TDS Have I permanently damaged my friend with LSD?


Oct 18, 2016
About 2 weeks ago me and a group of friends dropped acid, with all but me being first timers. We were having such a good time on the first peak and it's rare that i'd get the chance to be in this kind of gathering so I suggested we take more and go for another peak. On the next one my friend went into a seriously bad trip and couldn't string words together for a few hours. He kept asking me if it's possible to take "too much" but I kept reassuring him that they only had smaller doses (110ug both peaks). Flash forward 2 weeks from then, my friend has been struggling with ridiculous general anxiety and panic attacks. He doesn't show any trigger signs and isn't hallucinating anymore but he describes it as constantly being in fight or flight mode. Both me and him and under a lot of stress now aswell due to exams and whatnot coming up so I think the stress is also amplifying everything he's feeling. Like me he's got a lot of work to do for uni and despite us leaving it till we had a week of holidays so that we had enough time to recover, it's affected him for way longer. I'm so scared that he's gotten permanent psychosis or something because it seems to be so severe and it's not getting any better. This whole situation has also made me feel extremely guilty as I was the one that suggested we should try it together, so any damage to him is my fault. I feel anxious during the day and really struggle to focus at the moment because of it. This guy has had slight anxiousness in the past but nothing on this kind of scale. I don't know how to help him and I don't know how to shake this feeling of guilt despite me warning them all many times that they should research it themselves and that i'm not pressuring them to try it. Has anyone had a similar experience and have recovered from it? How do I tell if this is damage done by the LSD or if it's symptoms of general anxiety from the trauma of the trip and all the stress of uni?
Look, If I ask you to take a road trip with me and some truck blindsides us and you die is it really my fault? You had the opportunity to say no to the trip and you knew there was a risk of car accident. You can't blame yourself for the unknown and he made the choice to go there just like you did. It could have been you. I'm really sorry things turned out this way for you both. LSD can be a most wonderful experience in the correct set and setting. Best of luck.
Tell your friend that with time, and a healthy lifestyle, things will improve.
One time I was basically ODing on ritalin(ate the whole bottle) then I had the brilliant idea as I was tweaking the fuck out to eat a half quarter of shrooms in a tea. I completely lost my mind. The shit I saw and felt that night... Its unspeakable. Probably the single most painful event of life. It beats withdrawals for intensity. I was like a bird with a broken wing after. It took me months to get back to normal. If its a really scary thing it fucks u up. Just like if u got raped or robbed or something. Its fukin scary to lose your mind. Your friend is probably just really shook and his brain needs to figure out normalcy again.
Sounds more like general anxiety. I know for some people after a bad trip they feel anxiety lingering days to weeks even months afterwards. Anxiety sucks and feels horrible but I think your friend will recover with time
I think your friend will eventually be OK. Getting permanent damage just from one night of overindulging is highly unlikely and if that was the case most of us would be vegetables...
As far as you, just learn your lesson and next time be more mature and don't push a newbie to overindulge...
PTSD also stands for post trip stress disorder..:|I've lost my mind plenty of times on psychedelics..not being able to string words together and losing your mind can be scary as hell the first time..if u have an ego death and are not prepared for it it can fuck with your perception for weeks..u kind of have to put your mind back together in a way if u go deep enough down the rabbit hole..I've been there on nights after I've combined LSD,shrooms and mdma..ahh the good ole days.if u keep it together those ego deaths can be enlightening or just as terrifying if u start panicking.he will get better but only time,healthy lifestyle, and being drug free especialy weed will help.
1. This isn't even remotely your fault so don't blame yourself. Yes, you suggested it, but you didn't force the acid into him. He made the ultimate decision and it's on him.

2. The biggest thing to worry about with LSD is HPPD and precipitating an early onset of mental diseases that the user would suffer from eventually anyways, just accelerated in their arrival. This is usually evident with schizophrenia. This doesn't sound like what's going on, so you can cross this worst case scenario off.

3. To me, it sounds like your friend had such an intense trip that they weren't ready for, and now they're suffering from a mild form of PTSD. That's my best guess. It will pass as other experiences and memories, fonder ones, pile as time passes.
You might want to tell your friend that it's just a drug, and even if it seems like you've looked profoundly into the true nature of reality, it doesn't mean it's necessarily true. As everyone here is basically saying, in time he'll feel better. It's a good idea if he didn't trip anymore, though.