Writing-up Survey on Different Users and Uses of Opioids


Feb 29, 2016
Hi there,

My name is Sophie Koerber and undertaking research for my thesis at the University of Hertfordshire (UK).

For my Master’s thesis I am investigating the different users of opioids and why they use them. Therefore, I have created a short survey, to help answer some of my research questions.
Ethics approval has been given by the Ethics Committee of the Health & Human Science Research Institute, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.

The survey can be found by clicking here: https://herts.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8uGU6SEQ5ywflat

The survey itself should take no longer than 6 minutes to complete and is easy to use.

This study begins on the 1th March 2016 and will run until 31st May 2016. It’s open for anyone who used or is using opioids.

I can be contacted at [email protected]

Hope to speak to you soon,

Sophie Koerber
it says your survey is closed, but its not even 31st may 2016 yet
like getting to the store 3 minutes after they close with no turbo dog in the ice chest[lol] went 2 the site and nada,