Advice and support for quitting Vicodin please.


May 11, 2016
I've been doing this on and off for 5 years. It's been really bad the last 10 months. I have two small children to care for and a husband that has absolutely no clue that I take anything. I was taking up to 50mg of 10/325 once a day. I have been really down and want to quit so bad and I guess the stress of it all made me go on a binge. So selfish of me I know! I am feeling so much guilt. I took 6 of them twice today. So 12 total. I need my life back. I have no one to talk to since no one knows my secret. I spend entirely too much money and time worrying with this mess. Give it to me straight. How bad is this going to be? I have a 3 day weekend. I have my kids of course but, they are going to their grandparents tomorrow for the evening and night. I've searched a lot on this and I know it's different for everyone but I would appreciate any helpful advice from anyone who has been through this experience. I blocked and deleted all numbers of people that I deal with. I want to start off a clean slate. As of the last thing I took I will not fall back into taking another pill. I do have Baclofen which I read will help combat the withdrawals. But I don't want to become a slave to something else. I also don't want to prolong them either.
Try not to focus on the shame--it will only spur you into further use down the road. Forgive yourself and take pride in the fact that you now have the determination to quit.

Here are some links that you may find helpful:

I can't answer how bad the WD is going to be but I know that you can get through it. You are a mom.:) Think how many times your kids have been sick when you are also sick and you just power through anyway. You already have stores of strength in you that you may not even be aware of! Tell yourself that no matter how bad you may feel, it has an end. Addiction, and how bad that makes you feel has no end so if you can hold that comparison in your mind it might help.<3
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. That was so nice. I still have the boys and so far today isn't bad. But it's usually day two that starts being hard for me. I am really trying to be positive and not give into the bad thoughts. I appreciate what you have said and I will check out the links!
The horrible withdrawal stories are usually from IV users or serious habits..hydro codons might be the easiest pill to come off of..u will feel some physical symptoms like a runny nose or restless limbs but I doubt any throwing up or number 2 problems if u know what I mean..the anxiety is the worse part and the feeling that your missing will only be a few days of withdraw
and then u might experience PAWS which varies in the length of time from person to person

people say u can't quit for other people but thinking of your children will really help u..nothing is stronger than the bond between mother and child..get clean for yourself but use what u love as fuel to stay on track..u will have cravings but regonize when it happens and stay grounded
I was on them for a few years and then got cut off, I didn't have any physical withdrawals personally but psychologically I definitely did. I've been off of them for a few months and still don't feel normal or happy without them, I think they rewire your brain(opiates in general actually). I wish I was never prescribed them now, because it's hard to go back to feeling happy normally, at least for me. Good luck
Thanks for replying guys. I really appreciate it. I've googled withdrawals and others made it out like it was absolutely horrible. I will say I hardly ever go a day without them. So far today I haven't had anything. I have been super anxious, had number 2 problems ? And have just felt super lazy. Last time I had to quit because I was pregnant it was absolutely terrible. I couldn't sleep and I had such bad restless legs but I'm sure that was due to being pregnant lol my boys are very very energetic kids so they've kept me extremely busy. I hope I don't feel worse tomorrow. Thanks for all the support. Being able to come here and talk has really helped me today.
I feel the same everytime I have to quit. Like I just don't feel like doing anything or being social unless I have some of them ? Makes the everyday stuff hard.
This is the beginning of day two. Honestly I feel awful but I'm not sure if it is because I was sick already or if it is withdrawals. My stomach hurts pretty bad and I've got a terrible cough. As does my youngest boy. My 3 year old went fishing with his dad so it's just me and my 10 month old today. Luckily he is the easy one to entertain lol. I was able to sleep last night. I slept extremely hard which is weird because I expected not to sleep! But I did take the Baclofen so maybe that's why. I know that no one is really following this but I'm posting updates for myself I guess and anyone who will listen.
People listen.i even thought this morning about checking this opiate addicts stick together :D

u can have hope because if u get over day 3 or 4 it will start getting better everyday

loperamide might help your stomach

try to find the strength to do things around the house to keep your mind occupied,maybe take a walk with your child and listen to some music if it's nice out

getting out of the house really helps me because when I'm just sitting in the house all i want to do is get high because that's where I would always be when I'm high

stay strong
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Thanks! I do find when I make myself do housework it helps a lot. Especially since I have so much housework to do lol I am the opposite though. When I leave I was usually headed to get something to take so when I leave I always want to call. So I've made myself a hermit. I left to go to the store once. And I'm not even going to lie. I did call to see if my dealer had anything and it must be a sign because he was all out. Lucky for me
Probably the dumbest thing I've done in my life. I was craving so bad that I left to go take someone to a house to get some Vic's and they were sleeping because it's freaking midnight. I feel stupid for wanting them that bad and for leaving to do this. But it's a good thing I have to go another night. Ugh! I feel so helpless. I need this to go away.
Every time I try to quit, I always end up getting 1 more which leads to 50 more. Once I get it in my head there is no stopping me. You're doing great, girlinred! Small victories are huge in early recovery. Don't get caught up on days. I will always make it to day 4 then give in. Being able to feel sucks but if I would have quit when I should have, I would have 7 months clean.
It's extremely hard to quit when you have no support system. I to can not let anyone know about my addiction. Rely heavily on the blue lighters. We love you and are here for you. You can do this no matter how many times you slip.

No more day 1's!
Hey that is perfectly normal, we always want to do one more. I struggle all the time with temptation and cravings, they are extremely powerful. It's amazing the wonders of the mind. So don't feel bad at all, most of us relapse, it's all a part of the process. So stay positive and hang in there and take it one day one step at a time. Good luck!
For me it's almost like there is someone else controlling my actions like sending the text and driving to my dealers house, like I know it's going to end badly but I have no control....scary

If it makes you feel any better Vicodin is one of the easier pills to get off, and you weren't taking stupid mega doses either. I've withdrawn several times and as long as I can make it to like day 4, and I actually feel better than the day before then I'm home will be too, if you can just reach the morning where you turn the corner, you'll be golden and that is very soon for you probably tomorrow.

Think about this too, there is a brain process called kindling where every successive withdrawal is worse than the previous...I've found that to absolutely be the case with me personally. Might make you think twice about diving back in to the pill bottle like I've done a bunch of times.

Just please hold out until you turn the corner I'm guessing like the 3rd or 4th morning for you! Let us know how it's going OP
I did end up relapsing on day 4 and I am kicking myself in the ass every minute of every day. I'm ready to start over. I was stupid and took a methadone because it was all my dealer had today. Then I started reading on it and I'm freaking out. I can't tell if I'm having a bad reaction to it or what's going on but I'm scared out of my mind
hey, i really feel bad for you but there really is nothing you can do. the only thing you can do really is stop doing what you are doing. i was on the opiate train once but i only experimented with it. i never took enough of it to get addicted so i don't know exactly what you are going through. here is my advice. use the rest of your vicodin to taper off slowly. honestly, you are in a better position than most people who are addicted and have no more drugs left to help them with the withdrawal. use the vicodin only when you are suffering from the withdrawal. plan your tapering regimen so you have enough drugs to help you through the withdrawal and then quit. keep the acetominophen low plz, that stuff is literally poison
I've been off for 1.5 mos. yesterday ; ) had gotten real bad toward the end , 10year run ..... I've gotta say it's 70% in your head ( like a kid screaming going to the dr. bc they know they are getting a shot ....) it's hard , but what isn't ?
Gabapentin or kratom ..... Cheat the system , I'm not kidding - tell your dr. What's up and ask for gabapentin ( do not let them put you on subs !! ) or get online ( or search locally ) for powdered kratom , honestly with it my days coming off were extremely better than the days of my last year using - really-really ....... They should prescribe that stuff to anyone they kick off their meds .....