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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

XTC / 1 pill - Beginner - First Ever Time On XTC


Sep 25, 2016
XTC - SIM Cards from Amsterdam - 2 halves over 8 hours

September 24, 2016

I cant really begin to explain how amazing and life changing of an experience that was. I started off the day waking up after a very drunken night at Alex?€™s house, rushed to get home and change and whatnot. Went to Misjel?€™s birthday party after meeting Jorrit at the station and eating some Burger King in order to prepare for later. So we left Misjel?€™s at like 7 and headed to meet Jarret, Dom, Aylin and Frank at Ziggo. But before this, we were waiting for the tram, I was already kind of tipsy/drunk and Jorrit had taken a line of keta so obviously in a stupid state we took the shitty speed from Misjel and it burned like fucking hell and barely really worked. Not like the dex from Jorrit. Took the speed. Got on the tram. Met everyone at Ziggo and I think at this point the speed had kicked in a bit and I was also kind of tipsy still ?€“ not really sure which was working, alcohol or speed. But I wanted it to all go away so that ill be sober for the xtc. I think I ended up sobering up a bit by the time we got inside but I was just nervous so I was bouncy in the beginning. By the time we got in the crowd I was really nervous and just did not know what to expect. So I took the pill at 10pm on the dot. And waited for an hour.
This hour felt like 5 hours and I just didn?€™t know what to look for. I wanted to fake it and be like omg I feel it but really you can?€™t. especially for me because I didn?€™t know what to look for. Then came the anxiety attack. I thought for a second I was making up the anxiety ?€“ most likely was ?€“ to get attention from jorrit. But then it felt really intense and I remember josh saying hes usually quite paranoid in the beginning. Was surprised I had no urge to shit or throw up it was more like I really had to pee at one moment. So the anxiety attack came and I went to jorrit and told him. I tried to fight it off at first alone but then I was like no and looking back seeing how I needed a hug at that moment, I think the anxiety attack was it kicking in. after the hug and talking I felt my hands get a bit tingly which is usually a thing from drugs.
I don?€™t really remember the moment it started to kick in. but I was closing my eyes and trying to enjoy the music instead of thinking what is it when it works. Next thing I know im just looking around in awe of where I am. I don?€™t remember what I was looking at really. But I can imagine I just look like every other person on drugs. Wide eyes and locked jaw. But the locked jaw didn?€™t kick in until like an hour after it initially kicked in. and then I remember touching Aylin a lot. Or just touching everyone. Maybe it started with Dom. But it was this NEED to touch. And smile the entire time. Slowly my eyes became wider and I was wired. I was holding hands with Aylin and dancing and I just felt so myself, so sexy. I would get thoughts into my head of like oh I look so stupid but then im like im drugs and I feel amazing right now. Its not like a real feeling I think. Theres no thoughts and its nothing concrete. Everything is in the air. You just look around and its all how you saw it when you were sober but then suddenly its 100x more airy and flowy and beautiful and life is amazing.
When my jaw got locked suddenly I was like okay this means I really am high. I don?€™t remember when it happened but it was before the second half. And it was fine really its just every time I realized It I was like wow I must be really high.
The high in the beginning was kind of going in and out because of some anxiety and I got a little worried for a second but then somehow it just stayed there. It was just dancing. Looking around. Touching people alllllll the time. I touched Aylins stomach a hundred times maybe and idk it just felt nice but really it was mentally like wow I like touching people. Not a feeling so much in my hands. It just felt nice to have human contact and im really not someone who?€™s a hugger or holds hands often. I feel uncomfortable and awkward doing that because I close myself off but on x it just felt right. I would hold someones hands and clasp myself around them like we just fell off the titanic and I needed saving before the iceberg hits. And its kind of an amazing feeling having someone hold on to you like that like it just felt so much like im finally contacting with someone on a really deep level like our veins connected or something. It?€™s a weird feeling because it doesn?€™t feel like anything physically but mentally it feels amazing.
The happiness for me was the best thing ever because I didn?€™t know I could be so happy. I didn?€™t know I could smile that much and feel so in love with everyone. I kept saying im so happy because my jaw was locked and I couldn?€™t say much. I didn?€™t want to talk at all. I just thought that my smiling and everything would be words enough you know. I didn?€™t want a conversation. I just wanted to hear the music, dance and connect with people. Just touch them, dance with them.
At first there was a girl Jorrit was talking to and she came up to me later when I was high as fuck and said ?€œare you the girl from dubai taking x for the first time?€ and I just nodded, couldn?€™t talk much. She asked how it was going and I said amazing which is something ive said way too much about this experience but that?€™s the only word. She was so happy with me and I held hands with her and danced and it just felt so nice connecting with someone I don?€™t know. And I asked her what she took and she said some numbers and letters I don?€™t fucking know but she was also going for it so I was like well obviously im not the only one. Perfect.
The next one was some blonde girl with black eye shadow and she had such a nice look to her. It was beautiful so I told her and she looked so happy. And then I said I was on xtc for the first time and she just smiled and it gave me this weird like urgh im so stupid kind of feeling but then I got back to it. Cant love everyone.
Then was the weirdest. There were these 2 french gay boys who were really fucking cute and really gay. One even had a rainbow heart tattooed on his chest. It was really cute actually. They offered some vaporub for our faces and I was like?€?why. But anyways one kept asking for kisses and a threeway kiss and the other one wasn?€™t interested but it was soooo clear they were fucked up on xtc as well but it was great cause they were so loving. They gave me a massage. One in the front, the one who wasn?€™t into kissing and then the other in the back rubbing my shoulders and that was really amazing. I think its one of the few times in my life ive considered an orgy right there and then. I can imagine having an orgy on xtc would be really nice.
Then I think we went to see jarret and I was so high at this point it was great that we found him and started putting all this shit on me for precaution. Which was nice, hes honestly like a brother to me. Love that guy.
At some point I wanted to go back to jorrit and aylin cause aylin seemed a bit like she didn?€™t want me to leave. So okay we went back and we lost them and I think we soon after went to go sit on the upstairs chairs. Andrew beyer b2b ilan bluestone. No words can describe the pleasure I got from hearing bigger than love live. I cried my eyes out to it earlier but in person it was so magical. So amazing. So beautiful. I?€™ve never been so happy in my entire fucking life. It was the thing I needed at that moment and I think by then I had taken the 2nd half of the pill.
Some girls passed by our seats and I just felt compelled to tell them that they?€™re beautiful because they were and it was honestly so nice to see their response. So cute and happy and then they passed by us again and said hi again.
At this point I was sending voice notes to everyone like omg im so happy right now. While we were sitting I really felt that I needed to rub my arm on Jorrits and rub dom?€™s legs and feel Jorrit?€™s head. I don?€™t know. Its very weird. Feeling compelled to do weird shit like that and the time it felt so normal but looking back. Im fucking weird.
So then at some point at the last set of the night we went back down to jarret and saw them again. Sarah ?€“ his friend living in Amsterdam but from dubai ?€“ was fucking on one. She was holding me the whole time but I totally understood her cause I was on the same level of needing to hold someone.
It was at this point I met my last rando of the evening. Ralph. Ralph is some random 35 year old who lives outside of my city which was ironic. I looked around from dancing and saw this guy standing alone and he looked like a famous actor but cuter. So anyways, I went up to him out of bure god knows what kind of balls I had at this time but I was still flying but slowllyyyy going down. So I was like hey, can I get a hug. And he was like?€?okay. So we hugged. I was like im on xtc for the first time. He was like ok cool im also on xtc. And he rubbed my shoulders and was really nice. Then I was like this is a bit awkward maybe hes not down for it so I was like ok brb and then I left back to aylin. Same old same old just pulling on everyone, touching everyone etc. and then ralph came back and stood with me and im like aww how cute and we started rubbing each others arms again and hugging. It was so nice to feel connected like that.
Then the night ended and the comedown started pretty much as the music went off which was interesting to me but I already felt it going down anyways so I guess its not surprising.
And now the official sobering up. Its not bad. Could be worse but its only bad because of the situation with jorrit. But its fine and I feel less physically wrecked than going sober or like being on speed which is fucking killer.

Anyone have any tips/ticks/things to do next time/suggestions/things i did wrong?=D

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Poopsadaisy, great trip report to start, took me back to my first time. I would check out rollsafe.org on pre and post supplements just to help with the comedown, other than that you don't want to plan out too much. Planning never really goes right and you don't want to mess up your roll just because you're trying to plan it out. The most in our plan is a lot of glow Sticks, massage oil and wherever the evening takes us, having great company always makes it great. Just be safe and spread out your rolls.