Tomorrow, a friend is quitting H & could use some encouragement


Jan 8, 2016
A year ago, for a semi-serious pain killer habit (around 50-60mgs/day of percs/hydro/oxy) and while enduring some light withdrawal, my friend decided to try out 12 beans from another friend who had told him "they are basically the same thing as pain killers but without being stamped into a pill by a lab." Needless to say, this ended up sending him down a dark road that has cost him around $20,000 and what currently feels like a piece of his soul.

However, at the same time, some amazing health discoveries have occurred as this addiction to dope progressed. I won't get into the details except to say that it seemed fate was in his corner as this horrible monster was also able to shed the light on some problems that may not have been discovered without it. It's complicated and I don't want to get into the details here. Needless to say, opiates are now no longer needed for him to function and excel in his life, and while they once made him feel like the movie Limitless, the honeymoon has passed and they need to go before they destroy his incredibly bright future.

So, here's where he stands: he only smokes H, has never gone to the needle and doesn't snort anything for certain health reasons. So, he's got about a gram of dope and essentially unlimited supplies of kratom and loperamide. Already he's started loading up on the kratom and loperamide, and will really start upping the doses of these come tomorrow. His habit has NOT been constant for the last year. He was able to quit once for a month completely, then was back smoking a g a day for a while, then switched to suboxone in January and didn't touch H for a few months, then a few weeks ago started smoking 3 grams a week.

So, this will be unpleasant, but with a quick taper of trying to smoke a bean or two just a few times a day over the next 3-5 days for energy while constantly taking kratom and loperamide, it shouldn't be too terrible. He hasn't taken any suboxone in weeks and has no desire to, as that stuff does nothing but prolong suffering or best case scenario, just push suffering off for another day. He doesn't want to be a slave to any chemical anymore, and he's ready to take his life back now!

He was able to do this last Fall without loperamide and without understanding just how helpful kratom can be. So now, with Kratom, loperamide, Tyrosine, 5HTP, bottles of dayquil, calmag, and some dope to wean off a little, he's set and ready to rock. The part he's really asking for encouragement and help for, is from people who have done this and to tell him how happy he will be once he gets past this unpleasant and depressing week and starts his new HEALTHY LIFE FREE FROM BEING A SLAVE TO ANY DRUG!

I've always come to this forum and read peoples stories for help. But this time he's going to keep posting updates and share his experience in hopes that people respond and it helps someone else slay this demon.

I appreciate any and all replies!
it sounds like you are well prepared for the withdrawal. As you're going through keep in mind feeling bad is temporary, and you will feel better. Also know that you are bound to experiences PAWS after the acute withdrawal is over - things such as depression, apathy, anxiety, boredom, etc. These things will also get better in time, so don't be bummed if after your finished with acute withdrawal you don't feel 100% - it takes time.

To truly get healthy try to identify what was motivating you to use, and work on those issues. More often than not, addiction is a symptom of a larger mental health issue so identifying that issue and resolving it makes recovery significantly easier.

Yes - life is much better sober than being in active addiction. Personally I think life is much easier as well. Good luck and please keep us updated!
Thanks for the support! Yeah, late last year when I did this, I did experience PAWS lethargy for a couple weeks, but by day 25 or so I was pretty much back to normal. However, now that I have 8 months of experimenting with WD killers and so much additional knowledge, I'm hoping I can at least stay fairly productive throughout the process. The smack that I have left is actually terrible quality, so I've been tapering without even wanting to taper the last few days because it's such poor quality.

A new thing I introduced today was mega-dosing vitamin C. So far all I can say is, WOW, what a remarkable difference. I can feel this slight buzz, inside both mentally and physically from taking it. Obviously, the next 3-4 days will be the most difficult but with all of my vitamins, supplements, plus kratom and loperamide, I feel pretty good about this.
To anyone who cares, I'm heading into Day 4 and so far, it looks like the worst is behind me. When I woke up this morning (yes, I did have some broken sleep), I wasn't sure I could handle this because I need to at least be able to work a little at my computer and my double vision and head was pounding so bad I almost went into a local outpatient addiction center I've visited in the past for more Suboxone, or Slaveoxone, as I like to call it. But I forced myself off the couch and I've actually been halfway productive today. I still feel like shit but between pounding loperamide, kratom, and my new best friend, Vitamin C, I don't feel half as bad as I have in the past when trying this. I think it's the vitamin C, I've been taking probably 60g a day so I've spent plenty of time in the bathroom, but that awful, hopeless soul shredding depression that I'm used to has been nowhere to be seen. I can only imagine it's because of the C, as that's the new element to my equation. I'm eager to see how I feel after some more sleep tonight!
You're doing great - I'm very happy for you! itnsounds like the worst is over! Just stay focus and try to eat healthy and get enough sleep as you may be in for a few days of boredom, depression, and anxiety (the high levels of vitamin C may make the anxiety a little worse). Just stay focused and keep everything in perspective, though I think you know the drill based on some of your other posts I've read.

I'm curious how you decided to take 60g of vitamin C? I've never pushed over 20 g and will do that when I start feeling run down or its cold season (to which I also et a lot of garlic - husband loves riding in the car with me), but I've never heard of anyone taking that much. Also, are you just taking the asornic acid or does it have rose hips as well? Btw - if you take the vitamin C with the kratom it will potentiate the kratom - though I don't know about 60g lol. I used to mix 1000mg in with the kratom and had to drop it down to 500mg because it made me feel intoxicated.

Keep up the great work and keep us updated!
Cool man glad to hear that you are doing better. Vitamin C is gaining a lot of traction for opiod withdrawal. It actually seems to bind to the receptors at high levels. Are you using the Sodium Ascorbate? That is much easier on the stomach. Have you tried one day just using the C and not adding the kratom and lope to see how well it works?
This has been by far and large the easiest kick I've ever had where H is concerned. In late January, I jumped off of H to subs and took them for about 2.5 months. I started at 16mg a day and weaned down to 4mg. Then I laddered from subs to shorter acting opiates like oxy and H, never using them for longer than a couple days in a row before switching to Kratom and a little bit of subs. The whole point was to ensure the shorter acting chemicals had cleared the subs off my receptors so I wouldn't have a prolonged withdrawal. However, I never thought it would be this easy.

The last H I smoked was late Sunday night, and today it's Wednesday and I'm functioning well, albeit my GI tract is torn up from the Vitamin C and the laxatives I took on Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I'm still hooked on opiates, but now my body's used to the much weaker kratom and I can just wean off this stuff with some hot flashes over the next 10-14 days.

I had never even heard about using Vitamin C until I was looking for something to add to my withdrawal regimen and I was Googling around on Sunday and found an article for it. Didn't get the Sodium Ascorbate as I just went across the street to Whole Foods and got what they had, which was ascorbic acid.

I had no idea if I would be able to make this work, but between kratom, loperamide, and the vitamin C, I slept 10 hours last night, except waking up twice to throw 4 grams of kratom down each time within a 1 minute period, then back to bed. There has been no soul-destroying depression this time, which is ALWAYS the worst part of withdrawal imo.

I'm almost back to normal and will be functioning above 90% by tomorrow, providing my GI tract cooperates. I'm sure I'll smoke H again just because, well, being divorced and self-employed it just sometimes clears my mind and gives me boosts of strength and clarity unlike anything else, but NO WAY will I ever consider using it for more than a few hours at a time before taking a break for a couple days.
There are a lot of other things you could do to give you a boost of strength and clarity.

I always hope that in my mythical next life I am an exercise addict.=D
There are a lot of other things you could do to give you a boost of strength and clarity.

I always hope that in my mythical next life I am an exercise addict.=D

I'm actually pretty big into fitness and nutrition. It's just that I know my brain. If I tell it no, that's it, no more ever again, you know what I'll start thinking about 24/7? That thing I said it can't have. Moderation is the key to everything life, it's just my moderation with opiates will have to be rare. I'm not interested in taking them right now, that's for sure, as I want to get back to full health before I ever consider it.
Withdrawal_slayer - you had me all the up to the last paragraph, and now I'm confused and concerned. You say that once you're through with this withdrawal, you'll still occasionally smoke heroin...why? If you had any level of control over opiate use, you wouldn't be on here posting about withdrawal. Your first post strongly indicates that this is not a great idea, and I hope you reconsider trying heroin again, with the mindset of control because statistics are not in your favour. I don't understand why you would take the risk of using it again if you're trying to kick a habit that is not been kind to you. What will be different this time than in the past? How is it not going to take over?

There have been so many times in early recovery I thought I just have a beer or smoke some weed - it'll just be this once - won't do it everyday. The next day I'm doing the same damn thing, and then before I know it I'm out of control. That being said, I know of some addicts that quite for a while and picked back up with the ability to moderate, but those addicts are few and far between. Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk, especially if this is something you've continuously battled with for a while.
Withdrawal_slayer - you had me all the up to the last paragraph, and now I'm confused and concerned. You say that once you're through with this withdrawal, you'll still occasionally smoke heroin...why? If you had any level of control over opiate use, you wouldn't be on here posting about withdrawal. Your first post strongly indicates that this is not a great idea, and I hope you reconsider trying heroin again, with the mindset of control because statistics are not in your favour. I don't understand why you would take the risk of using it again if you're trying to kick a habit that is not been kind to you. What will be different this time than in the past? How is it not going to take over?

There have been so many times in early recovery I thought I just have a beer or smoke some weed - it'll just be this once - won't do it everyday. The next day I'm doing the same damn thing, and then before I know it I'm out of control. That being said, I know of some addicts that quite for a while and picked back up with the ability to moderate, but those addicts are few and far between. Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk, especially if this is something you've continuously battled with for a while.

I haven't been battling this for a while. I've always had control over opiates until last year. Then, the only other thing I've ever been addicted to was Xanax because I started taking it at 23 (12 years ago) to sleep, not realizing how addictive it is. Got it off it in 2010 and have taken it a few times since then with no issues.

This recent battle started last summer. I was making around $15k a month and got a bit too cocky that I had it under control. I kept desperately trying to get my ex-wife to see how I could provide for and love her and our son but she's been swallowed by a cult. I was enduring a tiny bit of oxy withdrawal last year when the pills dried up for a while and a friend (a heroin dealer) suggested trying H for the first time. I did, and it made me so focused, full of energy, believing I could do something to win my ex back, etc, that I fell in love with it until after smoking a few grand worth in a month, I couldn't get any and went through WD.

Then I kicked it in the 2nd most painful WD I've ever endured last September and hopped back on after 30 days thinking I could just do it again. Clearly it wasn't that easy, and it cost me big time. Finally, I'm free again. I'm not saying I'm looking to score some H, what I'm saying is, the way my brain works, if I tell it I can't ever do H again, that's all I'll think about it until it consumes me.

I'm just saying I'm glad to be free and plan to stay this way, and NEVER make anything even close to a habit again. I've got too much to accomplish and win back.
PS... the one drawback of vitamin C. I've spent about 6 hours in the bathroom today. I've just basically set up shop in here because I can't make it 10 feet without running back. I did switch to Sodium ascorbate a few hours ago but man, that Taco Bell earlier today (for the first time in months) was almost as dumb as smoking H. lol