TDS The Benzo Beast Compilation L


Sep 19, 2016
I am at a complete loss of words and thoughts right now. I was on xanax (taken as prescribed 3-4mg a day) for four years and somewhat successfully detoxed with the aide of a hospital setting and compassionate nurses. I was then lucky enough to receive a full scholarship to a somewhat plush rehab. Was put on 2400+mg of gabapentin, lexapro, trazadone, ya know the whole rehab cocktail. It now feels like I have been through like six different withdrawals. Fast forward three months out of rehab, one month into sober living, I was finally feeling somewhat normal after being weaned off the Rehab meds.

I start to get my life back in order, got in a nice condo with a great friend of mine. Was able to acquire an enjoyable job that pays decent coaching gymnastics (I was a gymnast for 14 years). Started smoking weed pretty regularly right out of sober living, drank a few times, but nothing severe until I had the bright idea to order some etizolam online to combat the anxiety that was slowly creeping back into my life (most likely exasperated by the pot smoking). I have always been a hardcore stoner at heart and popping a xanax or two with a couple bowls was always my favorite combination and my vice.

So my etizolam arrives and the vendor screws up my order and repays me by sending me (120) eti pellets instead of (30). So here I am around 40 days later on a 4mg+ etizolam habit which I am not entirely sure are completely pure and kosher, at least when I was prescribed xanax I knew it was pharmaceutical grade and had no adulterants in it. I am already completely dependent on the etizolam and made the decision to go to the ER today in an attempt to procure a small legit benzo script to replace this new, nasty eti habit. I was given two ativan and sent on my way after hours of sitting in the ER. I have been having very serious suicidal thoughts the last seven days, and every day it seems to get worse and worse. My depression and anxiety are achieving an all time peak, and my insurance lapsed about 8 months ago, so I only have some shitty Medi-Cal bull.

Anyway I feel as if my eti habit is making my anxiety worse, my depression is borderline suicidal, and it seems near impossible to achieve acquiring a real benzo prescription from a legit psychiatrist be it that I have no car right now, shitty insurance, and would have to lie about my etizolam usage and tell them about my prior xanax usage. I am digging myself lower and lower each day and need some suggestions to get out of this funk. I have so much shit going on with me having to find a new place to live, finances, finding a means to get to work. I am severely overwhelmed almost all of the time. Suicide and irrational thoughts flood my head the majority of the day. I really have no fukn clue what my next step should be. This is my first post on BL, and I am really hoping for some sort of feedback. I feel like a good portion of people on here can relate to one or many of my issues or obstacles.

Rehab was easy, 5 star chefs prepared our meals, we were drove from meeting to meeting, we all had free gym memberships, and all the therapy, yoga, and snacks you could ask for. Then they chuck you back into the real world where staying sober is the real challenge. Hopefully this W/D won't be as bad as the last one (I still have plenty of Eti's, but I REALLY want to stop taking them, should probably devise my own taper schedule but that's near impossible). I was in the hospital for 12 days and had two seizures. Fuck benzos and GABA drugs. Please send good thoughts this way, I am really at my wits end and really have no plan on how to remedy this shitty situation. AND I'm not even entirely sure getting a legitimate benzo script is the best idea! Thanks to whoever read even part of this..
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Hmm mmmmm.. Tough spot! I remember the last time I got in a bad etizolam situation, I was taking about 30mg a day. I ran out of cash and therefore etizolam, and had to ride it out cold turkey. Which wasn't entirely pleasant, I remember fitting and jiving on my sofa a good few times.

So, cold turkey is not to be recommended. If you can't get a legit script, I would recommend getting more etizolam and tapering that. 1mg reduction a week shouldn't be too painful, half an mg a week if it is.

What I would say was that for me, coming off high etizolam addictions was never as nasty as xanax or valium. That's just me, but hopefully it'll apply to you too. I did cold turkey off high daily doses a few times, and didn't suffer too bad. As with all benzos though, ct is highly risky and shouldn't be attempted unless there really is no alternative. I got through mine by drinking 3 litres of cider a day to ward off anxiety and seizures, it was a lousy way to live.
Find yourself some resources (online, books, a therapist?) to learn and begin to practice mindfulness as an antidote to anxiety. It is simple and effective though it requires you to practice with your thoughts. Those of us prone to anxiety have zero idea how to exist in the present in our minds. We are so used to projecting worry out into the future and using every bad outcome from the past to support our projections that we completely miss the possibility for calm in every present moment. Anxious thinking is almost always exaggerated thinking and you can learn to use your own rational mind to take the wind out of the hysterical projections your mind is habituated to steep itself in.
That's blinding advice, mindfulness helped me turn a massive corner with my anxiety. By my mid twenties I was diagnosed with GAD, every single day was perpetual anxiety and nothing but. Which led to the last 12 years jumping between benzos, opiates or all the drugs at the same time. I really thought that was going to be my life forever.

But the past year I've got into mindfulness, along with some other big changes to how I live my life. And for the first time since I can't remember when, my anxiety is practically non existent. I've finally knocked the addictive drugs on the head, and still no anxiety, even during properly stressful times.

You might want to look into CBT too, I know a lot of people with anxiety get l
A lot out of that.
Guys I wanted to give a quick update: I have been taking 4mg of etizolam a day these last four days. I have been unsuccessful at tapering myself down I believe, due to outside circumstances like potentially being homeless in the next 10 days. I have no deposit for rent, pretty shitty credit, and my car isn't working. My parents refuse to help in any sort of financial way, they label me the typical junkie and are bewildered why I just can't stop cold turkey and why I am getting side effects from benzos. My mom should know better because she is an al anon fanatic and could be convinced by that cult of a group that the world is flat is that's what they tell her. I really want to start tapering down, but with all these outside stressors overwhelming me, it's just making me want to eat more etizolam =( I'm not sure what to do, I need help from a variety of people but that is extremely difficult for me to do.

I wanted to ask my parents for a loan for a deposit on a new place, but I just end up arguing with my mom about me not being clean and being a drug addict. I'm still not entirely sure if I am one; I got hooked and dependent on a very very addictive medication taken as prescribed for over four years and didn't properly taper down being thrown cold turkey into a rehab. I am at a rough patch in my life at 26, and I feel as if I'm at the deepest edge mentally. Suicidal thoughts are clouding my cognitive process and I feel perpetually anxious, depressed, sick, and suicidal. All this over one fukn medication. I feel as if my life was ruined after that first year of xanax usage. Any words of encouragement or advice would be extremely welcoming right now guys. I just started posting on these forums a few days ago, and even the few responses I got have made me feel a bit better.
Jace, you are in a hard place and I understand how stressed you must feel but now is the time to create inner resources, not undermine them. Try not to let your mind zoom off into thinking the only way out is suicide. First things first: you need to taper down the etizolam. You cannot do this if you are throwing yourself into panic. When your life was stable and going well, the panicky thoughts started to return so with or without addiction there is the problem. In other words, whether your circumstances are great (as they were) or dismal (as they are now) your mental state was the same. You are going to have to confront your way of thinking and change it and that is a tall order. But in my experience this is pretty much what adulthood amounts to--undoing a lot of the BS we took in as kids. Make yourself a complex and challenging project! What needs to change? Not on the outside--not dependent on whether you have a house or do not have a house but independent of everything external, what can you be? I'm not trying to minimize your circumstances in any way--this would stress anyone out. But how we deal with stress is the deep challenge of being alive. Try to take a deep breath and stay right in the present. Your mind is going to try to follow all the same patterns of panic into the future but try to learn to put the brakes on that. For myself, I have learned to simply ask, "Is this helping?"8)
Yeah, the panic attacks are awful. I started freaking out during Etizolam withdrawal and now I calm myself before getting worked up. I'm taking Gabapentin to ease withdrawals, but I still feel "out of it" during certain times.

Those suicidal thoughts are lying to you. Just remember, the devil is a liar! He's trying to take you away from us. Do not let him. I've never been big on religion, but it's helping me see things more clearly. I repeat "GOD IS GOOD!!!" (And I used to loathe when people said that to me) because there is no way I would still be alive without him.
My eti habit isn't getting any better or worse at 4mg a day. I do not know if I should order more and hope that I have the discipline to self taper, or get an appointment with a psych and lie and tell them I was on (xx) 3?mg a day of xanax. I really just want to get off benzos altogether, I wish I could just explain to a psych the ashton method and wean down with valium but I've heard from herbavore and others that eti withdrawal isn't quite as bad as the classic benzos. Either way I feel pretty fucked. Thanks again for talking to me
My eti habit isn't getting any better or worse at 4mg a day. I do not know if I should order more and hope that I have the discipline to self taper, or get an appointment with a psych and lie and tell them I was on (xx) 3?mg a day of xanax. I really just want to get off benzos altogether, I wish I could just explain to a psych the ashton method and wean down with valium but I've heard from herbavore and others that eti withdrawal isn't quite as bad as the classic benzos. Either way I feel pretty fucked. Thanks again for talking to me
Jafar, would you say that experimenting with RC benZos is a bad idea?
For me: Yes, an ex-benzo recovering addict. My original order was only for 30 1mg eti pellets and lucky me, the vendor screws up my order so triples my order for free. So here I am stuck on a moderate eti habit versus an old prescribed xanax habit. Not sure which is worse, but kicking 3-4mg of xanax daily for 3 years was one of the most difficult things I have ever done
Hey brother. Just wanted to reach out.. I've been where you are probably 100 times over... been on/off benzos 10 years or more.. currently perscribed clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam. And I can't remember a month I didn't run at least a week short. I always taper and go at least 5 days off before refilling. Which is some SHIT. Which has sent me to the hospital 7 times now.. I have manic depression with MDD, and diagnosed Panic Disorder. Benzo Withdrawl is a bitch. Uuuuuge bitch. BUT. Is very mental. I've learned how to WD safely. As for gabapentin/lyrica... Two thumbs DOWN....?? shitty stuff. But can SAVE YOUR ASS during Withdrawl. Never ever stop trying to get a legal script. I've dr hopped countless times. Get. The. Legal. Script. Because with that you will always be able to get another... if you go to the hospital, or any other doc and show them the legit script... the addiction will always be with you psycol
Beautifully said, unfortunately I've f@Allen back to old ways much like jafari. But for a good period of my struggles I turned to things like meditation, and as u said other mindfullness practice. My life was changed felt like different person. Somehow its just hard for me to get started again, maybe depression, GAD & SocialAD, which is just what can/be cured/greatly improved thru these practices.
I don't feel a slave to benzos anymore and that was HELL!!! I even ordered Etiz recently and not concerned about taking it.

If you are going through withdrawals, use Gabapentin. It eliminated withdrawals. Or get a legit script for an anti-anxiety med to help you get off. Honestly, there is no excuse why anyone cannot taper off of a benzo. I do understand addiction though. Just take the Gabapentin or another benzo, taper off and be DONE!!!

Also, those of us with addictive personalities need a replacement. That's why I was happy I was prescribed Vyvanse because as long as I take that, I am not obsessing over benzos anymore. It no longer has a grip on me and it is no longer the center of my whole life.

Stay strong. You can do it.
Hey brother. Just wanted to reach out.. I've been where you are probably 100 times over... been on/off benzos 10 years or more.. currently perscribed clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam. And I can't remember a month I didn't run at least a week short. I always taper and go at least 5 days off before refilling. Which is some SHIT. Which has sent me to the hospital 7 times now.. I have manic depression with MDD, and diagnosed Panic Disorder. Benzo Withdrawl is a bitch. Uuuuuge bitch. BUT. Is very mental. I've learned how to WD safely. As for gabapentin/lyrica... Two thumbs DOWN....?? shitty stuff. But can SAVE YOUR ASS during Withdrawl. Never ever stop trying to get a legal script. I've dr hopped countless times. Get. The. Legal. Script. Because with that you will always be able to get another... if you go to the hospital, or any other doc and show them the legit script... the addiction will always be with you psycol

Yeah, what this person said. Get that script and get the fuck off of it.
Jace - definitely do a taper. Benzo withdrawal is so painful because very real neurological damage occurs when you stop cold turkey, and then it takes time for that damage to heal. Stopping cold turkey is much worse with respect to symptoms and damage then doing a taper.

Hey brother. Just wanted to reach out.. I've been where you are probably 100 times over... been on/off benzos 10 years or more.. currently perscribed clonazepam, diazepam, and lorazepam. And I can't remember a month I didn't run at least a week short. I always taper and go at least 5 days off before refilling. Which is some SHIT. Which has sent me to the hospital 7 times now.. I have manic depression with MDD, and diagnosed Panic Disorder. Benzo Withdrawl is a bitch. Uuuuuge bitch. BUT. Is very mental. I've learned how to WD safely. As for gabapentin/lyrica... Two thumbs DOWN....?? shitty stuff. But can SAVE YOUR ASS during Withdrawl. Never ever stop trying to get a legal script. I've dr hopped countless times. Get. The. Legal. Script. Because with that you will always be able to get another... if you go to the hospital, or any other doc and show them the legit script... the addiction will always be with you psycol

Speedmagic - what you are doing is very dangerous and is making benzo withdrawal worse for you. Benzo kindle, which means each subsequent withdrawal will be worse than the last. It's almost as though the damage done is cumulative. I highly recommend you taper down to a low dose at the end of each prescription cycle than tapering down and quitting because that taper is too fast to prevent damage and kindling from occurring. If you have questions let me know.

I don't feel a slave to benzos anymore and that was HELL!!! I even ordered Etiz recently and not concerned about taking it.

If you are going through withdrawals, use Gabapentin. It eliminated withdrawals. Or get a legit script for an anti-anxiety med to help you get off. Honestly, there is no excuse why anyone cannot taper off of a benzo. I do understand addiction though. Just take the Gabapentin or another benzo, taper off and be DONE!!!

Also, those of us with addictive personalities need a replacement. That's why I was happy I was prescribed Vyvanse because as long as I take that, I am not obsessing over benzos anymore. It no longer has a grip on me and it is no longer the center of my whole life.

Stay strong. You can do it.

CoastTwoCoast - you're doing great! Kudos!!! I hope you are proud of yourself. I know you've had some really difficult times this year and I give you credit for being able to accomplish this with everything else you have going on in your life. Way to go!
Thank you Moreaux!!! I am proud of myself and I finally love what I see in the mirror. I feel alive again. I used to be an empty shell and a walking corpse. It's a blessing to be here. I want everyone else to get well too. ❤️