First time alcohol/weed blackout -- no knowledge of what I did


Jun 10, 2005
I heard of people blacking out but never understood what it meant. It doesn't mean you pass out, it means your brain goes into a funny mode where you can function but not remember what you did.

So I was really excited, happy and started drinking and smoking weed before noon, didn't eat anything all day.

By 4pm I don't remember a thing except falling on the floor and thinking: good thing you're not hurt.

Woke up in bed at 4am hungry. Went to my party-house-office (it's the guesthouse) and noticed two beers on the floor next to my chair, a soup bowl and two more beers in a six-pack. That means a friend came over and we drank beers! I also made food and don't remember it! Don't remember going to bed either.

Next day I asked my friend what happened. He said I acted normal, lol. Said I told him I wanted to save the world, which is normal for me, lol.

My guess I had one beer for lunch, about 8-ounces of wine and two or three ounces of vodka before the friend came over. That's not much for me. I suppose my excitement put me over, put my brain on "automatic".

Next time I'm feeling "happy" I'm gonna watch what I'm doing!
Blacking out is one of the most awful feelings. I spent much of december 2014-may 2015 in benzo/alcohol induced blackouts. Lost lifelong friends, fathers side of my family consider me a major loser, almost got arrested, did all manner of reckless things. I know precisley how you feel, there is nothing scarier than exiting a blackout and not knowing what you have done.
It's an alcohol blackout...weed really has nothing to do with it...
Blackouts suck, and are scary.

It happened because you drank way too much alcohol at once, and are an alcoholic. Stay safe Goddess-LSD-XTC.