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The HR Beacon. A place to share where the light can be found


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013


noun bea·con \ˈbē-kən\

Simple Definition of beacon

: a strong light that can be seen from far away and that is used to help guide ships, airplanes, etc.
: a radio signal that is broadcast to help guide ships, airplanes, etc.
: someone or something (such as a country) that guides or gives hope to others

Full Definition of beacon
: a signal fire commonly on a hill, tower, or pole
a : a lighthouse or other signal for guidance
b : a radio transmitter emitting signals to guide aircraft
: a source of light or inspiration

The complexity, scope and universal significance of drug use is profound. Unavoidable even, as it seems to touch us all in some way.

Harm reduction and wellness promotion take so many forums in a picture this grand.

Please post about anyone or anything that has made, is making or is working towards making a positive difference.

An addiction counselor that really helped you out. A Researcher that you feel is doing great things. Somebody that's doing great things down at the needle exchange. An activist that pushing hard or a journalist reporting whats really going down.

Please take into consideration the level of privacy the person you wish to recognize likes living at and tailor your posts accordingly. If an addiction counselor really helped you out, but is not a public figure and lives a very private life off the internet, then please respect that and them in the nature of your post. If they are someone from the fellowships then please follow their custom of first name and initial only. Please hold back if you don't think they would enjoy being publicly signalled out for their work That sort of thing and if we are posting them here that level of respect is certainly due.
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Students help build app to warn of deadly drug batches
Associated Press

Baltimore has long been gripped by the curse of heroin addiction.

Now, some students are using their technical skills to keep addicts from overdosing.

Last year, more than 600 people didn't survive their last dose of heroin. One of the reasons is Fentanyl, a much more powerful drug that some users don't know is laced into some batches of heroin.

A very powerful type of Fentanyl caught up with a friend of Mike LeGrand's recently.

It killed a whole bunch of people one county over from her, and she didn't know that, and then, you know, it got to her county and killed a bunch of people there," he says. Including his friend.

LeGrand is a computer programmer. He and his wife started Code in the Schools, an organization that works to expand access to computer science education in Baltimore. LeGrand and some teens in that program have come up with a phone app targeting addicts, their families and friends.

"Have you ever had a flood warning or an Amber Alert pop up on your phone?" he asks.

That's what the Bad Batch Alert app is like. Overdose data from the city helps alert drugs users that there could be a bad batch of heroin in their area.

Seven teens helped write the app's code.

"The skills I'm learning are, you know, invaluable," says one of them, Gavin Gomel-Dunn. "And on top of all that, I'm helping people."

So far, there are just over 100 users, and Mike says he hopes he'll hear about it if or when the app helps save a life.

"'I got this alert and I didn't take those drugs' or 'I warned my son' or 'I did whatever,'" he says. "That is going to make me incredibly happy."

The team is continuing to sign up users and is looking at ways to lessen the time it takes to get overdose data from the city.

Source here.. please click on to support the source
So this thread enjoys 40k plus views? Why am I the only one posting? I hope you have something to say?