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Non- delusional psychosis type HPPD. How worryin? Which drugs likley contrubted most.


Nov 24, 2010
When talking about HPPD with my mate about an hour ago I got quite concerned when he told me that not only did he get the sparkly patterns I get (but much stronger), he also sometimes sees what he referred to as shadow people, which he described as dark figures that he can see but is fully aware they are not real. He said he once even saw his friend's heads flying around the room (which he found terrifying but I'm pretty sure was fully aware it was just HPPD). I think it was that last one that he said was likely brought on by having not smoked any weed (or anything else) for a few days when staying with his Mum). Other one's have just been while sober. A previous one he told me about was colors coming off a lecturer's silhouette which stayed there when he walked out (he was sober btw). While that one sounded a lot more like what a heavy acid user would likely experience, he agreed the previously mentioned ones he spoke of today reminded him more of speed/ sleep deprivation psychosis.

Relevant info:

Previously heavy psychedelic user, now very occasional. A recent break from everything apart from maybe a bit of weed made him think the HPPD may remain for life.
Now only uses speed (amphetamine, used to occasionally use meth) occasionally. Used to take way too much and has given himself speed psychosis (a fairly standard example would be him spraying deodorant all over nonexistent spiders on his walls).
He's tripped hard on Nytol (a deleriant whichcauses symptoms like he has) a few times, almost certain the HPPD didnt start right after that tho lol.
21 years old.
Suffers from anxiety and depression (previously serious but getting much better lately) and has been told he has many Borderline peronality disorder traits.
Doesn't seem to have any schizophrenic traits (I think I'd spot that easily since I know a few sufferers and have a psychology degree).
His mother suffered from psychosis at his age, don't think too badly but not sure. Both brothers autistic.
He does not suffer from delusions, even while tripping or in speed psychosis (although he stops when he get' psychosis.
Regular weed smoker. He gets wds such as crazy dreams, mood swings and insomnia if he stops suddenly (even i he jut switched to hash).
He has quit benzos but has twice taken 25mg quetiapine (once taken to help him out of speed pychosis). It is a strong sedativ for him I know he wouldn't be too keen on having it much but maybe taking one every few week so something when the hallucinations are worst.

Luckily he said he was gonna have way less speed this year (ironically it came up when I said I was cutting down myself earlier in the night). when I told him how worried I was later when he mentioned the "seeing things" HPPD he sounded like he was gonna think about cutting down further. How worrying are these symptoms, how likely are they to go away now he's more sensible (and how much would he have to stop). Also should I try hardest to warn him off daily weed, speed (even though he makes sure he doesnt miss a nights sleep now) or psychedelics. Luckily, despite him not sounding as concerned as he should have done IMO, he acknowledges I have reason to worry (mirror some mild schizophrenic symptoms) and he's one of the few people that would listen carefully to any advice given (and probably at least cut down whatever I said was worst, assuming my research (including this thread) suggests its a cause for concern.

So far advised (while stressing I was no expert and that I ould research it for him since he wouldn;t bother. Also he doesn't seem to think its much worse than standard acid like HPPD of sparkly patterns (can't claim to know it isn't an extention of those, but worried as fuck, espec since I know how two of my friends live's are ruined by schizophrenia).

Definately best to not have speed, espec if enough to not sleep.
Quitting weed would be best, switching to hash instead of miainly skunk would still likely help
bnificial and that getting some CBD oil may help (whether smoking or not). Lack of CBD would be an alternative hypothesis to withdrawal causing him to see thing.

Since I can't imagie him quitting anything 100%. If he asked whether occasional stims, psycedelics, mandy or speed would be worse is there any gd advise (know herd to day. Also would anything that brought it back give him a greater threat of it becoming more than just visuals? If so I'm guessing something preventative like CBD (surprisingly an antipsyhotic) might help it go faster and ,while probs a bit excessive for preventative use, possibly a very low dose quetiapine when its bad, for when instance quitting weed. (like half a 24mg tablet, might help

I will be so thankful for any answers (whether based on knowledge, experience or seeing it happen to other people), hope so much it isn't linked to the beginning of the road to psychosis, but if it is he needs to know asap. I can show him this thread and compile a list of articles for him 2 read, or just look at a few sentences I've highlighted. bit. We're extremely close and talk about personal stuff all the time so it won't seem like I'm overstepping any boundary, he helped me talk thro some problems of my own earlier :)

P.S. I said i think its best for him to go sober now he experiences that. I also (apart from maybe CBD oil) the most I will advise him to do i see a doc after informing him about the info I've found (currently seems to think it just regular HPPD, is benign and that nothing could help so I would probably need to show him evidence to convince him 2 go 2 the docs or cut anything down too much, again so glad he would listen to me).
If this person hasn't consumed psychedelics much recently this probably isn't psychedelic related. Considering the aforementioned and the majority of the drugs you mentioned he took aren't psychedelics, perhaps you could get the best answers if you ask this question in The Dark Side sub-forum.
While that sounds very logical, I think psychedelics (usually 200-300mics of acid every 2-3 weeks a year ago when he took them most, but also bottle washes which he said were no comparison as well as lots of dmt, 2cs, well pretty much all of them) sort of opened the door for him to have elements of trips while sober. He initially had more visuals when sober than I did while actually on psychedelics (even though I sometimes dosed higher) before he ever experiencing speed psychosis (pretty sure). However, I think occasional speed psychosis has sort of changed what was already thereto something more worrying (pure speculation, not based on kowledge). I I don't think he has had any psychedlics about 6 months apart from a small dose of bk-2c-b. However, weed, MDMA and ketamine bring the trips back for him. I once remember him claiming to have just returned from another universe and even "made friends" there (which he knew were not real and did not speak of after that) on nitros and ketamine. I wish I could ask him lots of questions now but I know it would be best to wait until it comes up in conversation (or conversation can be steered to that topic naturally). While he did listen to my concerns and thought they were legit, he seemed to think the plans he had already made to sleep every night and generally cut down on everything (but still probs be a daily stoner) was enough. Although he said he did very little drugs (including weed) at home over xmas and concluded that he thought his HPPD was perminant. He doesn't seem as worried as I do about it and I'd like to have some solid facts for when I bring it up. I'm busy today but will probs do a lot of research tomorrow. A word doc filled with small printscreened bits of ournal articles/ ebooks/ exp reports might wake him up to how worrying this is (or I may find out I'm overreacting lol), also it will at least show how much I care (and that I'm a nerd and like researching stuff anyway when I have the time). While that might sound like overkill I don't think it would be since he's my best mate and has previously taken advice from me about important stuff and been thankful for it.
Here's a good example I just thought of before posting that (I think) suggests an interaction betwee psyches and amphetamine psychosis. 3 days after a bottle wash he was binging on speed and saw bins turn into children. He asked me if the woman walking about 50m in front of us was real or not (she was), before double checking nobody else (the many hallucinatory people) were real (his voice made it sound like he was asking just to be sure). Even in psychsis he still has a reasonably good grip on reality, like no paranoid delusions. Don't think he's ever stayed up more than 3 days btw.

Mods, please feel free to move this to wherever you think will get the best response please (thanks for the suggestion Black Pirate). Funnily enough I did consider putting it in the dark side or mental health .
HeyyyO! So read all of what you had to say...first and foremost, while I personally am Not a pro in the psychedelic Area whatsoever?? I Am a pro in the Mental health area and Addiction area and Let me just start by saying the Most IMPORTANT thing in your post!!!! He CANNNOTTT just Start benzos- and JUST STOP benzos!!! Literallly No matter What type, milligram or for how long he’s been on them! That is theee Worrst thing you could Possibly do. Benzos are in themselves a Total Mindfuck, that are Meant to be taken LONG-term (Regardless of what Stupidass Doc ‘recommends’ or Doesnt) and then if no longer necessary...WIENED off Very carefully. Nobody told Me this when I was Prescribed Valium, which naturally “wasn’t strong enuf” and so I “needed” Xanax: which my Cash Only Psychiatrist was Happy to write out for me! Again!! Never was I told how fkng Dangerous the shits are! I went from Two a day, immediately to the next script to 30 in a week,..so u can imagine my dismay when I was OUT of them for the Rest of the month. I didn’t mind? I was a Doper at the time, those were just a side kick- like it sounds like your Friend is assuming are for Him! How did I Find out the Truth ab the little fkrs?? By having a seizure at the wheel- going Over a Median into On-coming traffic and legit crashing head on into Three cars nearly killing two older woman and severely injuring the other two drivers. My Boyfriend at the time was in the Passenger seat! U may wonder why didn’t He just grab the wheel for me??! Like I’m having a SEIZURE right?? Wrong. Travis (said boyfriend) was Also going to the Same Psyc dr as I was- and Also was on His second Script- and obviously took His pills right along with me whenever I did one- he did one. He did one? I did one. The reason my 21-year-old boyfriend Couldn’t help me out and take the wheel?? Is because he was HAVING A HEART ATTACK SIMULTANEOUSLY from the BENZO WITHDRAWAL that NOOONE told us about. At 21, a FKNG HEART ATTACK FROM TWO MONTHS OF XANAX?!! And me? At 23 I almost killed 4 people from THAT seizure- and had 4 more seizures in the following weeks. Again. Benzos are NO EFFING JOKE. If he has BEEN taking them for More than Literally 3 days straight? His BRAIN is ready and adapted and he could be fkd with on ANY given level. That being said😉😏😌

Psychadelics (Any hallucinogen frankly..) on a person who Already has diagnoses of mental disorders, such As Depression and Anxiety?? (Especially anxiety brO I mean really? 😝 lol...not that I’m one to talk but I’ll get to that once I finish my novel lol) is Obviously not the Quo.(Aka not a good idea) which it sounds like y’all now realize n are working on it #Props 👍👏 n keep it up🤞. I would JUST Have him Cut it tho- he don’t need that shit n I Don’t see that causing Any issues mentally other than the again, obvious- which is of course if he continues to use them.
Last piece of advice if I may?
Get homeboy to a Highly Recommended Psyc- preferably one that Takes insurances if he has any, (cash only fkrs could give a shit less) and if they Do suggest BENZOS!! Tell him he should Stick to Valium or Ativan...lighter on the brain cells and yet still HighhhhLy 😉😉 Effective for the cray cray in us!❤️❤️🤷🏻‍♀️

and jus quickly gng back to what I was sayin bout myself n so u know I ain’t jus gon’ preach n not least be Honest here lol...I see the shadow people when I Verrry rarely!!! Play Hardball with my friend Snow White 😘 n I don’t hear anything I don’t see distinct nothing just like flashes of shadows that legit make me Stare at that spot for....well let’s jus say that shit Ain’t fun n yet! If I get that disgusting horrible itch well! Yep. 4 years clean off the Diesel though n Just started fkng around w this game cuus I’m a tardass and the pandemic won🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂 lmfao.
If your friend Doessss get an Itch- and this Is the worst advice probly Ever BUT!!! It’s the Damn truth too. A person with those mind fuckerys like myself?? The Downer game is Truthfully the Safest n bestest way to play!!! (ahem, jus don’t get Addicted lol🙏🏻🙄😬🤤🤤🤤) xoxo Best of Luck Gents!!!
I have all those hallucinations except the sparks. Also I see halos around myself and others or auras, but I've seen halos since I was very young

I think HPPD is something that blocks your field of vision, sort of like tripping on high doses. I'm not a neurologist though so maybe somebody with more knowledge will show up

EDIT: OK this thread is quite old