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could everyone be different versions of me?


Jan 18, 2013
Hey all, ain't we all one and the person I'm experiencing now is just one life time of billions, in one universe and time I am me currently but You could be me in another universe and time and everyone I see and witness is just me in another life time and dimension, so if was going to hurt someone and punch them in face I could be hurting myself? Get it? So when I die I pass onto one of these new life times and I could be actually be my mum next time so I feel what stress I put her through when I was a naughty teen lol. Does that make sense? Is there a name for this oneness philosophy , it's like a combination of solipsism and reincarnation?
I've heard it said that reincarnation may not exist, but simultaneously lifetimes might. Hard to say.

You are vaguely aware that we are all the same thing, in that we are all Emptiness. Ego creates the illusion of individuality, although that's not to say ego is pointless or hostile, it's just the nature of it.

The rules about treating people like you would like to be treated are sort of a contrived framework as a placeholder for what true love would naturally evoke. If you're coming from the heart then it's a normal thing to want to do what is for the highest good. That may sometimes actually involve punching someone in the face, by the way.
Exactly. We are all one, and it is true that the human race and the entire universe is a singular organism. There is no such thing as an individual in my opinion. The only 'real' organism is the organism of the universe, not just humans but all creatures and all things that are in existence. Not only things that are in existence now but all the things that have ever existed, because the existence of different times is merely an illusion of our three dimensional plane of reference. You've seen the true reality. While it is easily forgotten by the conscious mind, once you see it, it is always part of your mental framework. God is what breathes life into this great organism that is the universe. While it is certainly true that all violence is harmful to this organism, I will say that if it is needed for self defense than that is the only time that punching someone is the right thing to do. Other than that, it is true that violence harms the very fabric of the universe. All violence and harm is harmful to the organism of the universe. As you said, there is no me or you, it is all just universe.
Is there a name for this oneness philosophy , it's like a combination of solipsism and reincarnation?

As far as I understand solipsism means more something like "I am the only one who truly exists, and I am just imagining all those other people so I don't feel alone." When you say oneness philosophy I think monism is more fitting, which says that other people are just as real as you in so far that we are essentially all one and the same thing experiencing reality through different viewpoints simultaneously. If you want to call that one thing God then it would be pantheism.

That oneness lies at the base of reality rather than duality does feel intuitively right tor me, but in the end monism is as good a reason as any to treat others nicely.
Uh no, you are the only version of you. The cosmic conscious mind is the living plasma of a single being, of which you are a single drop. Ancient of ancients, it has no name.
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I think of it as ~ you are a single musical note of a symphony.

You have a NAME that is ancient, divine, and sacred.
Only the worthy learn their own name.
Only the pure of heart.
Yes. Everything is a version of you until you realise that your ego is constructed and everything else is connection.

Best wishes,

Your evil twin.