Writing-up Perception of Cannabis of Use Questionnaire


Mar 1, 2016
I am researching the perception of cannabis use, and similarly called my questionnaire: Perception of Cannabis of Use Questionnaire.

I am an undergraduate student studying Psychology at York University. My name is Lucas Packer and I can be contacted at [email protected].

I am taking the course PSYC 4170. As a course requirement, I am working on a project whereby I need to collect information on perception of cannabis use in adults. I am therefore asking if you would agree to participate in my research by answering a questionnaire. The questionnaire has 60 questions and should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

You do not have to participate at all, or, even if you agree now, you can terminate your participation at any time without prejudice. You also do not have to answer individual questions you don’t want to answer. Your name will not be attached to the questionnaire and I will ensure that your participation remains confidential. I can tell you that your response may be included in the paper I will write at the conclusion of this assignment; however, your responses would be anonymous and nobody could connect your responses with you as an individual.

A benefit you may experience by participating in this study is greater knowledge of your perceptions and/or feelings about cannabis and self-esteem. By participating in this study, you risk being upset or made uncomfortable by the questions asked.

It can be done entirely online on google forms and takes 10-15 minutes. Unfortunately, I do not offer compensation. But I can post the results of my study here in my final paper. And it may give insight into your own self-awareness of your cannabis use.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or my professor, Dr. Ed Haltrecht at [email protected].

The above is an example of what you would read before participating in my study. To explain in more detail: I think there how people feel about cannabis affects whether or not they use or how frequently they use. Their own self-esteem may be a motivator for their own use. Possibly because they expect positive effects from cannabis use and may expect it to raise their self-esteem. Individuals who do not use may expect negative effects, and don't want it to affect their positive self-esteem.

What do you think? What does your own experience tell you?

I am unsure about the rules of posting a link to my study. You can message your intent to participate if you'd like to and I'll send you a private message with a link. If I am allowed, I will post a link to my study. But I hope to gather some discussion regardless if you want to participate or not. Feel free to post your experience or opinion as a user or non-user. I will respond to all questions, comments and concerns.

Is cannabis use and self-esteem correlated? Which direction and how? Does your perception of cannabis change how you use, or do some users find it hard to stop even though they think it's a terrible drugs? Do some non-users or infrequent users think it's a great drug, but don't use for other reasons? Let me know your thoughts...
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I replied to your email. Thank you for your email. Thank you for your participation.
Sorry for the confusion. That is the link to my questionnaire. The study is still in progress. My paper will be made available late April when I've finished analysing my results
To let anyone know who views this. The survey is still on-going. I will collect data up until April 15th. Thank you for who participate. Anyone can email me through the email address I provided in the survey for questions or to receive a copy of the results of my study. I will post a summary of results here anyways.