Completed Bluelight-Inflexxion survey on the progression of hydrocodone combination product use


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
Have you ever used hydrocodone IR combination products?

The Inflexxion research organisation makes an annual donation to help keep the Bluelight community running. Bluelight and Inflexxion have worked collaboratively on research surveys for 6 years now. We have published a paper together in the peer-reviewed journal Substance Use and Misuse. We review Inflexxion's surveys internally before their launch. We are proud of our ongoing collaboration with Inflexxion and we look forward to another successful survey in 2015.

But, we can only do that if you are prepared to contribute. While this decision should be entirely your own, Bluelight recommends you take the time to consider participating.

COMPLETE SURVEY on the progression of hydrocodone combination product use

This survey is:
- open to all of the Bluelight community, including people who just read our content, regardless of your drug use status
- anonymous - no IP addresses collected, no identifying information asked
- 10-20 minutes long
- approved by a university ethics committee

This survey follows on from last year's survey which was the first Bluelight-Inflexxion survey to inquiry about hydrocodone combination product use. The results of that survey can be found here.

Please do not use your browser’s ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons to move through the survey. Use the ’next’ button at the bottom of the survey page to advance forward in the survey. You will not be able to go back to previous questions.

We welcome comments on any aspects of these survey below. We will ensure that any concerns are brought to the attention of the Inflexxion research team.
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Have used hydrocodone maybe 7-10 times

eadh time being doses 10-22.5mg

you know that feeling when you put on a warm sweatshirt or blanket that's just came out of the dryer? That warm cozy feeling around your body? That's hydros for you. Hydros are personally my favorite because it doesn't have a disorienting head high or as much nausea, like codeine and oxycodone.


opiates of any kind, like hydrocodone, make me feel itchy and worn out. I end up just wanting to just lay somewhere, I'm always scratchung my body and I feel extremely flushed. I do not use hydros that much for that reason.

its also way too addicting, a user can get away with trying it several times. But weeks or months of daily using can lead to a horrible physical addiction. Hydro is just heroin in a pill. I'm gifted with the fact that it's not something I truly enjoy doing a lot. But others would disagree. overall should not be a drug to be messed around with.
I've also heard it described as a feeling of 'cotton wool'.

Let us know if you had any concerns completing the survey @behappystayhappy
Hydrocodone was the first prescription opioid that I ever used, approximately 10 years ago. In the years following my addiction to opiates and opioids progressed all the way up daily heroin use within 4 years of my first hydrocodone use. In the past 5 years I have only used any opiates/opioids a handful of times, but in the 5 preceding years I managed to tear my life apart as a result of them. I returned home from prison two weeks ago today for a simple possession of heroin charge I incurred in 2010 - of which I was initially given probation for that I ended up violating due to a relapse. My most recent use of hydrocodone was in December of last year when I was prescribed 30 7.5mg vicodins during my addiction to IV fentanyl hcl and heroin. I did a cold water extraction to remove the APAP and drank all 225mg of hydrocodone which at that point had little effect on my due to my tremendous tolerance. When I first used hydrocodone a single 7.5mg pill would have me "high" for several hours. I always found the high of hydrocodone inferior to other opiods such as oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, and of course heroin.

I completed the survey, should you require any additional information please feel free to contact me.
Hydrocodone was my 'gateway opioid' and what started as recreational dabbling ended in heroin addiction. That said, hydrocodone also played an invaluable role in my self-managed taper which finally freed me from that hellish dependency. Tried my best to express that dichotomous relationship that I have with hydro in my survey responses, hope it's helpful.

Oh, and I probably left out a good half dozen or so RC psychedelics in whatever 'other' field I tried to list everything I've used in combination with hydro. Hit all the major ones, though, I think. T'was a fun but reckless period in my life, that.
Have used hydrocodone maybe 12-15 times

eadh time being doses 10-50mg

Everytime i take these i get so sick wether it be nasuea i always throw up everytime, or the new thing that happens is everytime i take them i get mouth ulcers they fuck me up good like cant even get off the couch but everytime i get so sick


opiates of any kind, arent really my thing though so idk

i have lots of friends who do them on a refular base but its just not my thing so be carefull bluelighters
Thanks. Yes, I didn't find it to be too arduous.
I wish I could participate, but up north, hydrocodone comes by itself only. :\ =D Although it is rarely used for pain, almost only for painful coughing but it is used for cancer pain, it's just not covered. Those tiny tiny Hycodan 5mg pills have made pneumonia where I felt like I was dying (although it was a small beginning of pneumonia...I wouldn't want to know how bad it can get) much more tolerable (along with the Cefzil and Prednisolone...). Since it's used in bronchitis and pneumonia issues mostly, they assume the person is already consuming Tylenol every 4 hours, I sure did when I got that pneumonia, I had fever from hell.

My opinion that tylenol/hydrocodone is now CII in the US is a complete farce. It's all in reaction to ZoHydro, which, according to BL, nobody effin' uses. I don't even know how Massachusetts can get away with banning an FDA approved medication? ZoHydro is only dangerous in that everybody has to spread the message that you cannot crush the beads and IV hydrocodone. I was foolish enough to IV, with a SteriFilt, 2x5mg extremely tiny white Hycodan pills (they're even smaller than brand name Dilaudid) against all recommendations and it was a letdown, not dangerous since it was only 10mg, but it was less effective than eating 10mg, and thankfully I had antihistamines on hand because the itching, it lasted 4 hours. It's nowhere as dangerous as IV'ing codeine, but yeah, ZoHydro kind of deserves its obscure nature, but Vicodin/Lortabs/Norcos whatever 100 brand names the US has for combo hydrocodone pills. I wonder, is Vicoprofen CII too now?(a way better idea of a combo for pain than a mix with tylenol which is basically just to poison a would-be abuser, especially when it comes to the equivalent of what is often used as a painkiller in Canada, Empracets (Codeine/APAP) 30mg/300mg at least is a sensible ratio, but the tylenol is completely useless. But they're covered, unlike Codeine alone pills.

I hope sensible opiate policies get accepted as much as weed in the US one day. They're already harsh here but would be considered lax in many US states, but it depends on the province here, as what is covered or not is a provincial issue.

One last thought, instead of ZoHydro, the FDA should re-consider Hydromorph Contins like we have here, the most common go-to chronic pain medicine here. At least if a junkie decides to crush the beads and IV abuse them, they're not in danger of death (a bit risky, but with a SteriFilt like we got in our injection kits now, made for injection of pills and other normally uninjectable things like crack, is very close to a micron filter safety wise). The Palladone SR removal due to dose dumping is a myth, or they corrected it here with the HMC's...because eating a HMC and drinking a beer hasn't been known to get people fatally high here. But I doubt it, other than the fact Palladone were fewer and the largest dose was 32mg...I can attest to eating a 30mg before I ever IV'd anything, but due to the prohibitory cost of a 30mg HMC, that didn't last long, drinking 2 cup of wine with it didn't do anything. Although I can attest that having hydromorphone's effects stretched out for 12 hours and actually feel it (without tolerance, I needed a 18mg HMC eaten to really feel more than transient euphoria or painkilling, same is with Dilaudid IR eaten, even 10mg will not be as efficient as Hydrocodone 10mg orally, due to how hydromorphone is destroyed so much by first pass metabolism) is actually very efficient. I wonder why the FDA even bothers with Exalgo...we have something similar here, Jurnista, but it hasn't displaced Hydromorph Contins at all, nevermind it's 24 hours action (supposedly) and it's doses up to 64mg. While Exalgo stops at 32mg (originally at 16 or is it 18mg) and its supposed to be a 24 hour med? Come on. The 8mg ones must be for kids with cancer only, like our HM Contins 3mg and 4.5mg because no grown up adult feels anything from a 3mg HMC, that's guaranteed.

So yes, ZoHydro is a great idea, in a perfect world. I think the best the FDA could do is allow pure Hydrocodone like we have here. It's not even slightly on the radar as when it comes to drugs of abuse this way. Nobody gets their liver eaten away from Hycodan syrup or pills...(I am aware that Hycodan exists in the USA, as the syrup, but it is also a combo med with something related to scopolamine in it to prevent abuse? Might as well script Cophylac Cough Drops (are these available in the US anymore?) Normethadone + 4-hydroxy-ephedrine if you want to scare a would be abuser away.

Anyway rant over, I believe medication should be combo'd rationally, and that it should exist by its own at all times. Like how your Talwin is actually "contaminated" with Naloxone, that was illegal in Canada until they slipped us Suboxone when promised Subutex, the Talwin remains as it was though; for years because it used to be illegal to add a substance to a drug that would harm a user, abuser or not here. Or Suboxone got an exception, I don't know. Alright rant over, 10-4.

Edited to small characters for those interested in the opinions of a foreigner with 2 years and a half of a BSc in Pharmacology who never finished it only.
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I have Chronic Pain I used Vicodin 20 tabs lasting for three-four months. I was hit by a bus 9/1/2004; I was disabled at that time, an easy target for bus 54 After two months of Hospitalization I went home taking Morphine ER 15 MG BID, plus Oxy as needed, I requested Vicodin to replace the Oxy Oxycodone and sexual relations are a terrible combination.

In 2010 doctors at the University of Minnesota Medical Center replaced the Vicodin with Norco 7.5/325, at one point the morphine was increased to 30 mg TID, now it's back to 15 mg BID. I don't have addiction issues. If you're hit by a Bus, which I am not recommending as a way to raise money, Pain will be a major player in your life. A person better get their act together and learn to be responsible or Pain relief will be withdrawn by rightfully uptight doctors. Pain wins then and your life Will be miserable. Doctors are woried about litigation and are reluctant to ever trust you again Medications aren't pleasure toys. Learn to take them correctly. End of Old Guy Responsibility Lecture #419. I'm 70 and will live a much longer happy, but constipated life. such is Life
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I've had it prescribed numerous times, once for an ear infection in Nebraska when I was working there which I thought was odd, I wasn't expecting it, certainly didn't turn it away. I like it, but when I'm done, I'm done. Know your limits, everything in moderation and don't swim right after you eat.

Survey took less than 10 minutes.
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I use that journal often for my Graduate classes, I am glad to help out.
Took 5 min, though it seemed the questions repeated quite a bit.
I did the survey, took me over 30 minutes, but answered every question truthfully.
It should be illegal to put things in meds just to harm a addict a addict gonna get high regardless so the government wants to kill an destroy people's liver I'm a chronic pain patient I have been on basically all the pain meds at one time or another my dr wrote it before my dr retired I was on 140mgs methadone a day plus 90 hydrocodone/Tylenol 10-325 well they were for break thru I got dr to switch me to oxycodone immediate release 30mg 90 a month I was in bad car wreak as a teen then another got my pattela crushed then had open heart surgery cause of pain my habit was out of control cause my pain was out of this world now while I'm looking for new neurologist I got my psychiatrist to write me 60 8mg sublingual twice a day under tounge works on my pain an the benzodiazepine doses I'm on for debilitating anxiety with panic attacks it feels like a full agonist now that I've made the switch from the full agonists was on from pain dr oh the point also was I after the first bottle of hydros I did a CWE after that every month I just didn't take any of the 90 an very much liked the blue oxy 30mg Imm release so much better this was in 2012/13 that was on that oxy dose I would just crush all 3 for the day into one 90mg shot an that's how I jumped to subutex by using short acting opiates to get my tolerance down so by time of dr appt I had been in pain agony an sickness for over 24hours was in full withdrawal so when filled the subutex that time without meds musta dropped my tolerance cause didn't get sick just felt great an pain went from a 10 to tolerable
Hi all,
I am new.....only because of a 15 year old wanting to talk about the DIET PILLS my mother put me on. Bi phetamine T20s. forgive the spelling. Ahh, we are talking about oxycontin, Percoet, endocet, etc. The same Mother, is now on so many opiates, her Drs. won't listen, at 80 years old. 6 10 mg of Endocet daily. She had one simple back surgery and can talk her Drs. into anything. I have had 5 spinal surgeries, 4, three spinal fusions, and a repeat at one site, and since I never, ever want to lose control, and since I am OCD, anxiety and sleep disorder going on.....I do not want life to be a blur, nor something I don't remember. I don't and can't speak for anyone's pain threshold. I would rather be distracted and just thank GOD, I am better off than most.