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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Adderall / 250 mg) - Inexperienced - First Time Recreational Amphetamine Experience


Feb 28, 2014
Date: 12/29/2014 5:00 PM - 12/30/2014 8:00 AM
Began at around 4:30 - 5:00 PM on Sunday, started with a high dose for work, highest dose taken at once, 40 mg of IR, and since I had a very low tolerance at the time, it gave me a very nice euphoric rush, though not all that strong, and certainly nowhere near overpowering. As a result of the amphetamines I found myself in the "zone" so to speak, simply put everything I did was both effortless and fun, no matter how tedious, my alertness, awareness and reaction speed all seemed to be tremendously improved, night vision and eye sight slightly improved. At this dose level I noticed for the first time an apparent "body high" which is very difficult to describe, but simply put I could feel my brain tingling, in a very pleasurable way, almost as if someone were massaging my head, it made me extraordinarily relaxed and was very enjoyable, along with the "brain tingle" there also was a definite tingling of my extremities, and throughout my whole body, once again very pleasurable though not uncomfortable in the least bit. At this level I found my social anxiety to be very nearly nonexistent, my mood was total happiness, and my mind was completely free of all worries, something I don't think I have ever experienced. I found the higher doses to be very calming and relaxing, and I liked the fact that it really made me just love everybody around me as though they were all my best friends. There was a definite perception of time shift which I noticed as well, the entire night seemed to fly by at light speed. Pupil dilation did become somewhat noticeable during the peak of the biggest dose, though it was still very little difference in size. After the last dose I began to notice my muscles starting to cramp so I took that as the sign to call it. Final thoughts are that this dose was just about perfect for work, and felt like it made me much more focused than a 10 mg does.

Later on as the 40 mg dose was starting to wear off, I noticed a new and particularly concerning phenomenon, an intense desire to both get even more sped up and to extend the feeling for as long as possible. Though I do believe 100% that I can control that desire, I nonetheless found it to difficult to fight the desire, and from there on I went on a speed binge. Eventually, I just kept taking more adderalls until I started to notice side effects, which was 100 mg.

That night I had more fun that I had even imagined possible in this life, and discovered quite a few things both about the world around me, the people in my life and my own self. It was one of the most pleasurable experiences I have ever had. I found myself totally calm and at complete peace with myself and the world around me. I had a clarity of thought and understanding that I have never had before, it allowed me to consider things I had never even dreamed of, simply amazing.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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I've been telling everybody that higher dosages of Adderall is where the sweet spot lies, but I don't recommend exceeding 250mg or, at most, 400mg for the hard headed tolerants among us. You can expect diminishing returns after 250; it's really a waste of precious drug at that point. A better approach is to smoke some good weed or dabs to potentiate your amp high. However, that's how polysubstance abuse arises.

I took 900mg once over 12 hours, and it was really bad, with tardive dyskinesia and everything. Contrary to what many believe, take enough meth or amp, and you will OD and die.
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I have never tried Adderall want to and im trying to get a script
Damn, 250mg seems like a bit of a high dose for someone with little tolerance. What was the crash like OP? I just know that once when I took 200mg of d,l amphetamine I was tweaked and had a very harsh comedown.
I'm not sure here in europe it's common to start off with 150-200 mg of racemic amphetamine orally.

we put it in a rolling paper and swallow it. It's not considered a hardcore drug like meth is in the states but that's jsut miseducation really.
I'm not sure here in europe it's common to start off with 150-200 mg of racemic amphetamine orally.

we put it in a rolling paper and swallow it. It's not considered a hardcore drug like meth is in the states but that's jsut miseducation really.
Well, first of all the average european speed has an (racemic-)amphetamine amount of about 10-30% .
Also dextromethamphetamine(which is chrystal meth) is actually _a lot_ more addictive than “normal“ (racemic- or dex-)amphetamine.
This is because a number of reasons. E.g. it is much stronger, it hits faster, it has a higher ratio of dopaminrelease to norepinephrine release, it can be smoked and so on.
I think it has a much higher ratio of serotonin release.

10-30% is way off more like 40-60% the stuff is usually wet with solvents (we call it pasta or paste) , I'm in the netherlands btw and from what I heard the quality of drugs in germany sucks due to you not having big seaports like in the netherlands and belgium.

anyways adderal is racemic amphetamine don't know why we are discussing methamphetamines here.
I'm not sure here in europe it's common to start off with 150-200 mg of racemic amphetamine orally.

we put it in a rolling paper and swallow it. It's not considered a hardcore drug like meth is in the states but that's jsut miseducation really.

150-200mg of ?Racemic? Amphetamine. You mean ?Bombing? Street Speed. What a low ?pussy? dose that is.. half a gram is taking a bit. I just can?t imagine taking a quarter of a gram 250mg and expect a ride. 50mgs and such we are taking medical doses. I am ready to try it this way after getting clean from taking it orally everyday. 7years ago studying it and realise I was doing it wrong I didn?t know you could take it in low doses such as 30mg, my scales won?t weigh less than 250mg. I think I need some different type of scales. Does anyone know what kind of scales I need? I will be capsule up 50mg of Modafinil with 50mg of Phenylpiracetam and 15mg of Ephedrine and a bit 30mg of Amphetamine for exercise and pleasure/depression purposes.
I will be capsule up 50mg of Modafinil with 50mg of Phenylpiracetam and 15mg of Ephedrine and a bit 30mg of Amphetamine for exercise and pleasure/depression purposes.

I just got inspired by this and had an extremely healthy smoothie (kefir, beet, spinach, kale, chaya (local herb), coconut, turmeric and maca- this shit was foul as hell because of the hideous kefir/maca combo) and drank a ton of water and then had 200mg Phenylpiracetam, 50mg modafinil, 50mg ephedra (love this shit with a passion), 1g choline, theanine, fish oil, cordyceps and Lion's Mane. Holy shit I feel so incredibly positive, motivated and focused!!! Absolutely amazing.