it. Maybe it's always been there and it's just become more prominent. But at least I eventually recognised these dark feelings and energies weren't my own, and that was a relief. It/they feel so close I can almost communicate with it.
^ have you considered an exorcism Ninae? There are people that perform these. Even the Catholic church has exorcists though they rarely advertise (not that you should use a catholic one, but typically they invoke Christ). You know better then I, but from materials you've posted in the past if I am to read between the lines and by your own admission you've worked with satanic and luciferian energies before, performed rituals of that nature and consulted literature meant for black magic and demonic invocation. A lot of people don't believe in that stuff which sort of protects them if they're inclined to experiment.

I know you've done a lot to move away from that in the last few years, but it might take the help of someone who specializes in that sort of thing. Sorry if I'm stated the obvious, just meant as encouragment.
You know better then I, but from materials you've posted in the past if I am to read between the lines and by your own admission you've worked with satanic and luciferian energies before, performed rituals of that nature and consulted literature meant for black magic and demonic invocation.

No! Never. It's funny you would actually think that. I just try to warn those who do. I just seem to be attacked for some reason. Maybe it's that persistent Jesus thread..
Sorry for the confusion then. It's just when you make a post saying you're possessed by a demon and you post a bunch of links related to occult material and relating to satanic energy and stuff, I don't know what to think. Anyways, there are real exorcists out there. This is a fact. Best wishes with your situation.
I believe the Phenibut I've been taking is making me more open to influence. I've been noticing it makes me more aggressive and can even give me violent impulses. I thought it came from my subconscious but now realise it's coming from outside of me, it goes away when I don't take it. So I guess it's like other drugs.
How can you tell the difference between if a drug is modifying your emotions (phenibut makes me more aggressive too), or some external entity? What sort of process do you have for making that determination to yourself?
I don't expect you to understand. I just felt full of rage and hate and was internally cursing people. Which is very unlike my nature. It feels like being obsessed, but you have to experience that for yourself.

Other people won't necessarily have that experience from Phenibut or any other drugs. It's just generally known that drugs can open the doors for possession. Because they weaken the aura or something like that.

I think the general aggressiveness is more from the chemical, it was more than that. It gives me violent fantasies. The reason for the anger was provoked by something legit, but it was blown far out of proportion.
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The main reason I'm reading so much channeling/Christian/occult stuff is I've started feeling uneasy about this whole end of the world thing. And maybe some kind of judgement day where the "tares will be separated from the wheat". I haven't had much time for any of this before but I've been starting to wonder about it.

So I don't know if we'll be seeing the anti-Christ any time soon, but it's getting to seem pretty promising. But if Christ was to return, it would completely blow my mind if that were to happen. I hadn't factored that in at all.

And most people would be very unprepared for that judgement day.
I used to practice mirror gazing for a period of time, haven't done it in a while. The black face is totally normal with mirror gazing. Thats usually when the mirror gazing starts "working" and it's when people start getting uncomfortable, start refocusing their eyes or start getting a bit spooked. its what is supposed to happen. just breath into it and if you feel like stopping gently break away. I don't like ending a mirror gazing session in fear though I have, particularly at the beginning when I first started experimenting with it. It can produce a bit of a derealization type sensation that is uncomfortable.

At some point you might blast off and enter a higher vibration in the third eye. I guess you would call it opening the third eye though I'm not an expert in these things. It happens rarely to me, but when it does it is completely out of this world. Like drinking through a firehouse. It shows you stuff that is incomprehensible to your thinking mind. It makes no rational sense except for being a magnificent but overly intense show. Try doing the gazing with another person instead of a mirror. It's a much gentler experience And is rather uplifting and heartening.

Mirrors are also portals, just remember that.
This thread isn't about Ninae, it's about possession. While ideas and beliefs can be criticized, making fun of individuals is not allowed here. Thanks.