Day 5, hour 114 of 160mg opana withdrawal...still hurting..


Mar 26, 2014
Hi everybody,

For maybe 18 months I had been addicted to Opana Er. I always took them orally and started with 40Mg everyday and worked my way up to at least 160mg everyday for the last 6 months. I became tired of taking them after not getting any effects any more, plus I kept increasing my dosages and thought to myself "how much much can I possibly take? I have a wife and an 8 month old son and don't want to die". Noone knew about my habit except my supplier. I took my last 160mg on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday I took half that and had 80mg each day. Sunday and Monday I had only 40mg each day, 20mg in morning and 20mg in evening. I know I totally screwed up the taper thing, but I just wanted off these pills asap...

Sunday began the crippling anxiety...was so bad I wanted to call my wife at work and just confess to everything but I didnt...Monday was the same...both days I was alone caring for my 8 month old son for 14hrs each day while my wife worked (I was a mental wreck like never before in my life and feel bad my son had to put up with me for those 2 days).

My question for everyone is, while feeling slightly better emotionally, when will sleep begin to come into play, as well as the terrible leg pain and feeling of my legs each weighing 500 lbs? I have no leg issues and know these issues are withdrawal related. These are the main symptoms I'm currently facing on day 5 of withdrawal. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Also, I still have 13 pills left and am finding it very hard to flush them down the toilet...anyone ever experience this?
If your finished with your taper I would just get rid of them. Are you taking any supportive medications to help you with your withdrawal? There are things you can do to help mitigate the pain and discomfort.
The last 3 days I had taken some gabapentin and baclofen I had leftover from a herniated disc. I plan to stop today though because I don't wanna get hooked on them.
Got I feel bad for you... Don't worry about gabapentin if you haven't abused it for at least 2 weeks daily at 1+ gram doses if it helps take it falling back on opiates would be worse
Herbavore, I'm feeling a bit better thanks...the only symptoms I have are the anxiety and pain/weakness in legs with some RLS.

Muzda, I'm definitely going to try the vitamin C!
Dude, I feel your pain withdrawals from opana were even worse than heroin, at least for me. By day 5 for me most of the main physical pains were gone like the chills and what not. The sleep unfortunately generally was 0 for me day 3-7 then only a few hours up until two weeks. However, usually after day 7 whether it's from finally being clean or the days curled up in bed, I usually feel overly energetic to the point I almost feel like I'm coming down from uppers at bedtime, without the headaches.

just hang in there it does get easier. I know it's hard but if you're clean flush those pills and stay far away from opiates. Cliche as fuck but all it takes is one time to set you back where you were. After abstaining for a few days all it took was one or two days going hard to start the w/ds over.

just noticed your post was March, any updates?