Suboxone withdrawl


Nov 29, 2015
Wondering if anyone here can answer my question. I was three days into my sub withdrawl, my intense physical symptoms where so bad I decided to take .5 mil suboxone. In doing that did I restart my entire withdrawl? I went cold turkey on about 3mgs daily.
idk about resetting the entire w/d but it will set u back some

why would u jump off at 3mgs? thats still a big dose... best way to get off subs is to taper down to like less than .5 of a mg, trust me I've gotten of suboxone maintenance twice before.
I was down to 4mgs and then i was on 3mgs for one week, now I plan on taking 2mgs for this week. Today's my first day on the 2's and the withdrawals didn't hit me until two days ago so I'm sure I'm in for a bunch of shit this week. Then hopefully once I'm done with this week I can get on 1mg.. Then stop completely? I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, plus I'm running low on my script. I have three 8mg strips left cause my sub clinic kicked me out for having benzos show up in my test..
I'm a little over three months off heroin, I was doing 80 bags a day and the withdrawal was god awful.. It can't get that bad right? And how long should my withdrawal last?
I'm new to this btw and don't know how to make my own blog. Just need advice please. Thanks!
The hot and colds are my worst symptom so far.
I just wanna get through this detox asap.
with what limited supply of subs you have left, yes you are tapering down correctly. The best way would be to taper even slower... dropping half a mg every other week or so but that is not your case.. I did that and had little w/ds it was very easy.

they key to getting off subs is to taper as slow as you possibly can and most importantly when you get down to 1mg.. DO NOT JUMP OFF

taper down to half a mg, and then half of a half of an mg and so on until the piece is so small its basically a placebo effect you get what I'm saying?
Hope this helps anyone currently tapering....
I am tapering on subs now, have been for awhile. I currently take the 2mg strips. Was on 8mg n have now made it to taking 3/8 off of 1 mg ....I fold strips in half & then fold the halfs into 8ths....ill cut 8th off one day n take take reg dose the next day, then I'll do the 8th less dose n then reg the next day then 8th less dose. ill do that about a week until that 8th less is now my reg dose. I will then repeat . Hope this helps some...the way my doc recommended to me by half or 1mgs kept giving me w/ds