Have drugs and cannabis abuse sent me over the edge?


May 5, 2014
Recently I have not been feeling myself. I feel very strange and I am very worried about what is going on in my head. I am going to vent as I keep too much in and try to give as much relevant info here as possible.

A little about my background:

My father walked out on my mother not so long after my sister was born three years after me as he no longer felt anything from my mother and also believe he had lost some interest in us (his children). A year or two later my mother begun seeing my stepfather, I remember first meeting him and going to his parents house and playing on the computer then him gradually moving in not long later, he played more of a role than my biological father who I fortunately am still in contact with but see very rarely, usually for birthdays and Christmas. Sadly I've struggled to properly connect with my step father and even my biological father but I think this is understandable given the circumstances. My mother and step father have had two children together and we are all still living in the same home together. I have had a good up bringing, my mother and stepdad have always cared well for me and have been concerned about me as a child growing up through school which I will talk about now.

Throughout school, not as much primary/elementary school, but MUCH more so in secondary education I had always failed to connect with kids around me and build meaningful friendships, I guess I was/am different to other children out there, maybe weird interests/traits, anxious at times, my accent is a lot off compared to other people in the area which holds a strong dialect, I played with people in primary school but often bounced from friendship to friendship or just played with whatever other child fancied hanging around with me in the playground. Secondary school was much, much worse though, almost right of the bat I was subject to some horrible bullying that mad me feel worthless and still cannot forget to this day some times, I never built a meaningful friendship until my later years of secondard school which I will talk about later. Anyway, I was called names, sometimes physically assaulted, rejected by my peers, teachers even seemed to be uninterested in me sometimes. Sometimes I may have gone home crying or tried to blag days off sick because I REALLY didn't want to go to school beacuse I was unmotivated and was in for absolute hell sometimes.
I had a rather traumatic event happen in my first year when very ill after eating some dodgy food one day that would effect me severely for the rest of my school life and potentially afterwards too, I was given a horrible nick name that was passed down and down the years to the next generation of kids and I NEVER heard the end of it, week upon week. I still think of it to this day sometimes and it annoys me. I often done silly things in school which lead to my mum/stepdad being called into the office, like letting off stink bombs, silly graffitti in textbooks, much more really, messing round, but nothing ever dangerous, malicious or harmful to others, but naughty nonetheless and these actions sometimes got me in trouble. I don't know why I did these things but they often involved doing them with other kids so I am putting it down to a cry for attention and acceptance from others. It wasn't until year 10 (second to last year of school) where I made a REAL friend, we were never apart and we still aren't to this day, it was great to finally be accepted by some one, he is my best friend and I love him loads and appreciate every bit of time I spend with him, I just wish that I could express it more some times which leads me to my next point; EXPRESSION AND EMOTION.

Over the years I have became kind of cold emotionally and have for almost as long as I can remember struggled to express myself, probably because of past shit that has happened to me holding me back. Austism is suspect too, it exists in the family and I have been tested for it and have shown minor signs but nothing to suggest it is definite. Sometimes I feel as though I don't recognise emotions, sometimes they are there but are usually very dull and I often won't react to them. I find it hard to express myself too and tell people how I REALLY feel. Bit of a recluse and very socially anxious especially after high school. I struggle to build relationships with others and now I'm starting to feel as though I am struggling to maintain them. Going to the gym and cycling last year helped but yet again I've fell into a rut going into winter, involving laziness, low motivation and cannabis abuse.
Drugs... I first tried drugs around 4 years ago, I smoked cannabis and got scared and was put off it. I then tried it again some time later, I'm sure sure how long but it was a while and really enjoyed the feeling of being high, after that I used occasionally, not very much at all. Slowly cannabis use built up slightly but nothing too alarming. After a trip to Amsterdam I feel a got a little too interested and use increased but still, it was not being abused. At this point in my life I felt fairly good but still had my issues with confidence, expression and emotion. I begun to dabble with other drugs, I've used MDMA a few times, most recently 2 weeks ago after a very long period of abstinence but it was never regular as I've never been too fond on it, speed/aphetamine powder (nasally) a few times, last time was almost 2 years ago and NEVER AGAIN, along with a small handful of LSD & mushroom trips. I took another trip to Amsterdam in September 2015 and since around then I had been smoking cannabis almost every day of the month up until a trip to Italy the day after having MDMA. Since this I made the decision to abstain cannabis use apart from one smoke with a friend (I was sober for days and felt great then the weed sent my brain absolutely haywire) as I fear it's effecting or may have already seriously effected me and I've been feeling very very weird ever since. Mostly since the MDMA I'd say.

I have held a job for years but it stresses my out quite a lot some times and I would like to go back into education for a degree. I studied the wrong thing in college and I feel it was just to be with my best friend.

I am experiencing:
Disorganized, but have always been somewhat disorganized and a bit lazy.
No motivation
A feeling of emptiness, little or no emotion most of the time, happiness, sadness, the lot.
Social withdrawal, somewhat harsh.
I've been playing out conversations in my head.
Sometimes feeling a little tense and jumpy.
Increased forgetfullness.
A cluttered head which feels cabbaged.
Things just aren't as funny as they were a couple of weeks ago.
An occasional burst of energy and emotion where I feel amazing and talkative and confident.

Some of this I've been feeling for a while, but much, much more so in the recent weeks.

I am going to be seeing my doctor and plan to take what I have typed here with me to get my point across properly, and aim to be referred to a psychiatrist who is able to properly talk to me and analyse what might be going on in my head, but it would be great to hear some experiences and advice from you guys. Maybe someone can help me shine a bit of light on the situation. I feel that all this may just be a result of cannabis withdrawal as I begin to get used to reality without being high, but strangely I feel little desire to have a smoke because I actually kinda of WANT to stop and I'm doing very very well so far. I just pray I have not induced some form of schizoid personality disorder.

Anyway, I'm sorry this is so long but it feels good to vent, and thank you very much if you have taken the time to have a read.

I just hope this is only temporary and will fix itself as I reintegrate to reality rather than getting stoned.
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So sorry that you have had to endure this. I know how painful it is to be bullied as I was mercilessly bullied in school, physically and sexually. I had my nose broken twice from guys punching me in the face, to give an example. Unfortunately, I developed large breasts at the age of 10, and had to endure boys forcibly touching me, calling me lewd names, and the girls weren't much better. Needless to say, even at the age of 38, I am not very fond of people and have to make a conscious effort to be civil when out in public. I am also OCD, and I feel the combination of the two lead to a lot of self loathing and was the primary factor in me becoming an addict. I drank and used drugs to fit in socially as I had debilitating social anxiety. Socially using turned into me isolating and just using all the time. I've been clean of everything for two years, and am getting better in public but I still don't enjoy being around people, and don't trust them outside of my family.

I implore you to get a therapist, not just a psychiatrist. Deal with your pain now, don't let it fester. People are unavoidable, and life is a lot more pleasant when you can have healthy relationships. It is a lot easier to hold a job as well.

Regarding drug use - stop it now before it becomes habitual as I believe you are using drugs to self medicate, not just for fun. I'm not saying stop forever, but just until you get your emotional issues resolved. When using drugs to self medicate you can quickly become dependent on them to interact with people, and it only works for a short while. Healthy people don't like to be around addicts, and you don't want to surround yourself with unhealthy people. That just leads to pain, drama, and a lot of instability.

I think a lot of the symptoms you described can be attributed to drugs, but you have to be cl an from drugs for a few months to stabilize to know for certain. When you speak with the psychiatrist be honest about your drug use. If he recommends medication for you do your research first before taking it to ensure that this is what you want and or need. Research starting and stopping the medication, and consider the symptoms he is trying to treat and try to make sure it's not because of drugs. Psych meds are tough and can be dangerous, so you want to make certain you need them and not just taking them on whim.

I'm not saying psych meds are bad, they help a lot of people. I'm just saying make sure you are making an informed decision if you decide to try any. I will say, if he recommends something from the benzodiazapine family it is not a cure all, and they are only meant to be taken for a few weeks. It is not a long term solution.

Good luck!
yeah if you are already experiencing these difficulties it is easy to try use drugs as an escape, but it usually makes things worse.

i think it can definitely help to talk what you are experiencing with someone. it can be easy for me to insulate myself and then i lose perspective because all the thoughts i hear are mine and so thats all i have to listen to, other people's perspective is just as valid and can create some space. it was also helpful for me to realise that i am not the only person like this, there are a lot of other people out there who engage with coping mechanisms in similar ways and there are ways out of destructive patterns.

i have experienced a lot of similar things to you and have noticed that smoking weed too much is very detrimental to my ability to cope with stress. but have found things such as meditation, exercise and healthy diet to help improve my relationship to anxiety/depression.
Hey Firth, welcome to Bluelight. You paint a very vivid picture of extreme bullying as a kid--I imagine that this could be affecting the present much more than you realize. When human beings develop into adults without being able to trust it doesn't just disappear when the reasons for that lack of trust change (ie the bullying stops). I agree that therapy could be really helpful for you. But something else in your post struck me as well--your desire to change careers. It does sound like you are not leading the life you want to lead so go for it--even if it means studying at night after work, follow your passions. <3

Thank you very much for the replies. You have all helped me to realize what I need to do to make a positive change in my life.

It has now been almost a fortnight since I last smoked cannabis and almost 4 weeks since using MDMA. I have motivated myself to pursue one of my greatest passions again; road cycling. I've been on a few long rides on my bike, ate well and stayed well hydrated. It hasn't been long, but I am starting to notice significant changes in my general well-being already. Thoughts are coming back to me, I already feel more confident and less anxious, negative thoughts and behaviours are dying off and I much more motivated to make positive changes in my life. I feel as though a mist is being lifted from my mind. It is the weekend now and I have no work on Sunday and I'm contemplating getting my ass down to the local cycling club to meet like-minded people with the same interests. I can honestly say I feel better than cannabis could ever leave me feeling. High on endorphin's and life and absolutely no desire to get intoxicated.

I feel this is only the start and it is up to me to keep moving in the right direction and I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.
That's awesome - I'm so glad you're feeling better! It's also great that you're cycling and it's something you enjoy - exercise plays such a big part of physical and mental health imo.
Indeed, it makes you feel that you are recovering all of the lost endorphins.
Same applies for hobbies and distractions that make you happy and relaxed.
I was bullied and picked on as kid and physically assaulted. And then I was abused at home by my fucked up old man. It fucked me up for life truth be told.

Two things have helped me greatly in life dealing with all this. Exercise outdoors and dogs.
Exercise is probably the most therapeutic thing for me... I think it is so important for us all to find some kind of physical activity that we enjoy and pursue it.

3 weeks without cannabis tomorrow. There has been the urge to have a smoke after having a drink one night and after a friend repeatedly mentioning cannabis and dealers are still texting with their latest offerings but I won't be getting anything any time soon. Thinking of getting rid of those dealers' numbers from my phone as I no longer consider myself a cannabis smoker.

Also gave the decision to stop smoking cigarettes, 8 days since my last puff and I have had some anxiety hit me since, quite severe over the last 3 to 5 days, I've always been somewhat anxious though. Urges to get tobacco have begun to settle down but it kinda feels like my mind has taken a step back feeling a bit dissociated and withdrawn and low mood again but anxiety can make you over think EVERYTHING :( Maybe I am just having a few off days though... I feel like it might be withdrawal still, mostly the nicotine... I guess I'm still adjusting to a cleaner life. I feel good for getting this out though. I will battle on, only time will tell.

Next step of self improvement?
Social skills... they need working on. I feel like a bit of a boring person. I must try to work on my shyness. Still need to get my arse down to cycling club and meet some fellow riders I always find a reason to put it off even though I know I'll enjoy the sport more if i'm out with others making it less lonely and boring which it can be some times and more entertaining!
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