I night of indulgence,insanity,and stupidity.

Dr junkie

Jul 4, 2016
It's 2013,freshman year.Ah,three years ago,it feels like a life time looking back,enjoy this story of things I hope none of you feel inclined to attemp,I'm lucky at best.I had tried mushrooms the year before,unfortunately they were junk had a fairly commuted relationship to weed but this year was utter chaos.Im interduced to dxm,and boy did I derestimate it.I toke about five 30mg pills expecting disopointment,but what I got was gonzo style black out.

I remeber chatting with my then girlfriend,I began dancing around in my parents drive way,checking my phone to see if she responded.What follows this day will forever change my prespective,my personality and my brain forever.My parents basement holds very odd memories,after this day I was interduced to the website bestgore,just your standard shock site,nothing you Probabaly wouldn't expect from the title.Side note a once watched a man fling him self off a sky scraper my first night with my friends,I was in such awe all I could scrounge up to say was "he missed the fucking trampoline!"We later found out it was in fact a fire truck,poor bastard.

I still don't remeber most of that day,atleast enough to make any sense of it.Ill never be sure that high was of any actual importance,I like to think so for nostalgic reassons.But hard nights of drinking,mixed with dex,speed coke acid,peyote,smoking opium in my schools bathroom railing opana in the bath room nearest to the lunch room,openly mocking g our dare program (campus inpact)spray painting the stalls after dropping five tabs of premium lsd,you name it.

The rythem was straight ahead with no end in sight.Always one step ahead of my peers,the police and the staff.Went down once for tossing some pebbles at a kids shoe,yeah ironic.Looking back thinking to my self,wow what a ride!But how am I not dead?Genetics,luck both?Who knows,we've all got to go someday,but as long as I'm here I'll try my hardest to spend it the way I see fit.

It wasn't all drug fueled insanity.Tennage heartbreak,navie optimism,despite my cynical,vitriolic outlook ah yes love,the drug that got away(or the one didn't care enough about to chase).But back to my average day.Wake up still fucked up,dip into the stash of cheap alcohol fill a flask,have atleast four beers and we're off.Depending on the day,I like my opiates plain and "pure".If I'm going to nodsvile it's a two man trip.

My favorite opiates in this order,dilaudid,morphine,oxymorphone,oxycotin,tramdol,and then smack (sorry to disopointe,dope doesn't do it it wasn't bad just not my taste).I remeber the guy who was always holding, bless his blasphemous soul.Back to the really story,I digress.

The week I took,booze,speed,coke acid and other substances I simply don't remeber.Were talking massive blackouts here ladies and gentlemen,falling asleep in first period then waking up in the court yard located I great deal away from my health class.Vomiting in a sink tripping on what I belive to be a large fleshy pipe. (Due to sea-sickness meds,benadryl I belive) along with massive bugs and figures standing just out of my line of sight.Falling over myself,but I always pulled it together just enough to seem horribly sick.

During this period I remeber seemingly arrinitray momments of aimless wondering,dropping fire crackers into Porta potties,tagging anit drug signs,a house of a gentleman's house who made fun of my grandfather who passed away a few months prior,revenge was brewing in the mind of a lost,drunk loner teen.He was a racist gentle man,so I decided I'd pay homage to the movie "inglorious bastards!" needless to say,putting a pentagram on someone's car makes you look like the racist,even though he too was white.But that's a part of me has mostly progressed,my senseless destruction has since been replaced with trying to change the community around me.

But my reckless behavior almost costed me a year of my life,the damage in paint to the house,almost fifteen grand.about two hundred bucks away from a felony,the police of course trying to charge us with "breaking and entering" even though we didn't enter his house,or make it past his drive way that charge was dropped.But after paying the family back and dealing with some lengthy community service that part of my life seems like a distance memory ,sometimes shamefully so.But I always got a laugh out of my buddy tagging "ass fuckers" in yellow paint,we also tossed these to bud light bottles full of deck cleaner at the drive way.

But that was mostly filler,just one of the dozens of stories I have,but what was the purpose of all of this?Some sort of reaction to beung out casted and lotheing my surroundings,the culture of racists?Something to relive stress to keep me sane,I'm disheartened that I may never know.The memories fuzzy,and mostly scrambled,but my minds still in tack amd my heart beats.With that I hope this ramblings of a person considered a genius,but to eccentric to make it in public school.Take care,and take caution always.Your luck might run out much faster,remember know your drugs and most importantly know your limits,it's wise to take a break and maybe further distance your self from the edge.
This would be better suited to blogs but as you are a greenlighter you will have to wait until you reach Bluelighter staus (50 posts) to do that. So, Ill leave this open for now but for future reference, threads are made when you are looking for information or advice or support from other members.

It sounds to me that the amount of destruction could easily have earned you a felony so you definitely scraped through with some luck. Good to hear that you have distanced yourself from that level of drug abuse. When I first started reading I thought you were talking about freshman year of college--the fact that you started all this at 14 is scary to say the least. Hope you are on a path of taking good care of your body and brain now. Plenty of time later in life to establish a balanced relationship with altered states of consciousness. Right now, concentrate on your health, mental development and your studies.
Noted,and I've been on the path of furthering my credentials as of latley.Im still figuring out the ropes of the site,but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.I figured someone would find my story amussing,and the risks of pushing your luck too far vary but are often not worth it.But I no longer vandalize people's homes,I still use drugs but I've always been smart and lucky.