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Garlic bad for your brain?


Apr 18, 2015
I have read several articles which at first horrified me. They stated that small amounts of garlic could drastically reduce memory performance and concentration ability. This was due to sulphur compounds in garlic which they stated were highly neurotoxic, leaving the brains of those who have consumed garlic looking clinically dead on a brain scan. I am not really sure what to think of this. I'm no scientist but personally I believe garlic may affect concentration our memory while it is in the blood stream but I doubt it is neurotoxic as people have been eating it for thousands of years. Also if chemicals in garlic totally destroyed brain cells as they stated in their articles then surely many or most people would be dead or in a coma bye now
Sorry I can't post links to articles due to my vision problems and the fact I am posting from an iPhone
Garlic is not that bad for your brain, or memory. It's not as though you're getting drunk on a lot of alcohol at once, or using cannabis both which do reduce memory performance and concentration.
This is the first I've heard of this, as far as my knowledge is concerned, garlic is supposed to have multiple benefits. Do you have a link to these articles?

- Hopeless Soul
This is the first I've heard of this, as far as my knowledge is concerned, garlic is supposed to have multiple benefits. Do you have a link to these articles?
^Same here. I don't eat a whole lot of garlic because it irritates my stomach. As a pet owner, I know it's toxic for dogs to eat. But I was just reading an article from MSN stating it has many health benefits. It's said to be an immune booster, helps lower blood pressure and possibly protect against dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


(moving to Healthy Living)
I thought garlic was good for dogs? Or do you mean having them eat raw garlic? When I had dogs we would give them Brewer's yeast with garlic tablets but I never gave them raw garlic or onion.

My former roommate had a dog that ate a whole onion or two and that dog did not get sick or have problems from it.
If garlic was harmful I'm sure many Italians and other ethnic groups would have died or become very sick by now. It has been used in cooking and used as a medicine for thousands of years.
I agree with you, as I stated in my post, I have eaten food containing garlic throughout my life and I'm not brain dead yet.
Interesting you mention faith. According to Islamic sources, the profit Mohamed stopped his men eating garlic for one day during a decisive battle, as it affected concentration. However, he encouraged people to use garlic on normal days, siting benefits to many organs of the body.
The articles I was referring to however, are more modern and discuss why military and civilian pilots shouldn't eat garlic
Ugh. I guess I'm fucked, the last thing I worry about destroying my brain is garlic but thank you for bringing to my attention greatly appreciated.
I'm Hungarian and Italian, and live on garlic. I've eaten large amounts of it my entire life. When I make chicken I have about 40 cloves - just for me. There are many health benefits with garlic, such as lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, it protects against Alzheimer's and dementia, and the list goes on. Along with Allicim, it also contains several other crucial nutrients such as manganese, vitamin B, etc. It also protects against viruses...I honestly can't remember the last time I had the cold or flu. Having eaten it for as long and in the quantities I do, I have never noticed any negative side effects aside from wicked firey flatulence (seriously gross), and smelling like garlic which can turn some people off lol. That being said, if you do have stomach/digestive issues it could irritate those, but I've never heard of negative neurological effects from eating garlic.
i use a lot of garlic when i cook. the only downside ive noticed is bad breath and garlic smelling poops
Garlic doesn't fry brain cells. Garlic is a very powerful nervous stimulant. And that is why you shouldn't eat it. Stimulants take you up, then dump you. Other stimulants are nicotine, caffeine, MDMA, speed, cocaine, onions, green peppers.
Garlic is a stimulant? *Gluggs jar of pesto*

Seriously though, what?
I won't hear a bad word said about Garlic - I love it and have always felt nothing but healthy benefits from it (apart from that time I put a whole bulb in my dinner)

I googled just to check that garlic hasn't suddenly got a bad rep & scientific bad shit, found only good things on my initial search (UK in the past year) & can only speculate that OP has been reading unproven garlic conspiracy theories

I would also dispute that it is harmful to dogs - I reared 2 litters of healthy pups with garlic in their diet

Most of the research I've seen (first 2 pages of Google, admittedly), says the main downside to ingesting garlic is bad breath but I'd rather have & snog garlic-breath than halitosis any day
The meditarian diet is considered one of the most healthy diets on the planet, I think garlic is probably a good shout. It's just all about balance, as with any diet. All foods contain toxins and they all work together as some kind of balancing act. If something is considered healthy and has been a part of a diet for.thousands of years, and those people are not ill, it's probably a good bet because the people who ate that food lived to tell the tale.and carry the tradition (diet).

There is no perfect 'healthy' diet other than eating nutritious whole foods, avoiding processed foods as much as possible, and avoiding contaminants like pesticides.
I dont believe that garlic can be bad for you, but who knows, i guess it's got mach more good benifits that bad for your body.
This was due to sulphur compounds in garlic which they stated were highly neurotoxic, leaving the brains of those who have consumed garlic looking clinically dead on a brain scan. I am not really sure what to think of this. I'm no scientist...

Psilocybin also totally quiets the frontal lobe--lack of electrical activity in the brain doesn't imply that something is having a bad effect. In fact, in the case of mushrooms, I'd say it's good to quiet the mind.

My experience with eating raw garlic is that it increases my concentration, but not after a short period of being taken aback by the strong taste (no doubt the chemicals doing their work on my brain), a short period of 30sec-5 minutes where my mind is just quieted and I detach from stupid shit plaguing my mind.

Garlic's medicinal properties are surely connected to its psychological benefits, both of which I have definitely experienced.

It seems ridiculous to me to say that garlic, which has a gazillion health benefits, is now considered bad for you. Seems like that idea is coming from a poorly-educated place.
Without a link to the source of the claim it's not possible to understand where this is coming from or what context.

The information smells rotten though.
any non-medical article explaining a scientific study is sure to come up with nonsense like garlic is neurotoxic.

i recently read an article saying too much yogurt reduces brain activity, and when i checked out the study they were saying yogurt may aid healthy digestion which reduces stress which yes does mean reduced activity in some part of the brain. a positive, where the article had it in a list of negative health effects.

at first glance i don?t even see a misinterpreted study.

googling ?garlic? ?neurotoxic? results in a bunch of message boards with people asking if garlic is really neurotoxic ? including this thread ? without listing sources; a reiki article saying ?it totally desynchronizes the brain and cause us to loose our psychic mind? and that ...

We discovered this much to our horror, when I was the world's largest manufacturer of ethical EEG biofeedback equipment. We'd have people come back from lunch that looked clinically dead [sounds like OP?s source] on the encephalograph, which we used to calibrate their progress. "Well, what happened?" " Well, I went to an Italian restaurant and there was some garlic in my salad dressing!"

an herbalist source saying too much garlic ?eats up? the brain because it contains ?botulism, a neurotoxin?; and the only peer reviewed source, a medical journal article titled ?The Neuroprotective Effects of Garlic A Review.?
I'd just like to point out that we still know extremely little about what electrical activity, or lack thereof, in various parts of the brain MEANS. We know what some patterns are associated with, but that knowledge represents a tiny tiny sliver of total knowledge of the brain.