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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Vyvanse - Experienced - Trip Report


Jul 18, 2016
(I'm new to the site and looking for advice on where to but this thread which is about my small amount of experience of using Vyvanse recreational and some questions.)
[h=2]tl;dr short one: I'm confused that Vyvanse makes me feel drunk and not focus when it should, why? what are the mental and physical side effects of recreation Vyvanse usage?[/h][h=2]tl;dr longer one: paragraph 2, 4, and 5, is my short experience with Vyvanse / paragraph 1, my history with drugs/ paragraph 3, questioning why Vyvanse makes me feel drunk is it my personality/ paragraph 5, Me asking the readers questions about mental and physical side effects of Vyvanse and asking why using Vyvanse recreational gives me pretty much the opposite effect that it does to Patients with ADHD[/h]
1 In the past around late middle school to early high school i started my recreation drug use starting out like any kid with marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol like most people. Then late high school i started tripping taking acid and mushrooms which lead to recreation prescription drug use popping Adderall and Ritalin to help me study and take standardized test, which helped me focused like it should. Which lead to more recreation prescription drug use like lean, painkillers and Xanax. One day i was on to many drugs and got a concussion while tripping which lead to a bad trip. After the bad trip most drugs gave me panic attack. which lead me to being sober besides alcohol and some lean once or twice for a year and a half, leaving me currently with little to no knowledge on drugs.

2 so I went to a rave recently and usually i watch over all my friends who use drugs and make sure their okay but one day they all deiced to go sober so, i deiced i will try to go to the rave on a drug and left for the rave chewing my gum (important later on) and took a 50mg of Vyvanse at i would guess 8 to 9 pm. I had one of the funniest times of my life even though going to the event i thought it would have the same effect Adderall and Ritalin had on me. But i was so wrong the opposite happen the Vyvanse that i took for the first time at this rave had a big effect on me. I was more emotional and swinging a bit between happy and sad but mostly staying happy, i was more talkative holding better conversations with complete strangers than usually, i had the social skills that i usually have when i'm drunk, in a happy mood in general, i wasn't over thinking everything like i usually do. The negative effects that i had while on Vyvanse at the rave were a small but easy to ignore stomach ache, I was sometimes a bit sad on my emotional down swings, i also had trouble focusing especially with my short term memory, and i did not sleep for 24 hours after taking it. Which may be due to taking it right before the rave and being wired after the rave when most people where sleeping i was awake. But i still forced my self to stay up all day so i could go to the rave the next day when i should of been asleep.

3 So i had a fun time at the rave on Vyvanse and i was wondering if it was due to being at the rave or if it was the Vyvanse itself. Because when i took Adderall and Ritalin in the past i was focused i was surprised when the Vyvanse a pill used for the same treatment (ADHD) had such a different effect on me i deiced to run a experiment on vyvanse to see if i would like it in other situations. In general i'm surprised that ADHD medicine would have a huge effect on me especially the Vyvanse effecting me completely opposite from what it supposed to do. My guess on that because i have a completely different personality than stereotypical patient with ADHD, my personality is me being shy, quiet, a good ability to focus for a long time and not very talkative in general. The only trait that i can think that i share with stereotypical patients that suffer from ADHD is that i have a shitty short term memory. Vyvanse so far has had the second biggest effect on me emotional besides alcohol. I have struggled for around ten years with having and showing my emotions, with all the trouble i have had with expressing and feeling my emotions this has lead me down a path of depression. The times i have had express and felt the most emotions lately have been when i was drunk or on Vyvanse.

4 So for my 1st test on Vyvanse i wait till i was going to be the only person at my apartment and take it when i was bored. To see if i would have a panic attack or be negatively effected and not bother my roommates if things go wrong. I was home alone in my apartment with no one coming back that night at around 8 pm so i took a 70 mg Vyvanse. I would guess after about half an hour to a hour it started to kick in causing me to loose a bit of balance, but not severely once again, a bit of a emotional swing but most staying in a positive mood with only a couple of dips into being sad, i fell in love with a old hobby of mine which was reading, (I have started reading for fun again after a year of hiatus), i was really motivated to cook even though i was not hungry at all, and music sounded better than usually. For the negative effects that i had that night they where a sore jaw the next day due to being bored or not having gum to chew i clinched my jaw and teeth a bit, lost my appetite for a while, had a small stomach ache once again, some emotional downswings where i was quiet sad but i think being sad is better than my usually emotionless self, and at night i fell asleep around 4 am and woke up at 6:30 am due to the sun shining through my window rewarding me with lack of sleep. Overall that was better than my average night but it was no where near as good as when i was at the rave obviously.

5 for the second test i popped a 70mg Vyvanse early at 7 pm when me and my close friends where pre gaming for a house party. My close friends of mine knew that i was testing out Vyvanse and would check on me every couple of hours to make sure i was all good. Their was also some people that i knew decently well from going to high school with them a couple of years ago and some people that i have never seen or meet before, at the house party a perfect place to test my social skills on Vyvanse. Usually i have trouble holding a conversations even with the group of people that i know decently sober ,but when i was on Vyvanse i was able to talk to both people that i knew decently well and the people I never meet before as well pretty much at the same level that i would when i am drunk but with better pronunciation. I was also flirty more often than i usually do when sober and also when i am drunk too, i flirted with a couple of chicks when i usually shot for one at most and usually none at all. But the results of this test might not be the best since i was peer pressured a bit into drinking a couple shots, which might of effect the Vyvanse since i know when you mix alcohol and pills sometimes they multiple each others effect resulting in being really wasted. The positive affect that i had during this test was i had a higher sex drive than usually causing me to interact with chicks more often and increased my social interaction with the opposite sex which is always good. Another positive affect was that i was more social in general, i was not the life of the party but i was not awkwardly sitting in a corner doing noting which happens sometimes when i'm sober. I had a better time than my usually day but it was around the same amount of fun i have when i'm drunk at a party. I was in a good mood through out the night due to being more talkative and flirty with more chicks than i usually do when i'm sober at parties. The negative parts that affects me was i was in a sad mood for a couple of minutes when some chick was shooting my flirting down, their was less jaw pain the day after but still some due to me trying really hard not to look weird clenching my teeth all the time, i need to test to see if gum helps with the clenching again, a small stomach ache also happen once again, and i had trouble sleeping once again but not as bad as the other two times, i got back at around 2 am and was able to fall asleep at around 3 am sleeping in till 6:30 once again.

6 After going through my experience i had with Vyvanse i was wondering to get some reviews from others on this site about their experiences with Vyvanse while sharing my small experiment. I also want to know the health concerns of vyvanse since i only read the wiki page on it and it said pretty much every side effect that you can think of which makes me not trust it as much as i should so i want to hear about other people experiences with physical and mental health issues that they have ran into with Vyvanse. I was also wondering why was medicine that used to treat ADHD usually allows the patient to calm down and focus better, but why does it have such a strange effect on me making me feel pretty much as if i'm drunk. I think i will continue to use Vyvanse and other drugs that make me feel drunk and only at social events so that i can talk to others better than when i'm sober. (i prefer feeling drunk currently and i think i will prefer it into the foreseeable future and only doing drugs that make me feel drunk ex. lean)

Tagged by Xorkoth
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi there, you have already posted part of this message today and it was moved to the 'Other Drugs' section.