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personality type and drug preferences


Feb 14, 2016
hello fellow drug users :) i was curious as to whether there is a link between drug usage and your personality type. As in whether introverted are more likely to do a certain drug vs. extroverted. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp it would be much appreciated if you were to use that test to figure out the personality and also if you're still feeling up to it after that 60 something question test also include what drugs you prefer doing. sorry if this isn't a type of thing you guys do here i was just curious to whether there's a link to it or not. and as for me i'm an INTP and i prefer to do psychedelics. but i won't turn down any benzos or pain pills either and weed just makes me too paranoid and anxious.
I like this thread. I've discussed similar ideas in a thread I started a while ago.

But anyway, I actually took the personality test months ago (I find that sort of stuff intriguing). I am an INFP personality type. And my drug preferences are opiates/opioids. I'll take amphetamines occasionally, but not often. Alcohol is alright, I still drink it every now and then. I used to be into psychs, not so much anymore, and I usually don't enjoy marijuana these days either.
I think introverted people might be more liable to use psychedelics. and more extroverted people stimulants. Both can be into opioids
I got...

Introvert(44%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(16%) Judging(3%)

You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (16%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (3%)

And I'm an alcoholic. Don't do any drugs besides my legally prescribed benzo.
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I think introverted people might be more liable to use psychedelics. and more extroverted people stimulants. Both can be into opioids

I see why you might say this, but it's is not the case in my situation. I'm an introvert and have been turned off of psychs. Plus, (and I know this may be specific to me) plenty of people I know that are into psychs are pretty outgoing people. Also, I've thought that it's possible that introverts could use stimulants as a way to combat their shy nature. For instance if an introvert suffers from anxiety, they may use amphetamines as social lubrication.
Just a thought, these things vary from person to person.

But generally speaking, I would agree that extroverts tend to gravitate toward stimulants. But I would think that introverts would generally have more of an affinity for opiates. And I'd say that both intro/extroverts can take to alcohol.
I'm introverted and my DOC are psychedelics - was always fascinated by GABAergics and still am -, and never liked psychostimulants. But now I love psychostimulants. Don't really care for opiods, but buprenorphine -the kappa opioid antagonism is amazing - is one of my favorite drugs. Don't care much for nicotine as I develop intense tachyphylaxis, except when I smoke in the morning.

One time about a month ago - now I smoke out a corn cob pipe - I smoked half the bowl and immediately collapsed in the snow and could not bring myself to stand for a full two minutes. I kept trying to stand up and was flopping back down. If somebody had driven by they probably would have called the ambulance. What an intense rush.

if any of you have never smoked out of corn cob pipe and taken a huge hit of tobacco like you would marijuana and held it in, then you have never really experience a true nicotine buzz.
I don't know whether I'm introverted or extroverted. I enjoy the company of others, and often seek it out, but I also appreciate solitude, introspective reflection and the absence of other people from time to time *shrug* So I don't know.

As far as what drugs I like, well, I've liked them all at one point or another. I am the ultimate polydrug addict...the only drug that's consistently in my life is weed. If someone were to offer me a lifetime supply of whatever two recreational drugs I could have, but it could be only 2 drugs, I'd probably choose marijuana and oxycodone nowadays. Draw whatever conclusions you want from that...:)
This exact thread has existed before but a new one is fine as the forum has different regulars now and I'd like to read about theirs. I don't remember my personality type. But I'll take the test again when I have enough time.

/E: INFJ, I think it was, if that is at all possible. I don't recall what it stands for but I think introvert and some other stuff. Again, I'll add the appropiate info to this post when I have the time.

/E2: Yep, INFJ, I remembered correctly. The explanation also matches my personality pretty well. My DOC used to be amphetamines and weed for a while, but since I started having anxiety issues my use started moving more towards downers and so my DOC(s) became opioids (firstly) and benzos (secondly).
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I'm an introvert and drug of choice is benzos and alcohol, followed by either opiates or stims. Do not like psychedelics.
Also, I've thought that it's possible that introverts could use stimulants as a way to combat their shy nature. For instance if an introvert suffers from anxiety, they may use amphetamines as social lubrication.
Just a thought, these things vary from person to person.

I was thinking the same thing but more with alcohol or downers. I would think that stimulants would cause heightened anxiety, but like you said everyone's different. Either way it wouldn't surprise me if people that are more introverted may be more likely to take to mind numbing drugs than psychedelics. I know in my case that's one of the reasons I took to alcohol... It was great at first for losing your inhibitions and social anxiety issues until you turn into an alcoholic. :|
Why do you feel introverts would use mind-numbing drugs

I think we might be going off of the assumption that some introverted people are that way due to anxiety rather than a choice. Maybe "numbing" their mind is an effective way for them to be more extroverted. I used to use speed for this reason when I was in High School and it works great.

But, back to the original question. As far as my personality goes, I can't imagine ever having a chronic stimulant habit. I'm not saying the Opiates don't change your personality at all, I'm just saying the stimulants seem to have a much more severe impact on people's emotions acutely. I could never do that to my friends and family and would never want to be known as the volatile ass hole that everyone is walking on egg shells around.

The worst people get from me is that I'm either tired and just want to chill or I'm sick and don't feel like doing anything and want to chill. Opiates are the only drugs besides Alcohol that have every really gotten their hooks in me. I don't have experience being a chronic user of anything else.
INFJ, I think it was, if that is at all possible. I don't recall what it stands for but I think introvert and some other stuff. Again, I'll add the appropiate info to this post when I have the time.

/E2: Yep, INFJ, I remembered correctly. The explanation also matches my personality pretty well. My DOC used to be amphetamines and weed for a while, but since I started having anxiety issues my use started moving more towards downers and so my DOC(s) became opioids (firstly) and benzos (secondly).

Heeey, we're both "diplomats" (or "idealists"), being NFs. Your personality, INFJ, is the rarest type. That's pretty sweet.

Back OT: Earlier in the thread, I didn't mean to imply that all introverts were anxious, although some are. I know because I am an introvert that is prone to anxiety.

@Nutty: Yeah, stimulants can heighten anxiety, I didn't really take that into account. I always forget that some people get more anxious on amphetamines because they worked like a charm for me. Whenever I did uppers I was unusually talkative and productive, so I tend to overlook that they can be a source of anxiety for some people. And using opiates/alcohol to combat anxiety makes sense too. As I do that as well.

Personally, I speak as one introvert, I have decided to avoid psychedelics because of my mentality and because of where I'm at in my life. I don't think having my mind bend in that way would do me any good, and would only exacerbate my current state, making me more prone to depression. So, introverts like me are probably more likely to take mind-numbing substances. But, introverts who are perfectly content with their lives and have no mental issues (same w/ extroverts) are likely to take any drug, depending on who they are; or perhaps abstain from drug use.

I'd like to reiterate that these are all just thoughts I felt were worthy to bring into the conversation. I hate generalizing but it's nearly impossible not to when discussing something like this, so I don't mean to offend anyone. Can't emphasize that enough.
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I personally find that stimulants make me a lot more anxious and as it was said above i would never be able to continue doing them a lot. But it's very interesting that so far it's only been introverted people. i mean obviously that's only a few out of the bunch sand hopefully more will reply.
im an intp historically but over time ive drifted toward an even split on every metric except introversion. so whatever the letters mean, i dont align too closely with any one by itself.

i dont put much stock into personality surveys because knowing the result wont change your behavior afterwards, it will only provide labels for what you already know about yourself.

i guess as an official INTP i like mostly sedatives. used to eat a lot of psychs.

burnt offerings: id wager that means you are near the middle of the spectrum, appreciating both aspects of intro or extra -version depending on the circumstances.
I think we might be going off of the assumption that some introverted people are that way due to anxiety rather than a choice. Maybe "numbing" their mind is an effective way for them to be more extroverted.

That's basically what I was getting at. I'm not trying to say that that's the case with everyone who's more introverted, but for me personally it is.
You are assuming they want to numb their mind because introverted people are that way because they have emotionalproblems like depression and stuff and they want to escape. Some people are just naturally like that. it doesn't matter about anxiety or choice. They are happy and perfectly fine and normal

I am introverterd and perfectly normal and happy as and extroverted person. You people have misperceptions
You are assuming they want to numb their mind because introverted people are that way because they have emotionalproblems like depression and stuff and they want to escape. Some people are just naturally like that. it doesn't matter about anxiety or choice. They are happy and perfectly fine and normal

I am introverterd and perfectly normal and happy as and extroverted person. You people have misperceptions

Most people in this thread have already acknowledged that not all introverts are anxious or depressed. Nobody has stated that that's how all introverts are. We've only talked about how those that do have mental/emotional problems would be more likely to self-medicate, which makes perfect sense.

I realize that many different people, both extroverts and introverts, may have these sort of problems at times. I also realize that many introverts are perfectly happy with the lives they lead. I don't see much of a misconception, and I think you misunderstood what some of us were saying.
You are assuming they want to numb their mind because introverted people are that way because they have emotionalproblems like depression and stuff and they want to escape. Some people are just naturally like that. it doesn't matter about anxiety or choice. They are happy and perfectly fine and normal

I am introverterd and perfectly normal and happy as and extroverted person. You people have misperceptions

I just said that I wasn't trying to say that it's the case with everyone. I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive. And it's just a theory anyways.