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Kurt Cobain's (apparent)philosophy, 'It's better to burn out than fade away'...


Bluelight Crew
Aug 30, 2010
Kurt Cobain's (apparent)philosophy, 'It's better to burn out than fade away'...

I think this sometimes, yet, I endeavour, think and believe, 'It's better to live long in an effort to be rejected and then irritate the crap out of enough people to justify how bizarre/goddamn absurd society is and hopefully validate our existence; within this process'. Also, there are some slightly, lovely things here;despite my abject fear and disgust of humans - not to mention the horror-shows that occur on this patch of geological matter.

Agree or disagree? Thoughts and feelings etc.?
It's a lyric from a Neil Young song...
I don't take it as a philosophy, more a resignation of defeat.

Meh... he died at his Saturn return, like most of the hippies before him who overdosed. Ages 27-30 are a rough transition for many. Astrologically speaking it is the beginning of adulthood. It's when you get hammered by the lord of karma (Saturn) if you haven't started your path work yet. That hammering can come with such a sense of intense limitation that these young people bawk at the challenge and burn out.

Yeah, Cobain contributed a lot to the genre, but imagine what more he could've done had he stuck around. Instead he died at 27... and for what? Heroin?
Interesting you mention the Saturn return as playing a role Foreigner. I was reading this a couple days ago.

Saturn Taskmaster – Age 27
During this Cycle preparation for catching up on soul lessons that were missed by accelerating painful or unresolved issues in the life stream will begin. How the person chooses to deal with this cycle of time determines the spiritual level that can be accessed. The more resistance to change, the more suffering the person will experience. The goal is to alter the life path of the being to be interested in soul pursuits. This is created as an early exit point, or “escape hatch” when the soul is not sure if they want to stay here. If they stay 1st level of Ancestral Miasm is activated to begin clearing.

Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27. Not a good age for rockstars
'It's better to burn out than fade away'.

Trying to live by this, it's hard without drugs.
Meh... he died at his Saturn return, like most of the hippies before him who overdosed. Ages 27-30 are a rough transition for many. Astrologically speaking it is the beginning of adulthood. It's when you get hammered by the lord of karma (Saturn) if you haven't started your path work yet. That hammering can come with such a sense of intense limitation that these young people bawk at the challenge and burn out.

Yeah 27-30 specifically was really hard for me. Huge transition, but 31 was like emerging from a cave. I'm loving my thirties. I actually found my whole twenties to be challenging and confusing, but it took a shift from 27-30. Lowest years of my life, partly the result of life choices but I think it would have difficult regardless. Actually part of my thirties so far has been a much better understanding of how choices I make will play out, and the understanding of my own processes enough to be able to have the power to make the choices I actually think I should.

Yeah, Cobain contributed a lot to the genre, but imagine what more he could've done had he stuck around. Instead he died at 27... and for what? Heroin?

Well, he was very addicted to heroin but he shot himself actually.
Meh... he died at his Saturn return, like most of the hippies before him who overdosed. Ages 27-30 are a rough transition for many. Astrologically speaking it is the beginning of adulthood. It's when you get hammered by the lord of karma (Saturn) if you haven't started your path work yet. That hammering can come with such a sense of intense limitation that these young people bawk at the challenge and burn out.

Yeah, Cobain contributed a lot to the genre, but imagine what more he could've done had he stuck around. Instead he died at 27... and for what? Heroin?

My take on it is that his wife pushed him over the edge. She's a bad woman.

Courtney Love's father claims he can prove SHE was responsible for Kurt Cobain's death

By James Nye
17:09 GMT 01 May 2014, updated 22:40 GMT 01 May 2014
Hank Harrison is the estranged father of Courtney Love and used to be the manager The Grateful Dead
He believes his daughter was responsible for the 1994 death of Kurt Cobain
'No doubt she was capable,' Harrison says. 'I can’t prove she pulled the trigger, but I can prove her involvement to a high degree of certainty.'
Is to republish his book on the couple where he will outline his proof
Finally convinced by the release by police of a note written by Cobain
The note was kept in Cobain's pocket and calls Love a 'b***h' and a money-grabber
Authorities ruled Cobain's death a suicide and said he had taken a lethal dose of heroin prior to shooting himself
In March police said they had found four undeveloped rolls of film taken in Cobain's home at the time of his death
Detectives say the pictures found this year from Cobain's home at the time he died contain nothing to suggest that his death was not a suicide
Courtney Love's own father has made the sensational claim that his daughter was responsible for the death of Nirvana star Kurt Cobain - and he can prove it.

Hank Harrison, the ex-manager of the Grateful Dead, said that while he can't prove his daughter pulled the trigger on the shotgun that ended the grunge star's life 20 -years ago, he 'can prove her involvement to a high degree of certainty.'

Harrison, who is estranged from his rock-star daughter said that he became convinced she killed her own husband after the Seattle police released a note that Cobain held in his wallet mocking his wedding vows that called his wife a 'b***h with zits'
source: daily mail
Well, if Kurt Cobain was around today he might be bald and fat or a joke to everyone. There are advantages to dying young.
Well, if Kurt Cobain was around today he might be bald and fat or a joke to everyone. There are advantages to dying young.
For real? That is some pretty ignorant shit from someone who claims to be spiritual.
Interesting you mention the Saturn return as playing a role Foreigner. I was reading this a couple days ago.

Saturn Taskmaster – Age 27
During this Cycle preparation for catching up on soul lessons that were missed by accelerating painful or unresolved issues in the life stream will begin. How the person chooses to deal with this cycle of time determines the spiritual level that can be accessed. The more resistance to change, the more suffering the person will experience. The goal is to alter the life path of the being to be interested in soul pursuits. This is created as an early exit point, or “escape hatch” when the soul is not sure if they want to stay here. If they stay 1st level of Ancestral Miasm is activated to begin clearing.

Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27. Not a good age for rockstars

The quote is accurate in some ways, a bit black/white in others. Resistance does indeed create suffering, however sometimes we suffer no matter what we do. Sometimes suffering is part of the plan because it creates the necessary depth for us to recognize what we need to change or do next. I almost died on my Saturn return. Giving up was always an option. I wished for death many times, in fact I expected to die and was 100% sure I would. Then I lived. I was told by "spiritual" people and mundane people alike that it seemed like a test. It was like a personal apocalypse. But I can say that the things I have going for me now, like people and things, I would not have been ready for had I not gone through everything I just did. I would not have had the depth or wisdom to recognize it, or I would've ran away.

In a lot of new age circles they preach to stop resisting and surrender, but I find it kind of pointless. It's like telling a child to stop crying when they bump their head because, you know, it's not the end of the world. But maybe to the child it's a big deal until they grow past it. Resistance is, in may ways, coming to the limits of your own understanding. Growth can be painful. It doesn't always have to be but often it is. I think that's what Saturn taught me. We resist what makes us uncomfortable and what we know could cause us pain. I think it's human nature. So when I meet people who are in a state of resistance, I just tell them to keep doing what they feel is right. If you resist then you'll draw in everything to break you down and make you learn, or if not then maybe it'll be easier, who's to say. When shit hits the fan you really see what you're made of and what your weaknesses are.

I do agree that we are given a choice and exit points. The choice to stay or go is not necessarily made consciously. The soul decides and then the personality complies. It has to do with whether or not the pathwork can realistically be attained given the current configuration, and that is decided in ways that the organic mind can't comprehend. My suffering has been deep, long-term and intense but the clouds are finally clearing (I just turned 32). I see talents, abilities and insights emerging from everything I went through. The past 6 months have been very awesome and forgiving. The future is going to look unlike prior contrivances. It's a new day.
My take on it is that his wife pushed him over the edge. She's a bad woman.

Their relationship was definitely part of it. Not to keep making it about me, I just see similarities... from 27-29 I was in a series of toxic relationships. I had rose tinted glasses about all of them. Now, looking back, those people were destroying me -- not consciously, but they were, and I let them. Until we face our own shadow, we will keep pulling in people who draw us into it. It's a tough slog and it all comes down to self-love. Bottom line is that you don't let toxic people into your life unless some part of you is self-loathing, otherwise you would know you deserve better and would tell them to take a hike.

There will always be tests and your best guide is always going to be knowing your inner goodness as well as your inner shadow.
It's strange but that was the same age I was with Psycho Suzie. She almost murdered me. She taught me not to trust women.
It's strange but that was the same age I was with Psycho Suzie. She almost murdered me. She taught me not to trust women.

Gee that doesn't sound sexist. People are people. You can't base a whole gender on one bad relationship. Well I guess you can, but it isn't a realistic view.
Agreed. There are bad apples in every bunch. My ex was a fucking crazy person, she was horrible to me, but I just don't trust her. I'm with an amazing woman now, she's wonderful.
Gee that doesn't sound sexist. People are people. You can't base a whole gender on one bad relationship. Well I guess you can, but it isn't a realistic view.

I don't think it's sexist. I'm a man and my psycho ex was a man. He made me distrustful of all men. I was prepared to be celibate for the long-term, then I met someone decent. When you get hurt really badly you tend to make generalizations that come from your woundedness.
To clarify, I don't think it sounds sexist, it's just, surely you've got to realize that just because one person did something bad to you, not everyone in that group is the same way. Like, if a black person mugged you and beat your ass and sent you to the hospital, I think everyone would consider it racist for you to say "all black people are violent criminals". No different here. I get why someone comes to that place after having gone through a bad relationship, it's from bitterness and pain, but it's not a healthy or realistic attitude.
I don't think anyone here said that all women are untrustworthy?

What you're pointing out is that it's not rational, and I agree... trauma psychology is dysfunctional, but it's important to understand that it's a reasonable coping strategy under intense circumstances. Our minds draw all kinds of weird conclusions for self protection. Doesn't mean they make sense. Also doesn't mean they can't change.
I just meant he might have gone the same way as many rock stars.
I know Ninae. It just came across harsh. Michael Stipe looks good with a shaved head.
I just meant he might have gone the same way as many rock stars.
Those years of Saturn in the late 20s are hard. If it's not the career, it's either relationships or your losing your religion.
After previous trauma and having a very abnormal childhood, you realize it's hard to trust people on certain levels. Most of the trustworthy ones seem to already be paired off By the time you are 30, it's slim pickin's. If I dated men, I would feel the same way about men because I know how they think, and I've seen a lot of bad behaviour. There are trustworthy people of both genders, but they can be hard to find.