Writing-up US-residents who have used Tapentadol: support Bluelight by completing this survey


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
Inflexxion's latest web survey is targeting people who live in the US and have ever used Tapentadol, otherwise known as Nucynta, Palexia and Tapal, even just once.

Inflexxion is keen to know more about how Tapentadol is used, both medically and for non-medical or recreational purposes.

No personal identifying information including your name or computer IP address (computer ID) will be collected by the online survey. Inflexxion, Inc. will analyze the survey results in an aggregate form and these results will be shared on the Bluelight website, as has been done with past surveys.

Inflexxion donates generously to Bluelight. For those who are eligible, please consider participating in this survey as an easy way that you can support our community.

Survey link: removed - now writing up
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Completed. I know this drug is pretty niche but hopefully others are able to convey their experiences!
I've just made my account to reply. My doctor put me on "Palexia" a few months ago for my back pain and I didn't really like it. It's like a watered down version of Tramadol. I had to take really high doses to relieve the pain but then it also made me sick. 2 months went by before i decided i wanted to go back on tramadol. I've taken many different pain killers over the past 10 years and Tapentadol was probably the least helpful in regards to pain relief and even recreational use, if that's your thing.
Well, here in Canada the highest IR dose is 100mg, the good thing about them is that unlike Tramadol, it doesn't exist only as Tramacet 37.5mg/325mg for IR. The ER doses go up to 375mg though. I have tried 3x100mg IR doses from my skateboarding friend, he's a pro, kinda well known, he's been on american TV, a french canadian, anyway, he gets whatever he wants when he injures himself as his body even as he's getting into his 30's, he still can do it just fine (freestyle "street" parks mostly) and he's always got a script for codeine 30mg or 60mg or codeinecontins 200mg (highest dose), but that one time he had some Tapentadol 100mg IR and 375mg ER from a nasty "pogo" (hurting your ballsack very badly failing a sliding trick). He gave me those 3x100mg IR's and it was nice, better than tramadol, even when I tried our Zytram-XL at it highest dose (extended release tramadol with no tylenol). I liked it much better than taking 2 or 3 Tramacets for sure, but they should just find somebody to remarket Levo-Dromoran...it's not banned, just nobody makes it anymore, need a compound pharmacy, likewise for Oxymorphone, only way to get in Canada is to be a chronic pain patient who's tried a LOT of things, the one person I know who had 20mg generic Opana ER's made for him was taking HydromorphContins 30mg (largest dose) 4 times a day (2 every 12 hours) and 2x8mg Dilaudid (brand name the lucky bastard...but also my enabler until I said no more) and even the same for a great idea of a product, which is approved only unfortunately, Hydrocodone 7.5mg/200mg ibuprofen, 2 products even, Codofen and Ibucodan, they,re the exact same thing, we do have pure hydrocodone in pills, 5mg Hycodan but it's most often, like 90%+ prescribed for painful cough from very bad coughing from illness where one develops costochondritis...that's my experience anyway, was scripted 30x5mg Hycodans, the syrup is the same, but more expensive with a refill and month long prednisolone regimen after pneumonia. So tapentadol has its place, but they should market these products they already have approved at health canada, and bring back opioids not used often enough, mostly used for people allergic to codeine/morphine, they get Demerol and Talwin, which to me are good painkillers, especially Talwin nevermind the fact its a weak antagonist while being an an agonist, 150mg (3 tablets) of Talwin equals about 300mg of codeine for me. Of course companies want to come up with newer "better" patented products. I compare the 300mg of IR Tapentadol to about a shot of 10mg morphine or 15mg hydrocodone, nothing special, at least the seizure risks are much much lower than Tramadol, so maybe it will catch on, because Tramadol in Canada didn't, almost nobody is prescribed it, unlike what I've known from British, Americans and Australians where it's given like if it was tylenol...which it is for most people, a particular subset of people react extremely well to tramadol, good for them, it might be the case for tapentadol too.
Hey everyone. Please consider completing this study if you are in the eligible group. we really need your help!

Im currently on Tapentadol (Palexia) for chronic pain, however Im not living in the US am happy to fill in the survey if it might help?
I too am on Palexia 200mg Twice Daily but not in the US. Happy to help with any questions or do a survey.
What's the difference in between the 4mg dilaudid and 8mg dilaudid and how can the Dr tell on a urine drug test
I just completed the survey.;)
I've been taking Nucynta for 3 months. I had a ruptured disc, repaired via microdiscectomy. A fragment of the blown disc was compressing my sciatic nerve and I could not use my right leg. The sciatic pain was gone when I woke from surgery. However, several months afterwards I began developing horrible lower back pain. I also have RA, and the pain from that is mainly in my hands and feet.
I was taking 5x10/325 norco per day with not much relief anymore. My rheumatologist sent me off to a pain management specialist because she couldn't/wouldn't prescribe anything stronger.
Pain management guy thought Nucynta would work well for me. Dual mode of action, tolerance builds slowly if at all, etc. I was elated when my insurance actually paid for it.
The first dose (50mg) didn't do anything for me so I popped another one an hour later (this was OK'ed by the doc). Even with two doses onboard I wasn't getting much relief. Then, a few hours after taking those initial two tablets, my pain started melting away! I was initially prescribed 4x50mg/day, but for me they wear off after 3 to 4 hours. My doc told me to wait a few days in between dose adjustments, up to 6x50mg/day. That was the sweet spot!
My husband and co-workers noticed positive changes the next day. I wasn't walking like an old lady (direct quote from husband) and I had more energy, stamina and strength at work. I work at a very tiny brewery, where I do the brewing and QC work. Lots of heavy lifting, long long days, and standing on a hard concrete floor all day long. I used to take frequent breaks in my zero gravity reclining lawn chair while at work due to pain (ZOMG I love that chair!). But, after starting on Nucynta, I was back to my pre-surgery capabilities! Lifting 50lb sacks of grain, doing the entire brew by myself with no assistant, and no more need of my ghetto lazyboy lawnchair. I no longer wake up in extreme pain. I can enjoy sex again without feeling like my back is about to break. I've lost 5 pounds (went from 140 to 135), which I assume is due to my increased physical activity level.
In short,
I absolutely LOVE this drug. It's given me my life back! For me, it works far better than the Norco I was taking.
Inflexxion's latest web survey is targeting people who live in the US and have ever used Tapentadol, otherwise known as Nucynta, Palexia and Tapal, even just once.

Inflexxion is keen to know more about how Tapentadol is used, both medically and for non-medical or recreational purposes.

No personal identifying information including your name or computer IP address (computer ID) will be collected by the online survey. Inflexxion, Inc. will analyze the survey results in an aggregate form and these results will be shared on the Bluelight website, as has been done with past surveys.

Inflexxion donates generously to Bluelight. For those who are eligible, please consider participating in this survey as an easy way that you can support our community.

Survey link: https://inflexxion.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3rS6GgPWWXAlfiR[/QUOTE
I clicked on this in anticipation of having an opportunity to donate my time and/or.
Is there any withdrawals with quitting Nucynta cold turkey ?? Iam currently taking Nucynta ER 250 mg..
I just completed the survey.;)
I've been taking Nucynta for 3 months. I had a ruptured disc, repaired via microdiscectomy. A fragment of the blown disc was compressing my sciatic nerve and I could not use my right leg. The sciatic pain was gone when I woke from surgery. However, several months afterwards I began developing horrible lower back pain. I also have RA, and the pain from that is mainly in my hands and feet.
I was taking 5x10/325 norco per day with not much relief anymore. My rheumatologist sent me off to a pain management specialist because she couldn't/wouldn't prescribe anything stronger.
Pain management guy thought Nucynta would work well for me. Dual mode of action, tolerance builds slowly if at all, etc. I was elated when my insurance actually paid for it.
The first dose (50mg) didn't do anything for me so I popped another one an hour later (this was OK'ed by the doc). Even with two doses onboard I wasn't getting much relief. Then, a few hours after taking those initial two tablets, my pain started melting away! I was initially prescribed 4x50mg/day, but for me they wear off after 3 to 4 hours. My doc told me to wait a few days in between dose adjustments, up to 6x50mg/day. That was the sweet spot!
My husband and co-workers noticed positive changes the next day. I wasn't walking like an old lady (direct quote from husband) and I had more energy, stamina and strength at work. I work at a very tiny brewery, where I do the brewing and QC work. Lots of heavy lifting, long long days, and standing on a hard concrete floor all day long. I used to take frequent breaks in my zero gravity reclining lawn chair while at work due to pain (ZOMG I love that chair!). But, after starting on Nucynta, I was back to my pre-surgery capabilities! Lifting 50lb sacks of grain, doing the entire brew by myself with no assistant, and no more need of my ghetto lazyboy lawnchair. I no longer wake up in extreme pain. I can enjoy sex again without feeling like my back is about to break. I've lost 5 pounds (went from 140 to 135), which I assume is due to my increased physical activity level.
In short,
I absolutely LOVE this drug. It's given me my life back! For me, it works far better than the Norco I was taking.

jesus u make me feel like a pussy, i had a micro D also and still have pain and i just work an office job, couldn't imagine lifting and doing manual labor
Thanks to everyone - the survey is now closed. In the final sample, there were 78 Tapentadol user who completed the survey and 7 who completed the follow-up interviews. Thanks to everyone who participated. Keen to hear any feedback, especially on how the qualitative interviews went for you!
That's because they are now writing up the survey :)
I am 39, and 5 years ago I was on Nucynta for the next 3 years (2012-2015). I do not remember, nor was I looking for any sort of euphoric effect, however.