user tagging

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Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002
we're happy to announce that we've implemented user tagging: advanced user tagging

the finishing touches are still being put on the implementation but the features are simple yet powerful:

tagging: you can now mention a bluelighter by name in a post and they'll be notified that they've been mentioned. viewers will also see the tag as a link to the user profile. just use their blueligh handle prefixed with an '@' sign, e.g. [MENTION=35021]alasdairm[/MENTION]

you can also tag users in a thread using the new button -
- which appears at the top of a thread to draw attention to that thread.

finally, the feature supports twitter-like hash tags to add a topic to your post and a notification will automatically be sent to subscribed users.

you can manage your tagging, mention and hash tag preferences in your settings:

User Tagging - General Settings
Hash Tag Subscriptions

we're still fine-tuning the settings so if you have issues or questions, please post in the support forum.


Awesome! Thanks guys for your efforts in getting this happening :)
Hmm, an interesting concept. I'm not sure I really understand the point of it, please enlighten my brainsack. What does this function do? I see that I was tagged somewhere but I can't find it or even figure out what it means or why. I understand who, but where?

edit: ha, is it really already turned off for the Lounge? You fucking kids :D
Great another way to find out I have no friends and no one cares what I say LOL ;)
Hmm, an interesting concept. I'm not sure I really understand the point of it, please enlighten my brainsack. What does this function do? I see that I was tagged somewhere but I can't find it or even figure out what it means or why. I understand who, but where?
it's a simple way to draw the attention of a specific person (e.g. [MENTION=66397]willow11[/MENTION]) to a post.

you can track your mentions, tags and quotes in your profile:


Cheers ali. Succintly and politely explaining the obvious as ever...:)
[MENTION=35021]alasdairm[/MENTION] what are you using to take screenshots?
i use skitch. annoyingly, they have ended support for the windows version but i have it on my win 7 desktop (which i use for most of my bluelighting) and my macbook where i use it a lot for work.

it's easy to use, can grab full-screen or snaps, add comments and arrows, etc.

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