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    The Americas
    Drug Discussion

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General Drug Chat for the Americas, v. i (rebranded!) N&SADD social reboot


Bluelight Crew
Sep 15, 2007
Having discussed with moderation team we've decided to give this a go. This will be a free for all social thread to discuss drug use and the everyday lives of ourselves as drugs users in the Americas, without specific reference to a specific locale. That said, a few rules should be laid out:

  1. Obviously, all rules of the BLUA are in effect; most essentially for our forum in general this relates to sales, solicitation, and sourcing. Anything that crosses this line will result in a ban.
  2. Be good to one another. Playful banter and even a bit of trolling is fun and appropriate but behaviors that cross the line are unacceptable. This is necessarily vague and subject to moderator discussion.
  3. While this is in general a social thread without specific harm reduction orientation, if you're giving drug advice, as opposed to general banter please make sure it is good advice.
  4. No personally identifying information, email addresses, phone numbers, or other means of off channel communication are to be shared.
  5. No pictures of drug stashes, paraphenalia, selfies with drugs, etc.
  6. Discussion of drugs and drug scenes of all types, not just opiates, which have been the forum's main subject matter for a while now, is strongly encouraged.
  7. No discussion of ongoing criminal activity or planning the same.
  8. No discussion whatsoever about obtaining drugs online; this is North & South American DD, not Tor and VPN DD.
If people consistently break the rules this thread will not survive so let's keep being able to have nice things, yes?

Beyond that, once you've found this thread, have fun!

To start off, what's everyone up to?

I've had to call in to work to deal with more landlords tenant bullshit. I live in an illegally converted basement and the landlord needs access to the non converted part of the basement, and on short notice, for some kind of city inspection, so I've had to make the connecting areas look not-lived-in, and lock myself in here basically in the dark and pretend not to live here. I'm not leaving because I'll be a nervous wreck all day otherwise thinking I've been found out and about to be homeless (actually, the landlord would probably be legally responsible for housing me at least for a time, as we have a signed and valid lease and NYC housing laws are interpreted very liberally in favor of the tenant.) So I'm just boozing it up, going to be taking a little extra Suboxone, thinking about banging it which I know I had ought not to do, and popping pills and watching Netflix in the dark while pretending not to exist. Fun times!
^ yummmm opiates❤️
Would doing the ibogane treatment bring my tolerance down? I miss catching a buzz :/
Who doesn't like pills? Everything goes better with hydro!

@Sweet_Jane-are you thinking of doing ibogaine?
SKL said:
To start off, what's everyone up to?
currently researching BTC while intermittently scanning through justwatch and making a list of movies which are streaming on amazon prime or netflix. I'll probably end up watching a few lame romance films and then complaining about how terrible they're. if not i was thinking about watching a few classics that i should have seen long ago.

current list
  1. Arabian Nights Vol. 1
  2. Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong
  3. Something Anything
  4. The Little Prince (classic book)
  5. Hunting and Gathering
  6. The Pawnbroker
  7. Metalhead
  8. Creative Control
  9. Z for Zachariah (great book)
  10. The Adderall Diaries
^I've literally never heard of any of those. Did you end up watching any? Were they good?
Yay, NSADDSocial is back!

This transitional time is such an interesting period in American drug history. Medical/legal cannabis creates high/low markets across state borders, and availability of cheap cannabis seems to curtail other drug use. Changes in prescribing, changes in Mexican politics, internet drug sales... it's all gonna look so different in 50 years.
^ This is the age of the full synthetic drug, IMO. I think that's the defining aspect of this present moment in the history of drugs.

Ultimately it's not that bad of a time to be a recreational drug enthusiast, though...especially in regards to marijuana. There is no better time to be a pothead than the present day, IMO, at least in the United States.
^What do you mean by full synthetic drug? Like fentanyl being cut into heroin? Meth, benzos, etc? I think it's more of a penduluum swing if that's what you meant. Once the Drug War starts to end the price of natural drugs will drop precipitously and they'll come back in a big way. Sure, fentanyl is cheaper at this point, but CVS would never cut your heroin if they were in charge. They wouldn't be allowed.

I agree with you about cannabis for sure. Never been a better time, even in illegal states. So much export from medical/legal states that HS kids probably aren't smoking mids/brick nowadays...
Dont put anything past CVS. Couple of years ago, a store put tamoxifen instead of fluoride vitamins in their dispensing robot and like 12 kids got it. No staff member must have been told to look that day. They also have quite a few friends over at DEA who love the CVS ATM when they get caught being dumb. And Caremark has some questionable business practices.
^What do you mean by full synthetic drug? Like fentanyl being cut into heroin? Meth, benzos, etc? I think it's more of a penduluum swing if that's what you meant. Once the Drug War starts to end the price of natural drugs will drop precipitously and they'll come back in a big way. Sure, fentanyl is cheaper at this point, but CVS would never cut your heroin if they were in charge. They wouldn't be allowed.

I agree with you about cannabis for sure. Never been a better time, even in illegal states. So much export from medical/legal states that HS kids probably aren't smoking mids/brick nowadays...

What I mean is that the whole "research chemical" thing seems to be something of significance in the present day...it seems like in eras past the most notable drugs were derived from natural sources, though they may have been semi-synthetic themselves (weed, cocaine, heroin, LSD etc). Whereas nowadays there's a whole alphabet soup of drugs out there that have been spawned from the "grey market" etc. Some of them (like MXE) are somewhat interesting, most have been lacking compared to some of the older, more "classic" drugs IMO

There are exceptions of course...there are old timey drugs which are synthetic (barbiturates can't be found in nature, to the best of my knowledge), and natural drugs which have only gained currency in the USA during the modern era (like kratom, RIP), but those are just my thoughts on the matter.
WOAH WOAH WOAH....this was not discussed with me. This whole new NASSSAADADSD Social is completely unsanctioned. If you check my post history I think it will be plain to see that I am (and have been since it's inception waaaaaaaaaay back in 07 when it was in OD) and always will be the official NASSSAADADSD with roots in OD liason and ultimate head chief. I received no notice through mail courrier, electronic mail, text message, telefax, bat signal, message in a bottle, smoke signals, African signal drums, pigeon note, folded up letter with hearts and perfume and lips marks on to imitate a middle school note, or Skype call asking for permission for this new version of the social to go on.

Please take the time to fill out the required forms, which can be obtained through my associates, fill them out in triplicate, have them notarized and witnessed by a man wearing a sailors outfit and high heels smoking a corn cob pipe and listening to raffi's greatest hits on cassette. Please allow 4-6 months for the proper channels to review and approve of your request.

I can not stop you all from posting but i strongly urge that you observe the proper ways of going about this. For anyone who continues to post in this new unsanctioned social they will be tried with treason and sentenced to chew bubble gum until there jaw is uncomfortable. They will then be required to chug a whole 20oz slurpy to incite brain freeze and led to a room filled with speakers that play nothing but that noise that is produced when you run your nails down a chalk board
what's up from the pacific northwest ;) - today i waited two hours in line at the clinic to get my dose=outrageous !
that's why I could never get down with the done. personally I think it would be better for me as a maintenance drug than bupe, but I work weird and rotating hours and absolutely cannot get to a methadone clinic reliably without at least occasionally either using other opiates to cover me, being sick as a dog at work, or likewise when I show up at the clinic. I used to have a steady supply of the 10mg methadone pills and they were great. if I could get about 100-150/mg (or less even) to take home, as pills, none of this syrup solution bullshit, even on a weekly basis, I'd even submit to pissed tests, I'd be all over it. but my only option right now is bupe and I'm not knocking it, thank God for it, but I could be doing better if we had saner methadone laws around here. but as always it's about politics, public perception of junkies, and the interests of the pharmacos (now they have all these other silly bupe/nal combos, that are "different enough" from Sub/oxone/utex that they're patentable, fuck all that. The name of one of them cracked me up though. Bunavail. Sounds like something I'd say to the dope man, you, you got a couple of buns, uh, available… lol anyway.)

and the early post above about the political economy of drugs in our era. I've written a lot about that and I intend to put something longish here but basically the drug world is just copying the wider world with technology globalization commercialism "disruption" whatever and the drug game is fucked up right now don't get me wrong the consumer will always get what he needs but on the higher political level when they're looping of limbs in Mexico and South America and at a local level when they're lacing with weird ass fentanyl analogues what the fuck? we're on a political economy level something if we take the drug world to be its on country on a Weimar Republic or at least post USSR level; the old order is passing away and I might be retired but I was in that fight back in the day and I'm right pissed off at the changes.
wat it do dude?

they took The Lounge away, guess I'll shit around here for a few??
Shit.....creeping up on 2 years no benzos no opiates. Went 21 months stone cold sober but once I got out of drug court I started smoking. Have drank a time or two but nothing alarming. Life is good.

Come on BL to check and see if any of the super old heads end up in the shrine and to my horror the first time I came back after a year or so there were like 4. Crazy shit.

They took the lounge? Why?