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Cops Fighting Mandatory Drug Tests

We swear them in indirectly in the states. I think it should be our rights to pull cop cars over and demand to search (aka tear aparat everything inside it) and then throw said contents in the streets and just let them off with a warning.

I think you're right on the button there chef - abso-fucking-lutely agree with you!
Whatever, if I were a cop I'd fight drug tests too. We're all hypocrites, one way or another. This doesn't really upset me.
In the medical field, another group which one might like to see tested, there are loads of addicts.
Administration always knows this but it makes good business and personnel sense to not to know about it until they become a problem.
In a union shop (so too the police), forget about it. For cause only, if that.
Good for the cops TBH. You gotta fight for your right ...
Also, AlterNet is a preposterous website and their smug leftist hyperbole is annoying ("paramilitary," yes, in the strictest of technical senses only)

Big problems here in this statement. Cops have no reasonable right to be able to arrest, convict, and often illegally search vehicles, plant drugs, controlled buys, etc if they aren't going to be under scrutiny for drug use and abuse. It's not just hypocritical it's completely ridiculous and lacks any sort of logic to reasonably say they should not be tested for the very drugs they ruin people's lives over.

Honestly, I'd like to know why can they literally incarcerate and give people criminal records for life, or in jail for years or life, when they can just do what they want with no oversight or even system of regulation outside their own intra-LEO committees .

I don't see how everyone being a hypocrite in some ways means that the people meant to enforce laws and who have almost full control in the situations they come into are allowed or have any right act as if they are above the very same laws that's THEY supposedly enforce . If drugs were legal and stuff then fuck have the cops not have to take UA tests. Otherwise, these dicks are just being the same old superior beings they thing that they are . Hypocritical, yes. But worse, it's about as unfair as anything. It's fundamentally wrong for them to be able to put people away for drugs that they can do without any consequences.
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Those are REALLY good points Hiltoniano. Thank you for your contribution to the thread! I'm really finding this discussion pretty interesting. Thank you to everyone who's contributed <3
Big problems here in this statement. Cops have no reasonable right to be able to arrest, convict, and often illegally search vehicles, plant drugs, controlled buys, etc if they aren't going to be under scrutiny for drug use and abuse. It's not just hypocritical it's completely ridiculous and lacks any sort of logic to reasonably say they should not be tested for the very drugs they ruin people's lives over.

"Do as we say, not as we do." - DEA and Narcotics Law Enforcement logic.

Honestly, I'd like to know why can they literally incarcerate and give people criminal records for life, or in jail for years or life, when they can just do what they want with no oversight or even system of regulation outside their own intra-LEO committees .

The system is shamelessly two-faced. I'm astonished by their penchant for abuse of power, misuse of drug laws and policies, and their inability to stop seemingly living in denial and admit for once that they have failed spectacularly to meet any of their initial long term goals (as in the ones from the early 70s when Nixon was still in office). My only reprieve from their cacaphony of needless death and destruction is the beauty of social media in the context of witnessing a massive movement against this insanity by countless fed up individuals (many of whom were once hardened drug warriors, but thankfully realized that they were severely hoodwinked).

I don't see how everyone being a hypocrite in some ways means that the people meant to enforce laws and who have almost full control in the situations they come into. They act as if they are above the very same laws that's THEY supposedly enforce . If drugs were legal and stuff then fuck have the cops not have to take UA tests. Otherwise, these dicks are just being the same old superior beings they thing that they are . Hypocritical, yes. But worse, it's about as unfair as anything. It's fundamentally wrong for them to be able to put people away for drugs that they can do without any consequences.

I contend that they should be held to higher standards than everyone else considering the fact that they have been entrusted with hands-on war on drugs law enforcement. I say they should even be randomly screened for controlled substances.

Why not?

Just what do these distinguished men and women who are allegedly held to the highest standards of law and order; these distinguished men and women who "serve and protect" us from getting our hands on certain plants, powders and pills without Uncle Sam's permission slip have to hide? Oh that's right: enough corruption and betrayal of public trust to put them away for a long, long time. I guess I understand now why they may be bitching and moaning about being on the receiving end for a change: it's not very pleasant, is it? Well, I say bring it on. I'll even volunteer to stand guard in order to be sure no one's cheatin'. Darn tootin'!
This song goes out to the coppers.. whats good for the goose is good for the gander.


HELL YES to performance enhancing drugs being screened as well or are so many of you naturally muscle bound and agro like the hulk ?




This is becoming a standard look for cops these days and as someone who lifts weights, they are so obviously using PED's.
I had a cop not too long ago catch me using my smartphone, I was trying to correct my gps, he pulled me over and told me he saw me using my phone, he looked just like the cop in the second picture.
I asked him if he could please give me a break, and he had a mini melt down, he couldn't find his words and then punched my car door and said "fine just this one time", just don't do it again.
I'm glad I didn't get a ticket, but the cop left a damn dent in my door....
This is becoming a standard look for cops these days and as someone who lifts weights, they are so obviously using PED's.
I had a cop not too long ago catch me using my smartphone, I was trying to correct my gps, he pulled me over and told me he saw me using my phone, he looked just like the cop in the second picture.
I asked him if he could please give me a break, and he had a mini melt down, he couldn't find his words and then punched my car door and said "fine just this one time", just don't do it again.
I'm glad I didn't get a ticket, but the cop left a damn dent in my door....

Fuckin 'roid ragin cop....I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut about the door....that fucker would be payin 4 that shit.....There are actually alot of good cops but the horrendous ones make it very difficult to trust any of them.
The old adage one bad apple spoils the whole bunch I have always thought was the dumbest saying. Take the bad apple out...

But here, one bad cop makes them allll look bad. These dudes look like absolute psychos. Yea its good to be in shape but I can say with certainty I could outrun most of those bulked up muscle heads.

They probably just lift and do no cardio. This is fucking crazy...those guus are a fucking joke...take some lulz that if they are juicing they prob have balls the size of marbles.

Even this asshole knew better when it came to taking steroids

I feel cops in america should not have firearms on their person, it would most definitely make them improve their people skills.

Thanks RPD but I didn't want to get a clip unloaded into my face, or the back of my head or have him cave my face in...
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My experiences with cops has ranged from decent to extremely corrupt and fucked up. Most of the times I have dealt with law enforcement has erred on the side of fucked up. I had drugs planted on me, and the cop that was holding my cuffs "dared me to run and see what happens." I guess he hadn't got his quota for ass kickings.

when he cuffed me he smashed my face into the concrete by doing a takedown technique on me...I was not resisting yet he yelled stop resisting....I don't know who for, it was just me and the cops and my friend. Eventually my mother showed up and saw my face and starting freaking out....they almost arrested her. Here is the mugshot, you can see the place where my face hit the concrete just under my hairline. My face was so puffy too because it smacked the ground really hard. Why aren't those cops arrested for battery, or assault?

You can see the welt right under where my hair hangs over on the right side of the picture. They cleaned the blood off before they took the picture. I was smiling because I knew that they would throw the case out because the drugs were planted and they forged my signature on "my statement" whcih they wrote. They didn't have any of the details right, and they also forged my buddies statement because he wouldn't sign it either.

conclusion of the story: threaten to sue, take case to trial and watch how fast they drop it.
when he cuffed me he smashed my face into the concrete by doing a takedown technique on me...I was not resisting yet he yelled stop resisting....I don't know who for, it was just me and the cops and my friend.

Ugh, I can't stand cops who pull that sort of shit off. I've had to deal with such abuse of power as well, and I don't think I'll ever forget the face of one cop in particular who did it to me and ended up poking me in my left eye with his handcuffs.