I Have Gotten My Alcohol Problem Under Control...... Finally!


Oct 3, 2014
The other day I got extremely drunk and partially blacked out during the evening, with lots of worrisome gaps in my memory. Since this experience and the fact that I had been drinking fairly large amounts of alcohol on a regular/borderline daily basis, I have realized that I need to get my problem under control. During the past several days, I have not had a sip of alcohol which is a first for me during the past several months! For the past 3-6 months, I had been drinking anywhere between a couple beers to a six pack or so of high gravity beer in the course of a day. I had become antsy and irritated when I couldn't drink, but now I'm fine with my several days of sobriety. I have finally come to the conclusion that sobriety is NOT the enemy that it felt like it was before. I feel like even without being drunk, the residual alcohol in my system must've been slowing down my thinking. Now, I feel like my brain is running on more steam than before as I was likely in a near constant state of a sort of 'hangover' even though it didn't feel like it was. It's amazing to see how alcohol was actually dulling down my life rather than improving it! I never would have thought that, I thought it was like my sanctuary when really it was likely partly or fully the source of my problems. Upon stopping my nightly pattern of drinking and drunkenness, I had no negative or uncomfortable symptoms, only a sense of relief and feeling like my brain is running much more smoothly =D I'm not sure if I'll even touch alcohol again, I have finally seen it for what it is..... not something that really provided me with anything positive and began to turn into a serious vice that could've led me into health problems if I kept it up.
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Good do read this m8, go on. Just be ready for when life will treat you ungeantly, bacause that's when you will hear alcohol calling you again. Stay strong and you will be fine!
Be careful bro your too confident imo. This shit will grab you when your not looking.
Be careful bro your too confident imo. This shit will grab you when your not looking.

^this. You don't have very much time in sobriety, please proceed with caution and tread lightly. Keep up the great work!
That's great news! Please do keep us updated. How have you been feeling with the lesser amounts of alcohol?
I think that whole drunk vs sober thing is a bit of a false dichotomy. If anything, there is drunk, sober and hungover (not just the acute hangover, but the brain fog that can last for a couple days). I think that a lot of people caught up in self-medicating see sobriety as a threat when really they are instead in the hungover mindset (which does suck). Sobriety is a great mindset that can be further refined with diet, exercise and mindfulness.
but the brain fog that can last for a couple days)

Yeah, I never realized that until recently. As soon as I went without drinking large amounts of alcohol almost every night for the first time in months..... I realized I wasn't running on even close to "full steam" so to speak even while sober before. It was almost like even though my body didn't feel hungover and I didn't have the mood effects of hangovers anymore, my mental capacity was lowered in a similar way without me even realizing it since I never really got hangovers given the fact that I drank heavily on many/most nights. However, they were still there.... just in a way that was no longer noticeable. Now that I've noticed that, drinking/getting drunk every night or close to it just isn't appealing to me anymore.
Be careful bro your too confident imo. This shit will grab you when your not looking.

This.... don't be too confident in your sobriety. Trust me. It sneaks up.
I read in a helpful twelve steps book that you should try gently. Try when you can, when you feel you can handle it. Because if you cave in, you're going to feel bad about yourself after feeling so confident. I've been through this a lot...
But it's great that you're getting a break from the alcohol! Always great to clear the mind and "detox" it. Wishing the best of luck in your journey. Remember take it easy, but don't give up of course!