• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

BEST Websites to Self-Educate Psycho-Pharmacology??


May 11, 2016
I've been using,




....websites, in terms of understanding the various drug mechanisms of actions, and the results of clinical trials outlining their applicability, side effects, efficacy etc.
There's also a vague degree of mechanics information here and there on the ncbi website, but in terms of understanding the actual exact action mechanism, I can't really find much outside of wikipedia.

Interesting as hell this shit.

Any of you scholars point me in the right direction?
sci-hub.cc (not a repository of information itself, but rather its a site that spoofs access tokens in order to make a non-paying customer, appear like a paying one, as if the request were coming from a uni with a journal subscription, just input the DOI of the article, sometimes the PMID also works, and occasionally although less reliably the journal reference name itself.)

Sod paying those greedy twats like elsevier too.
sci-hub.cc (not a repository of information itself, but rather its a site that spoofs access tokens in order to make a non-paying customer, appear like a paying one, as if the request were coming from a uni with a journal subscription, just input the DOI of the article, sometimes the PMID also works, and occasionally although less reliably the journal reference name itself.)

Sod paying those greedy twats like elsevier too.

That is fucking brilliant! Thanks!
Says you can't browse it sekio. Search only, or is it like google books where finding something by searching is enough to get in and then just scrolling through?

Do you know the libgen website address by any chance sekio? I couldn't use it before due to my ISP blocking it but the ISP recently changed to a different one so I may now be able to.

I have to say I am really impressed with what the woman behind sci-hub has achieved and stands for. The greedy publishing houses have tried suing, haven't they, only to be more or less told to sod off. And every time they manage to get a site shut down she just moves it=D

Molecular biology of the cell?

I don't see much in the way of neuro receptors and chemicals on the contents page...

When I say self education, I was referring to treatment with psychotropics, the effects of neurochemicals, upstream and downstream, the role the various receptors and chemicals play in terms of dealing with different conditions, ADHD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc.

"how cells obtain energy from food" - not so much.

Any links to anything of the aforementioned nature, specifically??
Molecular Neuropharmacology by Nestler, Malenka and Hyman is good.
Personally I think there are some good deals on used neuroscience books every now and then on Amazon. I would search for neuropharmacology and psychoneuropharmacology and so forth everyday for a couple weeks if you're penny pinching, you never know what will pop up for 20$ or less, which is what I think I got the above mentioned Molecular Neuropharmacology by Nestler for. Interesting now because I've seen a fair amount of Nestler studies concerning DeltaFosB and NMDA antagonists and stuff.

But yeah honestly review articles on PubMed/PMC are pretty good.
^^ Unfortunately for us UKers, we're met with this message:

"Access to the websites listed on this page has been blocked pursuant to orders of the high court.

More information can be found at www.ukispcourtorders.co.uk"

Limpet_Chicken - if you use the Opera browser in turbo mode, you should be able to access these blocked websites again as normal.
http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ for those looking for Library genesis

This is promising so far.

Downloading "A foundation in clinical neuroscience".

Hopefully all goes according to plan.

It's contents section seems to indicate it will address many of my queries regarding psychopharmacology.

If there's any other titles on psycho/neuro-pharmacology that you guys think are good, throw them out there!
sci-hub.cc (not a repository of information itself, but rather its a site that spoofs access tokens in order to make a non-paying customer, appear like a paying one, as if the request were coming from a uni with a journal subscription, just input the DOI of the article, sometimes the PMID also works, and occasionally although less reliably the journal reference name itself.)

Sod paying those greedy twats like elsevier too.

My browser blocked this as being an "unsafe site".

I just want to access this...

That library genesis site is unbelievable.

In one way, I feel bad.
But in another way, I'm on disability and no way I could afford to pay for these books, and I feel their contents is imperative to understanding my recovery.
So in that way, I guess it's not that bad.
Possibly browser blocked it because of its association with, essentially, piracy. Only its piracy of that which should in the first place have been free. Or if not free then at least the publishing houses should benefit those who are themselves submitting the papers, and the fucking bastards should not be so goddamn greedy.

Such acts as forcing those who wish access to the data they need to fork out a ton of money to merely RENT temporary access to it, and then charging more for temporary access and printing copies, and then more still for long term access, its disgusting.

And how can I myself get on libgen? my ISP blocks it due to a fucking court order, the slimy mingeflakes.
Maybe try accessing it though a proxy server?

Though if it's blocked through your ISP....

Worth a shot though.
Pretty sure Sthal's 3rd/4th edition of essential psychopharmacology is available online to dowload in pdf form for free